Creepy Situation With an Older Lady


Active Member

Protect yourself with recordings for when she gets upset - and she will eventually regardless of what you do - you will have proof that you did not sexually assault her.

Remember - all the weed in prison was smuggled in someone's ass.

I carry one with me when I repair things at my apartments or meet a client alone, then up load to my computer. Build a history. Some people are fucking nuts and dollars to donuts a woman hitting on someone half there age has some problems that you're going to have to deal with.

Good luck.


I disagree... A women that is over twice your age hitting on you has some major confidence. If it makes you feel uncomfortable though just tell your boss to deal with it. ITS WHAT THE FUCK THEY GET PAID FOR, to ensure a healthy, safe workplace for their employees. If she keeps bugging you after you tell da man then smack a hoe... who fucking cares, if she hits on you she hits on everyone and asks everyone to come to her hot tub.... well thats from my experiences lolz :)


Well-Known Member
recording someone without giving them prior notice is a no-no in lots of jurisdictions as well.
where i live for audio recordings to even be admissable there has to be a sign saying your being recorded in a high-vis location.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
maybe you should call her on the phone and just explain your not interested. Than she might not come in or at least maybe won't bother you anymore. At least you wouldn't have to embarrass her or yourself in public...maybe.


Well-Known Member
maybe you should call her on the phone and just explain your not interested. Than she might not come in or at least maybe won't bother you anymore. At least you wouldn't have to embarrass her or yourself in public...maybe.
Ore you could lick her brown eye. (The one that stinks, not the one that winks!)


Active Member
I'v been a situation like you, old girlfriends aunt, she was about 40 but it wasn't gonna happen. I interduced her to my friend who likes em' a bit older they still hang out every once in a while. try hooking her up with one of your boys who is down with gray bush


Well-Known Member
Only if she's rich... would I dare poke it.

Honestly though, we're all pretty shallow, seeing as though we'll be that age soon and will have wrinkly penis's and saggy moobs, and if we're married our wives will be the same.

Like my father told me one day, "I'll never stop looking at your mother as I did 30 years ago, she still looks the same to me!"

Gotta remember every older man/woman could've been handsome/sexy devil in their time... you might've even been below their standards!


Well-Known Member
just tell her your married and she will bounce.
56 is wayyyy to old dude. Come on now. Your not diggin for dinos are you?>


Well-Known Member
just tell her your married and she will bounce.
56 is wayyyy to old dude. Come on now. Your not diggin for dinos are you?>
Maybe In Canada that shit will work but these ho's over here in the America don't give a fuck if your married! Especially if she's older. She would probably buy you an 8 ball to come party in the jacuzzi!


Well-Known Member
So what the fuck does she look like!!!
If she's fat thats probably the only way I'd pass lol or if she's wrinkled an got saggy tits.


I dont know man... 56 is pretty old. Is she still decent looking at least? or she looks her age?


Well-Known Member
Just be nice and avoid her advances. Thats the most you can do. Women for some reason don't understand it when a guy doesn't want to fuck them. They think you aren't picking up on the hints. Seriously though a creepy women can be creeper than any creepy man.


there's still a lot of life in 56 ;-)
Oh I totally agree.. but 56 is kinda old for someone who is possibly in their 20's or 30's (not sure how old the OP is).

My mom is 54 and she's full of life and energy.. so I dont mean that 56 is old in general, I meant too old for the OP ;)


Active Member
56 is a bit old, otherwise I'd say go for it! Best I've had is with an older lady (she was 37, or that's what she'd "admit" to me anyways) when I was 18 so don't knock it!

I'd say do some casual flirting with her (you never know, when you're 56 you might be in her shoes trying to pick yourself up some young piece o' A!) but then finish with a "if I didn't have a girlfriend, I'd ask you out in a sec!" so she doesn't feel like she's too old, but also knows you're unavailable