Geezuz...some of you are thick!
5M people get the seasonal flu worldwide EVERY year, and 650,000 people die from the seasonal flu EVERY year worldwide. Why bring the world to a halt over an illness that is far less deadly?!
no shit
and obviously......................NOT WELL KNOWN
but friggin SHOULD BE
Geezuz...some of you are thick!
5M people get the seasonal flu worldwide EVERY year, and 650,000 people die from the seasonal flu EVERY year worldwide. Why bring the world to a halt over an illness that is far less deadly?!
Hopefully you and yours never get to find out.
Geezuz...some of you are thick!
5M people get the seasonal flu worldwide EVERY year, and 650,000 people die from the seasonal flu EVERY year worldwide. Why bring the world to a halt over an illness that is far less deadly?!

Oh I get that. There is also a lot of interesting events going on in the world that are getting buried by the C19 media coverage. I’m the type to observe through a clear lens, but act if required.

In any case I’m not going to let someone in my household get the virus when I can easily prevent it with a bit of common sense.
In any case I’m not going to let someone in my household get the virus when I can easily prevent it with a bit of common sense.
for How long?
There is no cure and There isn't going to be!


it's like anything else in this world that MIGHT kill you?.
You do as you do at your best....and it's all you can do.
If this is your ticket? You don't have that choice.:idea:
Keyboard warrior punk kids, who I imagine have contributed fuck all to society, and here's a hint, growing weed ain't one, should really just stick to fortenite.
Ya know...
My previous employment prepared me for this, got no problem staying home.
I can screen talk with my children and grandbabies...couldn't do that when I served, and could be away for very long periods, maybe a shitty connection phone call once a month.
On the other hand, my Family never had the training I had, never the times away from home in some shithole , being separated from loved ones, the fear they have is immeasurable.
Most people are not hard wired to go long periods under stress. I do have ptsd, but I have learned to control it, for the most part, so I'm gtg to do the Sheepdog thing for my circle, and any potentially at high risk i can if possible.
But to be clear, when/if this goes south...I'm ready.

I got respect for that Freddi, it’s pretty much the plan around here but not so much different than the everyday either. If anything just to keep their heads together while the world goes crazy. I do it because I love them.
best two cents yet!
I know, they sound like they do rattling around inside an empty can as they do in your noggin, so I threw them your way.
Shake that empty bucket, let me hear some more conspiracy boy....or is it Boiiiiii......
for How long?
There is no cure and There isn't going to be!


it's like anything else in this world that MIGHT kill you?.
You do as you do at your best....and it's all you can do.
If this is your ticket? You don't have that choice.:idea:

When other pandemics rolled through, not everyone got infected.

The Spanish Flu supposedly still circulates today, in a much milder form. But at the time it was a pandemic, it was deadly.

I just adapt. Work alone, or outside. Treat everything from off the property like it has the plague. It will pass, history shows it.

I do agree about all the dangerous things in the world that can kill us lol. Never stopped me from having any fun along the way, and none of them has got me yet.