Covid vaccine not so safe? Video of nurse passing out.

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I'm wondering this too. I live in the south and very little issue. Must be Arkansas lol
i live in the south, in a tourist area, and people from all over are on both sides, about three quarters of the people that come here wear masks even though it's not mandated here, the other quarter never wore a mask, and got all pissy about it when we did have a mandate...guess who got MUCH better service?...we'd all let the unmasked people wait till everyone wearing a mask was served...then we'd talk to the unmasked people from across the the counter, and deal with them as quickly as possible, usually without a "y'all come back"....then we'd spray everything they touched with lysol...
you think it hurt business? we've been so busy since the pandemic started it's like it never even happened, as far as business is concerned, and the fuckers are still coming nonstop
i live in the south, in a tourist area, and people from all over are on both sides, about three quarters of the people that come here wear masks even though it's not mandated here, the other quarter never wore a mask, and got all pissy about it when we did have a mandate...guess who got MUCH better service?...we'd all let the unmasked people wait till everyone wearing a mask was served...then we'd talk to the unmasked people from across the the counter, and deal with them as quickly as possible, usually without a "y'all come back"....then we'd spray everything they touched with lysol...
you think it hurt business? we've been so busy since the pandemic started it's like it never even happened, as far as business is concerned, and the fuckers are still coming nonstop
Tourist area hmmmm interesting where abouts? What do you do simply curious. Southern tourism I think six flags, Branson or Disney even though Florida is hard to claim lol.
Tourist area hmmmm interesting where abouts? What do you do simply curious. Southern tourism I think six flags, Branson or Disney even though Florida is hard to claim lol.
Gatlinburg, Tn., i did work in a store the apartment owners owned as well, but i quit doing that about 5 years ago, it wasn't the heat, it was the stupidity...most recently i was a prep cook in a restaurant, but that got to me as well, i've just been living off the garden for the last year, but i'm about to go find a part time job, just out of's kind of nice, knowing that i don't NEED a job and if they start to fuck with me i can just wave at them and walk out the door with no real worries
Gatlinburg, Tn., i did work in a store the apartment owners owned as well, but i quit doing that about 5 years ago, it wasn't the heat, it was the stupidity...most recently i was a prep cook in a restaurant, but that got to me as well, i've just been living off the garden for the last year, but i'm about to go find a part time job, just out of's kind of nice, knowing that i don't NEED a job and if they start to fuck with me i can just wave at them and walk out the door with no real worries
I've been to Gatlinburg twice in the last 10months. Literally nobody on that crowded as fuck street or the surrounding area is wearing a mask. You're full of shit. There's more pancake restaurants there than mask wearing people lol. From there to Johnson City no business owner was rude nor did they require a mask...didn't even have to wear one in the post office in Jonesborough when I was mailing a bunch of shit out that wouldn't fit in luggage. Only the tri-cities airport
I've been to Gatlinburg twice in the last 10months. Literally nobody on that crowded as fuck street or the surrounding area is wearing a mask. You're full of shit. There's more pancake restaurants there than mask wearing people lol. From there to Johnson City no business owner was rude nor did they require a mask...didn't even have to wear one in the post office in Jonesborough when I was mailing a bunch of shit out that wouldn't fit in luggage. Only the tri-cities airport
that's now, were you here when we did have a mask mandate? and all the rude rednecks ignored it and got in peoples faces when you said anything about it? were you here when they filled up the whole town at the height of the pandemic and refused to wear masks, so for a while Sevier county had the highest rate of covid in the state? thank you redneck cocksuckers for that. were you here when you could tell who was educated and who was a fuckface thoughtless redneck asshole because of who wore masks without having to be asked, and when they were asked, they either complied willingly, or they would cause scenes about their rights and threaten to "ruin your business, we'll MAGA by shutting you down..." ....were you here for that? because i was...
and i still see a fair number of people wearing mask now...saw several yesterday while i was out at lowes, walmart, and the grocery store...but most of them were locals, desperately trying to avoid the sickness the cheap assholes who come here on vacation bring with them

thanks for coming, just remember to not leave anything behind when you gtfo
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that's now, were you here when we did have a mask mandate? and all the rude rednecks ignored it and got in peoples faces when you said anything about it? were you here when they filled up the whole town at the height of the pandemic and refused to wear masks, so for a while Sevier county had the highest rate of covid in the state? thank you redneck cocksuckers for that. were you here when you could tell who was educated and who was a fuckface thoughtless redneck asshole because of who wore masks without having to be asked, and when they were asked, they either complied willingly, or they would cause scenes about their rights and threaten to "ruin your business, we'll MAGA by shutting you down..." ....were you here for that? because i was...
and i still see a fair number of people wearing mask now...saw several yesterday while i was out at lowes, walmart, and the grocery store...but most of them were locals, desperately trying to avoid the sickness the cheap assholes who come here on vacation bring with them

thanks for coming, just remember to not leave anything behind when you gtfo

I love those Amish shops masks anywhere lol...Gatlinburg is filled to the brim with people of all sorts of colors and creeds, and overheard languages spoken that I have no idea what they were, nobody wearing a damn mask but keep blaming it on the rednecks, sure. 2 months ago I was in San masks there either. Damn rednecks lol

So you went to Lowes, Wal-Mart and the grocery store yesterday...those are all places that can hold a shitton of people, right? And you saw "several" people wearing a mask. Do you know what the definition of several is? I'll help you - being of a number more than two or three but not many. So you saw what, 8? They're really doing their part! I have alot of family in the surrounding area, I was there last Christmas too. No masks then either. Actually been there 3 times just in the past 12months alone - No masks. Just rednecks apparently. I love that community, very nice people, beautiful country. You should move if you hate it so much.
Stairs are the number one killer in the world, should we remove stairs?
Non sequitur. But let's run with it, so you deliberately do a dive down the stairs when ever ya run across a staircase? Or do you hold the rail and take it one step at a time? Being unvaxxed means ya do a tumble on every staircase. So be my guest and dive right down the flight.
Get the vax if you want but it's like trying to patch a bullet wound with a bandaid
Hey I'm getting to be a bigger fan of Darwin with every one of your posts. PS Don't wear a mask either, it happens faster that way. The winners are vaxxed and the losers are not, the vaxx or the axe, plenty of great jobs available these days, for the educated and vaxxed. It's great that the MAGA crowd is solving the issue of high unemployment among black and brown people! You will be replaced alright, keep up the good work of doing yerselves! There are jobs in healthcare, education, trades and the professions for the vaxxed.
I love those Amish shops masks anywhere lol...Gatlinburg is filled to the brim with people of all sorts of colors and creeds, and overheard languages spoken that I have no idea what they were, nobody wearing a damn mask but keep blaming it on the rednecks, sure. 2 months ago I was in San masks there either. Damn rednecks lol

So you went to Lowes, Wal-Mart and the grocery store yesterday...those are all places that can hold a shitton of people, right? And you saw "several" people wearing a mask. Do you know what the definition of several is? I'll help you - being of a number more than two or three but not many. So you saw what, 8? They're really doing their part! I have alot of family in the surrounding area, I was there last Christmas too. No masks then either. Actually been there 3 times just in the past 12months alone - No masks. Just rednecks apparently. I love that community, very nice people, beautiful country. You should move if you hate it so much.
I'm in CO and barely anyone wears one here. At Safeway the other day I saw 1 customer wearing one. The employees are required to by the store. My kids work at Papa Murphy's and they don't have to wear one.

At my son's graduation I only saw a couple people wearing one.

Damn rednecks, lol.
I'm in CO and barely anyone wears one here. At Safeway the other day I saw 1 customer wearing one. The employees are required to by the store. My kids work at Papa Murphy's and they don't have to wear one.

At my son's graduation I only saw a couple people wearing one.

Damn rednecks, lol.
Did you see those pics of those people having a blast at Obama's tent party? None of them appeared to be wearing a mask. Met Gala, no masks there either...except for the servants, of course, can't have those vulgar commoners mouth-breathing around the elites regardless of vax...Martha's Vineyard...what an odd place for a bunch of rednecks....and the Biden's strolling through that Italian joint a few days ago with no masks...guess they're rednecks now too?
The difference being that the people who attended those things were tested before they went if I understand correctly. And I am sure anybody in the presidents circle is being tested daily.
Stairs are the number one killer in the world, should we remove stairs?
Actually yes, barrier free homes are the new norm for homes built for senior citizens and forward thinking people for that very reason, stairs are dangerous. But if you want to stick with this analogy I'll help. Governments have mandated that stairs must have railings for safety. There you go, hope that helps fill the holes in your thinking. Get the jab.
The difference being that the people who attended those things were tested before they went if I understand correctly. And I am sure anybody in the presidents circle is being tested daily.
So how do you determine who has been vaxxed and who hasn't to keep others from treating some like second class citizens when they choose to not wear a mask? How does one determine who is a redneck in that regard? Do we just wait for particular news orgs to say who is good to go and who isn't? Like a big master list from the one entity that says so? The Registry Ministry we could call it. Hmmm...if only there was a way we could make it obvious to everyone though...maybe those who are unvaxxed could be required to wear a headband or like a big yellow U on their clothing? Then you could treat them differently for the common good, you know? Treat them like shit in public, make them wait to be served at a restaurant, oh let's charge them more too!! That would fucking show them! Maybe even give them their own restrooms or something, oh no fuck that, don't even give them access! Sounds very cosmopolitan. So if they were not wearing the big yellow U, then they could go without wearing a mask...would that be cool? But then you would still have to shake them down to see if they just took their U off, you'd have to see if their name was on the Ministry Registry, maybe tie it into IDs (which won't be racist by then somehow) ..and we all know that the Ministry makes zero mistakes so there would never be an error there. Just throwing ideas out, my man. Work with me here.
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it's all good...
keep doing what your doing...i'm sure it'll be fine, by the time the 2024 elections come around, there should be SUBSTANTIALLY less of you to deal with...i encourage you to not get vaccinated
It's cool, brother....maybe after 2024 we can all just mob out and kill everyone who hasn't been vaccinated! We'll round em up in train cars or some shit and take them to big old landfill pits and just burn em to death and give them a proper burial with garbage and bulldozers? Sounds ok to me!

What do we got in the US, about 333,000,000 people? And around 750,000 deaths from covid, right? I'll let you do the math on that so you can really get your blood boiling over these so called "people" and the death they are spreading. But it looks like this super deadly virus just ain't taking them out fast enough, brother! We better round them all up and take care of this ourselves! I'll drive the train and lock the doors, you grab the flame thrower!
We're gonna be on the right side of history, here!!!
Let's come up with a salute!!
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