Genetic Geek
Active Member
i agree. just like there are great tenants and some that destroy their rental units.
The crazy thing is all of what I seen from slum lords was all low income government housing. Not privately owned.
i agree. just like there are great tenants and some that destroy their rental units.
That's sad to hear honestly worked hard and saves up just to have this happen smh. Best wishes to your friend hope it turns around for him there is crappy people in the world.I walked through a friends rental awhile back while helping him with some repairs. This was before covid. Really nice guy. He worked with the deadbeat tenants for over a year before he finally had to have them evicted for non payment of rent. Before they left they did a number on his property. Stopped garbage service so they didn't have to pay so there was months worth of nasty trash piled in the backyard, holes in the wall, knobs busted off cupboards, all kinds of crap. I don't know how much the final total was to get the house ready to rent again but it was close to $20,000. And the deadbeat couple that didn't pay their rent were both driving brand new cars that cost $40,000+ each. Much nicer than what my friend drives. My friend drives a late model used vehicle. He worked hard all his life for everything he has. The money he had to use to repair his property should have gone to his children's college fund.
That's sad to hear honestly worked hard and saves up just to have this happen smh. Best wishes to your friend hope it turns around for him there is crappy people in the world.
I got to disagree with your conclusion man.Oh he's doing fine. Worked hard and saved all his life like many of us. It cost him a lot of money but nothing that's going to bankrupt him. Has new tenants that pay the rent on time. He's much more careful screening renters and will no longer try and work with his tenants when they fall behind in rent. If they get behind in the rent he'll start eviction proceedings immediately. It was basically an expensive lesson.
What really irks me is that so many people that are now in a bind have just squandered their money. They lived paycheck to paycheck but still had the money to buy the latest Iphone or hang out at a brewpub drinking $6 - $7 pints and eating out all the time. Never a thought about saving anything and always living outside of their means. Some of us while able to afford luxuries choose to not spend money on things we don't need. I'm still using a 4 year old Galaxy S7 and drive 6 year old car that is paid in full. I could go out and have all the latest and greatest but I don't see the need. Too many people just don't prioritize properly and when something like covid comes along and shuts things down they're left standing there with their hand out blaming everyone but themselves for their predicament.
As for the stimulus payments. I don't really have a problem with them but I wish there was a way to make sure that they went to food, rent, and other bills. Just giving people cash leads to poor decision making as many use it for what they want and not what they need.
And those very same people will tell others that he was a slum lord.I walked through a friends rental awhile back while helping him with some repairs. This was before covid. Really nice guy. He worked with the deadbeat tenants for over a year before he finally had to have them evicted for non payment of rent. Before they left they did a number on his property. Stopped garbage service so they didn't have to pay so there was months worth of nasty trash piled in the backyard, holes in the wall, knobs busted off cupboards, all kinds of crap. I don't know how much the final total was to get the house ready to rent again but it was close to $20,000. And the deadbeat couple that didn't pay their rent were both driving brand new cars that cost $40,000+ each. Much nicer than what my friend drives. My friend drives a late model used vehicle. He worked hard all his life for everything he has. The money he had to use to repair his property should have gone to his children's college fund.
I would not let it get you too worked up about how others spend the money they get. Because it all winds up circulating the local economy one way or the other.
Yeah you can't ship eliquid nicotine vape juice through USPS anymore. I got an email from a vendor in California (TBD liquids), that's how I know. I used to vape and that's where I've ordered from before and still get occasional email
They can still ship through UPS or FEDEX though
Kind of weird to put something like that in a Covid-19 stimulus bill, but either way I don't give a shit, I don't vape anyway
*edit - FEDEX won't ship vape products anymore apparently
Well, it should be a felony to steal people's shit. Grow up and get a job and pay for shit. Poor baby can't steal his UFC. FFS.
And those very same people will tell others that he was a slum lord.
Also a lot of what people don't understand is that the rent controlled government housing is sometimes nearly impossible to fix the things you want to fix because the rents are so low. I bought a distressed property that had a depleted reserve, decades of neglect and horrible tenants. It will take 5 years minimal to get it to where it needs to be and before I can start to see any profit. During those years I am sure all those tenants are going to call me a slum lord. These same tenants will throw old dirty mattresses out all the time (cost me $50 to get rid of them) and punch holes in their walls to prove to their white trash baby momma how tough they are. 8k turns because they are trash but they will call me a slum lord because their working fridge is old. If I only placed people who I knew were going to be good tenants it would be a lot easier, but guess what, the law says I have to rent to people who I know will trash the place because they are qualified and if I don't they can sue me.
I got to disagree with your conclusion man.
If they are going out to eat like you say, that is money going to food and to that businesses wages and rents. If they are buying shit from stores that you say, that is money going into those businesses too.
And if those renters didn't get those payments, it is not like they would have been paying rent anyway right, so those landlords would still have been screwed.
I am on the side of all American people, and do with we had a fully functional federal government right now to get us through this, but unfortunately we have a shit show that is looking like it may not get better until next year.
I would not let it get you too worked up about how others spend the money they get. Because it all winds up circulating the local economy one way or the other.
Dude, this is my business, I know. And I know tenants are full of shit. Had one slip and fall this last storm. Called the police, gonna sue me. Only problem I have video of her tripping over her dog on walkway shoveled down to bare pavement.Government funding means just that the government will give funds if it be small or large payment to the owners compared to as were a privately owned property will not get any payment or help so I say government housing should be modestly kept. I understand something's take time to be completed but at least make an effort if an effort is made to ensure maintenance is kept I don't think the tenants could say you are a slum lord. Simple effort in progress goes a long way.
What they don't know you have can't be illegal.I take it you missed the part where they wanted to make private ownership of firearms illegal too...
And those very same people will tell others that he was a slum lord.
Also a lot of what people don't understand is that the rent controlled government housing is sometimes nearly impossible to fix the things you want to fix because the rents are so low. I bought a distressed property that had a depleted reserve, decades of neglect and horrible tenants. It will take 5 years minimal to get it to where it needs to be and before I can start to see any profit. During those years I am sure all those tenants are going to call me a slum lord. These same tenants will throw old dirty mattresses out all the time (cost me $50 to get rid of them) and punch holes in their walls to prove to their white trash baby momma how tough they are. 8k turns because they are trash but they will call me a slum lord because their working fridge is old. If I only placed people who I knew were going to be good tenants it would be a lot easier, but guess what, the law says I have to rent to people who I know will trash the place because they are qualified and if I don't they can sue me.
Dude, this is my business, I know. And I know tenants are full of shit. Had one slip and fall this last storm. Called the police, gonna sue me. Only problem I have video of her tripping over her dog on walkway shoveled down to bare pavement.
This made me lol wtf?Stop with the facts.
Yes it's only targeted at streaming services that stream content they are not authorized to stream. Such as movies, sports, television shows, etc... for profit. There is nothing in the language that imposes any penalties for the end user receiving those illegal streams.
I actually don't have any issue with this. It's only for those that are streaming other entities work without permission for profit. The creators of content invest money in that content and they should be compensated by those using that content. It's somewhat similar to shutting down Napster years ago which was decimating the profits of musical artists as people were just downloading their music for free and not purchasing it.
(b) PROHIBITED ACT.—It shall be unlawful to willfully, and for purposes of commercial advantage or private financial gain, offer or provide to the public a digital transmission service that—
(1) is primarily designed or provided for the purpose of publicly performing works protected under title 17 by means of a digital transmission without the authority of the copyright owner or the law;
(2) has no commercially significant purpose or use other than to publicly perform works protected under title 17 by means of a digital transmission without the authority of the copyright owner or the law; or
(3) is intentionally marketed by or at the direction of that person to promote its use in publicly performing works protected under title 17 by means of a digital transmission without the authority of the 19 copyright owner or the law.
all you need to watch is Hamilton making it thru the first turn. race is over after that.
I'm not worked up. I'm annoyed. But what does spending money eating out or buying new phones to support businesses have to do with people spending within their means and saving something for an emergency? I think you're misinterpreting. The point I was trying to make is that many not all people spend their money frivolously and not on what they should. And they don't put in the effort to do what should be done.
I don't know about the entire country but right now in Portland virtually every local news segment has a story about the plight of the renters and how they're suffering after being laid off due to covid. Yet they don't bother to say that there are thousands of unfilled jobs in the area. Supermarkets, UPS, Fedex, Amazon, and many others are all hiring. Jobs starting out at $15 with benefits. Yet instead of going and getting one of those jobs people are doing zoom meetings with a reporter to cry about how they're going to pay their bills and that they're behind in rent.
There is no other conclusion you can come to other than there are a lot of lazy people that would rather sit at home on facebook waiting for another check instead of getting a job. If I was in that position I would have had an application in months ago and would be working today while being up to date on my rent.
'you knew damn well i was a snake when you took me in'
why did you invest in that property?
i've seen what you're talking about and don't envy you. many of those rent control have a narrow qualification process and don't allow felons who are usually the trouble.
do you allow felons?