Craziest Things You've Found In Weed.

Iv never once had anything found in my weed, mind you I seen hairs like human hair or cat or dog hair mixed with large amounts at times,
I was getting 12 pounds sent from bc to Ontario I'd get rid of 4lbs in Ontario and keep it comin east where I'd get rid of the 8 remaining, we had hash, oil, budder and lots of weed to smoke and never came across any shit in our product mind you the product was always high quality grass grown indoors, most bud I had at once tho was 17pounds nd not a thing wrong with it
Found a live snail once. Another time after grinding up some bud and put the weed on the table hundreds of tiny bugs started scattering, gross. This was all like many many years back.
I've found bb's for a pellet rifle in compressed reg. ,hair & also a piece of wat looked to be cooked chicken ... Guess the packers don't get a lunch break !!
ugh gross man lol damn mexicans, i bought weed back in the day off a shady guy that had a potent chemical taste almost like rubbing alcohol
I'm used to picking out bugs large or small, hairs human cat or dog, leaves, fuzzies, etc. I won't willingly or knowingly load/smoke more than a minimal amount of contaminants. But when youre working in your dealers garden and are offered a lit joint, you tend to hit it. Two big hits in, I see a tiny Phillips head screw start to materialize out of the ash.

I don't smoke compressed, ever.
I once found a finger nail in a free pre roll from a club.
The pre roll was bad. It was nothing but leaf and finger nail.

I’ve heard over and over that pre-rolls are bad. They’re always in Raw papers, and I don’t like raw, especially their Hemp papers. They never stay lit
When I was about 17 years old, me and a buddy went in half on a pound, it was some good green, this being early 80s, we got back to his house and started to break it up, and there's 2 glass eyes in it. Took them back to the guy we got it from, and he didn't believe us thought we were trying to get more or something. The smoke was dynamite, and the eyeballs didn't really weigh much, but still, like WTF, really? Who puts glass eyes to up weight?
You probably smoked cecum. It's what rabbits shit out the first time. They then eat it again(the cecum) in order to be able to actually absorb nutrition from what they ate the first time(then they shit it out, for real). Pretty silly... but that's how rabbits roll.
Hah, learned something new at RIU.

“Rabbits excrete cecotropes at night, which is why they're also called "night feces,". Cecotropes are dark, soft and tarry, in contrast with "normal" fecal droppings, which are brown and hard. Most rabbit owners don't see cecotropes, mostly because rabbits "eat them straight from the anus,"”

Old thread but fuck it . I found glitter, p.m. , and a couple live larve the size of huge maggots all in one bud . It was some stupid good bud too . Ashame it was handled so poorly.
I found a cocoon in a oz bag once, bug inside was dead. it was like an inch long beetle.

in '09 I was in Vegas and bought an eighth of "weed" from a guy in front of the Bellagio late one night. it was wrapped in packing tape, but the time I got it peeled apart he was long gone. it was a branch off one of the shrubs along the sidewalk lol. I didn't smoke it, but I was drunk and wanted a puff that night.