Covid stimulus, 600 hundred bucks but now it's a felony to download Torrents or stream pirated tv. Oh and vape carts and hardware can't be shipped

They might not allow them but they sneak in because the lease is in their babies mommas name. Bringing their meth and rotten teeth and domestic violence with them.

Can't put the blame on felons. It's like saying everyone in section 8 housing is just trash.
with the $600 checks this past summer, i was making exactly what i was at work and i paid my rent without we're back to $250/weekly and we were subsidized because people can't make rent, car payment many have both. that was three months. in the mean time every penny goes to rent.

now it's 'postponed'. the only thing i was paying and i can't even do that now- rent.

You used that money the way you should have. But there were many people that didn't and haven't paid rent since last spring. They didn't use that $600 for rent they spent it on niceties not necessities.
They might not allow them but they sneak in because the lease is in their babies mommas name. Bringing their meth and rotten teeth and domestic violence with them.

that's where you bring down the ban hammer because the only person allowed in that spot is baby momma person on the lease- throw them the fuck out..hire security to patrol nightly will go a long you have one building? what's your set-up?
I'm not worked up. I'm annoyed. But what does spending money eating out or buying new phones to support businesses have to do with people spending within their means and saving something for an emergency? I think you're misinterpreting. The point I was trying to make is that many not all people spend their money frivolously and not on what they should. And they don't put in the effort to do what should be done.

I don't know about the entire country but right now in Portland virtually every local news segment has a story about the plight of the renters and how they're suffering after being laid off due to covid. Yet they don't bother to say that there are thousands of unfilled jobs in the area. Supermarkets, UPS, Fedex, Amazon, and many others are all hiring. Jobs starting out at $15 with benefits. Yet instead of going and getting one of those jobs people are doing zoom meetings with a reporter to cry about how they're going to pay their bills and that they're behind in rent.

There is no other conclusion you can come to other than there are a lot of lazy people that would rather sit at home on facebook waiting for another check instead of getting a job. If I was in that position I would have had an application in months ago and would be working today while being up to date on my rent.
Living paycheck to paycheck makes saving money pretty hard.

I don't know whats going on there, but here there is still a pandemic. So basically it could be argued you are telling people to go out there and die for someone $15 an hour.
that's where you bring down the ban hammer because the only person allowed in that spot is baby momma person on the lease- throw them the fuck out..hire security to patrol nightly will go a long you have one building? what's your set-up?
Think most places have a set amount of days they can stay in a row before they have to leave if it be 2 days in a row or 2weeks not sure.
Living paycheck to paycheck makes saving money pretty hard.

I don't know whats going on there, but here there is still a pandemic. So basically it could be argued you are telling people to go out there and die for someone $15 an hour.
To all the homeless that don't have mask how are you still alive??
that's where you bring down the ban hammer because the only person allowed in that spot is baby momma person on the lease- throw them the fuck out..hire security to patrol nightly will go a long you have one building? what's your set-up?

I don't have any building. I think you're confusing me with someone else. I do however sympathize with private property landlords that are being forgotten about in all of this. They're not getting any relief in any of these stimulus bills and they're being made out to be the bad guy when all they want is to rent their property to someone that will pay the rent.
I don't have any building. I think you're confusing me with someone else. I do however sympathize with private property landlords that are being forgotten about in all of this. They're not getting any relief in any of these stimulus bills and they're being made out to be the bad guy when all they want is to rent their property to someone that will pay the rent.

All they want is their payment in their service that they have provided.i agree private property owners are getting bent.
You used that money the way you should have. But there were many people that didn't and haven't paid rent since last spring. They didn't use that $600 for rent they spent it on niceties not necessities.

even so it was only three months. the niceties i was able to eek out..i threw caution to the wind and purchased a mattress and bed frame.

i know, i know should've saved that for this time of governmental fvckery but sleeping in a warm bed in cold Colorado has it's appeal..i'm getting older and the floor is cold.
'you knew damn well i was a snake when you took me in'

why did you invest in that property?

i've seen what you're talking about and don't envy you. many of those rent control have a narrow qualification process and don't allow felons who are usually the trouble.

do you allow felons?

Bought the property because in 5 years I'll start making a profit. I could make a profit now but I'm dumping a lot of money into the place to fix it up but it will take a long time and my point is that in the meantime it's still a dump.

Generally speaking I don't rent to violent offenders and other felons if it was something very recent but it's really a case by case thing. We are also working with the State to address this issue. One of the major proposals is to run the back-ground check last instead of first because sometimes a fellow will have 5 years of good landlord references and you would never know that if you just ran the background and called it a day.
overnite security fixes that^.

In most cases anyone can have guest stay the night even for a couple days in a row depending on said lease agreement I have seen some state they can have guest up to a week straight. Then that guest just has to leave for a day and come back. Loop holes in everything sadly.
Bought the property because in 5 years I'll start making a profit. I could make a profit now but I'm dumping a lot of money into the place to fix it up but it will take a long time and my point is that in the meantime it's still a dump.

Generally speaking I don't rent to violent offenders and other felons if it was something very recent but it's really a case by case thing. We are also working with the State to address this issue. One of the major proposals is to run the back-ground check last instead of first because sometimes a fellow will have 5 years of good landlord references and you would never know that if you just ran the background and called it a day.

I like the fairness and honesty.
It can be your business I am just stating what I have seen and experienced first hand as a worker for a government funded housing.

That is crazy man glad you have it on tape. Can you give her the boot?

No, you can't evict somebody for something like that. You would have to prove that she was trying to con you and not just a dumb ass. She did have a real fall, not as hard as she made it sound but a real fall and in her mind she may have thought it was because of snow. Or more likely she thought lets get some money.
I don't have any building. I think you're confusing me with someone else. I do however sympathize with private property landlords that are being forgotten about in all of this. They're not getting any relief in any of these stimulus bills and they're being made out to be the bad guy when all they want is to rent their property to someone that will pay the rent.

There is no bailout for them. The bank isn't going to give them a break simply because their tenants aren't paying.

The other thing people miss is that it costs far more to maintain a building with people in it than it does to maintain one that's vacant. Landlords are getting the double whammy: being forced to pay banks as if nothing is going on while not getting paid any rent from tenants and not being able to evict them and having to still maintain everything as if it's business as usual.
All they want is their payment in their service that they have provided.i agree private property owners are getting bent.

those extra checks were only three months and brought you to $16.25 hourly as if you were still working..a living wage of $15.


we are living on $6.25 hourly with the exception of those 3 months which brought us to $16.25/hourly.

we were stylin' for threee months.

There is no bailout for them. The bank isn't going to give them a break simply because their tenants aren't paying.

The other thing people miss is that it costs far more to maintain a building with people in it than it does to maintain one that's vacant. Landlords are getting the double whammy: being forced to pay banks as if nothing is going on while not getting paid any rent from tenants and not being able to evict them and having to still maintain everything as if it's business as usual.

but aren't corporations people too? no vote? what do you call 'lobby'? churches love their 501(c)(3) status but love to politic too..maybe they should start paying taxes as well, in addition to the 1%?

budget was/is balanced when everyone chips in their fair share. period and fact.
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