It is the people calling for forced testing and forced quarantine that are concerning. I’m not the type to let government stick things in my mouth.

But but but wait how are they going to save us all?

Keep in mind that throughout history, people have survived pandemics by having a healthy amount of distrust and skepticism. If you rely on others for your soup, expect to stand in line.
Would you be one who did not survive, based upon the belief that it's a hoax, therefore completely safe and these measures uncalled for? I hope not..
People dying needlessly sucks, because others distrust the government so vehemently.
head energy...wont eat...sweats...unlike anything anyone has ever felt before... :idea::!:
same shit people have been going through .............since LAST YEAR..
.and it's sad no one said anything then.

More concerning is the reports of permanent lung damage in a portion of the survivors. Especially in a house full of kids.
There will always be the naysayers, the foolhardy, the it will never happen to me or mine types...
I wish them luck.
think yer takin nay sayers the wrong way here:roll:
ITS NOT LIKE PEOPLE HAVE A CHOICE IN WHO GETS IT OR NOT No matter what they did or didnt do... Give yer head a good shake dude. No one can say when their time comes!
NO ONE KNOWS SHIT about this deal!!!!!:idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea:

it won't be until it's over?............................. lol over.? .like herpies.................right:wall:
Would you be one who did not survive, based upon the belief that it's a hoax, therefore completely safe and these measures uncalled for? I hope not..
People dying needlessly sucks, because others distrust the government so vehemently.

Nope. We actually do take this seriously. We just live in the same manner our ancestors taught us to. There was no panic buying either. It’s called always being ready, and looking out for your own. Pretty basic tenants of survival.
If you have not been vaccinated, would the government bar you from flying and other things like access to food?
Nope. We actually do take this seriously. We just live in the same manner our ancestors taught us to. There was no panic buying either. It’s called always being ready, and looking out for your own. Pretty basic tenants of survival.
Exactly...there's no reason we can't all do the right thing correctly and succinctly. No need to panic. This has been quite manageable if folks do the basics like Freedom Seed says.
Plenty of time to get the guns out and go all mobbish. Too bad some adults need to be treated like bad kids.
If you have not been vaccinated, would the government bar you from flying and other things like access to food?

Would I care is a more likely question. They are already rationing milk here, while the excess gets dumped on fields. Adapt. Your survival may depend on it.
sure people are ones nay saying that.. I'm not that far from Bobcaygeon...with plenty of dead in the old folks home there...
super sad for us in these parts.... I have become covidloaded(overloaded on covid) and its been difficult to focus on much else...
Exactly...there's no reason we can't all do the right thing correctly and succinctly. No need to panic. This has been quite manageable if folks do the basics like Freedom Seed says.
Plenty of time to get the guns out and go all mobbish. Too bad some adults need to be treated like bad kids.
You guys are all forgetting one basic thing...human fucking nature.
Just as an example...

There are lots of edible plants sprouting right now. “IF” you have the knowledge, go help yourself to some free salad. It’s better than going to the grocery store to buy greens that are always covered in people’s snot, pandemic or not.

Surprising how tasty these wild plants are. It’s because they are full of nutrition unlike the crap in the store.
Just as an example...

There are lots of edible plants sprouting right now. “IF” you have the knowledge, go help yourself to some free salad. It’s better than going to the grocery store to buy greens that are always covered in people’s snot, pandemic or not.

Surprising how tasty these wild plants are. It’s because they are full of nutrition unlike the crap in the store.
We are not to leave our neighborhood and go grazing...sweet if you can
You guys are all forgetting one basic thing...human fucking nature.

I’m not understanding this. Tell me please, what is the basic human nature of all those who have survived previous pandemics? Did they hoard lots of toilet paper?

I do intend to produce some extra food this year to help those who cannot help themselves. It’s going to be needed by the sounds of things.

The edible plants I’m talking about are commonly found in yards and gardens everywhere.
I’m not understanding this. Tell me please, what is the basic human nature of all those who have survived previous pandemics? Did they hoard lots of toilet paper?

I do intend to produce some extra food this year to help those who cannot help themselves. It’s going to be needed by the sounds of things.

The edible plants I’m talking about are commonly found in yards and gardens everywhere.
You can keep the facetious bullshit comments to yourself, or is the discussion over?
You can keep the facetious bullshit comments to yourself, or is the discussion over?
What exactly is your experience with human nature? I have plenty...humans as a race suck. Argue all you want, it is true.
Add the anxiety and stress of this, and even us Canadians can become less than upstanding citizens.
Have you seen the social media posts?
I'm not on social media except here, but my wife is.
Yeah, people take direction well.
You are
Yes I see it all around me.

At the end of any pandemic the only human nature remaining will be that of the survivors.

A “will survive” attitude helps a lot to keep the anxiety and stress down.
Yes I see it all around me.

At the end of any pandemic the only human nature remaining will be that of the survivors.

A “will survive” attitude helps a lot to keep the anxiety and stress down.
My previous employment prepared me for this, got no problem staying home.
I can screen talk with my children and grandbabies...couldn't do that when I served, and could be away for very long periods, maybe a shitty connection phone call once a month.
On the other hand, my Family never had the training I had, never the times away from home in some shithole , being separated from loved ones, the fear they have is immeasurable.
Most people are not hard wired to go long periods under stress. I do have ptsd, but I have learned to control it, for the most part, so I'm gtg to do the Sheepdog thing for my circle, and any potentially at high risk i can if possible.
But to be clear, when/if this goes south...I'm ready.
Geezuz...some of you are thick!
5M people get the seasonal flu worldwide EVERY year, and 650,000 people die from the seasonal flu EVERY year worldwide. Why bring the world to a halt over an illness that is far less deadly?!