Craziest Things You've Found In Weed.

I didn't actually find it. I witnessed it. The most messed up experience related to my smoking history. I went to my best friends for my normal routine. Was met at the door by a man much larger and uglier pointing a sawed off 12. Got inside and was escorted to the back bedroom. He was cutting a bale of Mexi dirt weed. When he broke the third block off a huge tarantula and a few hundred babies came spilling out. Ain't seen anything close in the 20+ years since.

My heart skipped a beat just reading this.. I’ve seen a few tarantulas, but never a mama toting babies. They can have up to something like 1500!o_O
Being the opportunist he is he gathered them up and sold them to the pet shop down the road. Hooked up with the salesgirl. They are still together today. Strange how life works.

Now that’s what I call a hustler :leaf: brilliant, and blessed by karma. Life is truly amazing. You win, best post hands down.
Thank you. Not looking for best post. Just sharing a truth is stranger than fiction incident that is burned into my brain for others to ponder.

Yw! I read them all and trust me.. a tarantula with 100s of babies was the best by far :hump: not to mention storybook ending. Thanks for sharing, def stranger than fiction. My brain will ponder that one for the rest of time.. Lol
I didn't actually find it. I witnessed it. The most messed up experience related to my smoking history. I went to my best friends for my normal routine. Was met at the door by a man much larger and uglier pointing a sawed off 12. Got inside and was escorted to the back bedroom. He was cutting a bale of Mexi dirt weed. When he broke the third block off a huge tarantula and a few hundred babies came spilling out. Ain't seen anything close in the 20+ years since.
Crazy shit!
A desiccated inch long beetle when I got a 1/2 of Mexican brown weed in like 1985. It didn't stop me from smoking it all
Get a decent microscope and just look at the vile,disgusting things that are in your 'smoke'......and thats just what you CAN see....some growers really dont care what chemicals etc they put on their crop because they dont smoke that garbage an alternative,you can grow your own or you can choose to 'just not think about it'....ENJOY!!.....:>)
Take a 'sample bud' from your purchased stash and soak it in distilled water,in a container just large enough to hold the sample.....after a few hours and a small amount of agitation,look at the SURFACE of the water....what do you see?.....:>)
I just got a bag.. Infested with maggot looking insects. It was supposed to be a supply for a while too.. It's in the garage and idk what to do with it all.
Probably nothing you havnt smoked before......have you ever wondered,while you are burning a big hooter and,right in the middle....DA-HAM!!!!...What is that smell/taste?!!!....relax,its only bugs and/or bug shit!!!......ENJOY!!!!!
Spider sacks and baby spiders along with them...the plastic from cans of 6packs...mold that we actually smoked as high school kids n swore it made us higher but I remember it making me sick...mouse poop...I've had the bricks come in compressed tennis ball canisters...perfect 1lb canisters...I wish I had some seeds of some if that brick weed from the 90s
Budworm? Maggots don't eat weed. Keep it cold so they don't transform into next stage. :weed:

Yeah it's snowing right now and it's definitely cold in my garage but problem is I don't think any of this is smokeable. It's a bunch of these fuckers. I'll go out there and take a picture of one but this is what they look like

Edit: second picture is my actual bud. I think they all died and fell to the bottom of the bag, but there's this all over the buds. Either larvae or shit. I can't tell.
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