
Coronavirus Can Spread In The Air 'Beyond Any Reasonable Doubt,' Over 200 Scientists Tell The World Health Organization
Source: Associated Press

(3 hrs ago). LONDON (AP) — More than 200 scientists have called for the World Health Organization and others to acknowledge that the coronavirus can spread in the air — a change that could alter some of the current measures being taken to stop the pandemic. In a letter published this week in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases, two scientists from Australia and the U.S. wrote that studies have shown “beyond any reasonable doubt that viruses are released during exhalation, talking and coughing in microdroplets small enough to remain aloft in the air.”

That means people in certain indoor conditions could be at greater risk of being infected than was previously thought. The WHO has long maintained that COVID-19 is spread via larger respiratory droplets, most often when people cough or sneeze, that fall to the ground. It has dismissed the possibility of airborne transmission, except for certain high-risk medical procedures, like when patients are first put on breathing machines.

In a statement on Monday, the U.N. health agency said it was aware of the article and was reviewing it with technical experts. WHO has been criticized in recent weeks and months for its seeming divergence from the scientific community. The organization for months declined to recommend mask-wearing, partly out of supply concerns and has also continued to describe the transmission of COVID-19 from people without symptoms as “rare.”

The letter was endorsed by 239 scientists from a variety of fields. It stated that the issue of whether or not COVID-19 was airborne was of “heightened significance” as many countries stop restrictive lockdown measures. The authors cited previous studies suggesting that germs closely related to the new virus were spread via airborne transmission. They said “there is every reason to expect” that the coronavirus behaves similarly...

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*FULL TITLE: "Coronavirus can spread in the air ‘beyond any reasonable doubt,’ over 200 scientists tell the World Health Organization."

- Also: "239 Scientists: Health Experts Must Focus On Aerosols, Potential Airborne Coronavirus Transmission," CNN, July 6, 2020.
Coronavirus Can Spread In The Air 'Beyond Any Reasonable Doubt,' Over 200 Scientists Tell The World Health Organization
Source: Associated Press

(3 hrs ago). LONDON (AP) — More than 200 scientists have called for the World Health Organization and others to acknowledge that the coronavirus can spread in the air — a change that could alter some of the current measures being taken to stop the pandemic. In a letter published this week in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases, two scientists from Australia and the U.S. wrote that studies have shown “beyond any reasonable doubt that viruses are released during exhalation, talking and coughing in microdroplets small enough to remain aloft in the air.”

That means people in certain indoor conditions could be at greater risk of being infected than was previously thought. The WHO has long maintained that COVID-19 is spread via larger respiratory droplets, most often when people cough or sneeze, that fall to the ground. It has dismissed the possibility of airborne transmission, except for certain high-risk medical procedures, like when patients are first put on breathing machines.

In a statement on Monday, the U.N. health agency said it was aware of the article and was reviewing it with technical experts. WHO has been criticized in recent weeks and months for its seeming divergence from the scientific community. The organization for months declined to recommend mask-wearing, partly out of supply concerns and has also continued to describe the transmission of COVID-19 from people without symptoms as “rare.”

The letter was endorsed by 239 scientists from a variety of fields. It stated that the issue of whether or not COVID-19 was airborne was of “heightened significance” as many countries stop restrictive lockdown measures. The authors cited previous studies suggesting that germs closely related to the new virus were spread via airborne transmission. They said “there is every reason to expect” that the coronavirus behaves similarly...

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*FULL TITLE: "Coronavirus can spread in the air ‘beyond any reasonable doubt,’ over 200 scientists tell the World Health Organization."

- Also: "239 Scientists: Health Experts Must Focus On Aerosols, Potential Airborne Coronavirus Transmission," CNN, July 6, 2020.
Yes this has been a concern. It's why I wear a reusable 1/2 face respirator with eye protection and hair control whenever I go out and encourage everyone else to do the same.
Florida man, o florida man, no resolve and no ethical core..... But I'm sure you have those death panel guidelines ready and waiting.

Hospitals approaching capacity as Miami closes restaurants
Source: Associated Press

Adriana Gomez Licon and Lisa Marie Pane, Associated Press
Updated 10:28 pm CDT, Monday, July 6, 2020

MIAMI (AP) — Hospitals rapidly approached capacity across the Sunbelt, and the Miami area closed indoor dining at restaurants and gyms again because of the surging coronavirus Monday, as the U.S. emerged from a Fourth of July weekend of picnics, pool parties and beach outings that health officials fear could fuel the rapidly worsening outbreak.

The seesaw effect — restrictions lifted, then reimposed — has been seen around the country in recent weeks and is expected again after a holiday that saw crowds of people celebrating, many without masks.

“We were concerned before the weekend and remain concerned post-holiday, as anecdotal stories and observed behavior indicate that many continue to disregard important protective guidance,” said Heather Woolwine, a spokeswoman for the Medical University of South Carolina.

Confirmed cases are on the rise in 41 out of 50 states plus the District of Columbia, and the percentage of tests coming back positive for the virus is increasing in 39 states.

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Florida man, o florida man, no resolve and no ethical core..... But I'm sure you have those death panel guidelines ready and waiting.

Hospitals approaching capacity as Miami closes restaurants
Source: Associated Press

Adriana Gomez Licon and Lisa Marie Pane, Associated Press
Updated 10:28 pm CDT, Monday, July 6, 2020

MIAMI (AP) — Hospitals rapidly approached capacity across the Sunbelt, and the Miami area closed indoor dining at restaurants and gyms again because of the surging coronavirus Monday, as the U.S. emerged from a Fourth of July weekend of picnics, pool parties and beach outings that health officials fear could fuel the rapidly worsening outbreak.

The seesaw effect — restrictions lifted, then reimposed — has been seen around the country in recent weeks and is expected again after a holiday that saw crowds of people celebrating, many without masks.

“We were concerned before the weekend and remain concerned post-holiday, as anecdotal stories and observed behavior indicate that many continue to disregard important protective guidance,” said Heather Woolwine, a spokeswoman for the Medical University of South Carolina.

Confirmed cases are on the rise in 41 out of 50 states plus the District of Columbia, and the percentage of tests coming back positive for the virus is increasing in 39 states.

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I believe recency bias is a product of short term thinking, poor impulse control and/or poor education. Without the ability to stay a course based on scientific based protocols, especially when they diverge from a person's experience, is how we end up with fewer, but better, inhabitants of planet earth. Self-selection is one of the more useful Darwinian concepts ;)

Good post, thanks Greg.
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"The White House has officially withdrawn the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO), a senior administration official confirmed Tuesday, breaking ties with a global public health body in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic.
The U.S. withdrawal is effective as of Monday and has been submitted to the United Nations secretary-general, the official said.
Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, tweeted that the administration informed Congress of the withdrawal.
"To call Trump’s response to COVID chaotic & incoherent doesn't do it justice. This won't protect American lives or interests — it leaves Americans sick & America alone," the senator tweeted."

The constant line of worthless crap on Talk Radio and Fux News, Newsnax etc and “think tanks” funded by a few billionaires has fucked up the thinking of millions of Americans, especially reletively less educated white males.
I mean honestly think there's just too many humans on earth and virus are just natural population controllers. Just all part of life.
I don't see any cause/effect there, could be said of other diseases like Rabies, Yellow Fever , Polio, Strept infections etc. The trumpvirus is also killing far less people where the leadership hasn’t been so totally and bizarrely incompetent and unwilling to take hard measures to protect their citizens.