Crisis in the Ukraine

Will there be war?

  • NATO will do nothing

    Votes: 32 80.0%
  • NATO will confront Russia

    Votes: 8 20.0%

  • Total voters
Ok....LMFAO....I fought in the US Army and am quite aware of it's capabilities to take over Europe if we wanted to.....LOL.....You want a copy of my DD214 to prove it as well? 11B Bang Bang Bang.......I was gonna type up a whole bunch a shit before I figured out it's not worth arguing with somebody that's never had to coordinate a Air strike or call in FA and watch the pure beauty of what happen's when a full battery of Howitzer's Fire for effect and rain's nothing but all mighty American Death down ...It's a beautiful thing.And I thought me and you was gonna get to be buddie's

Hey- if you knew what you were talking about, you wouldn't have said the ignorant things you did about the limitations of western air power, especially vs the very enemy they were built to fight.

The truth is that Desert Storm was a fucking mess for our fighting equipment; we designed it to work in eastern Europe, not in the sandy desert!

I'm no fool; multiple family members in relevant departments; Defense, and State.

Multiple other family members have spent their (celebrated) careers designing F-16s and Tomahawk missiles, proud products of General Dynamics.

I know my hardware, and so does Putin. Let's see if Mr Obama has any balls.
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O .....S.T.F.U....Desert Storm shouldn't even count as a war it like saying Grenada is a war .....Do you really think Russia is running around with only cold war era technology?....Like, I said in my IGNORANCE maybe I should have phrased it better? Maybe, I will just say it simpler there is more to fighting a war with Russia then turning a handful of Bomber's loose on them
Highly sophisticated phased array radars do have a snowball's chance of shooting a stealth aircraft WITH ITS BOMB BAY OPEN, and not before. Hint; you're not finding that radar on a thirty year old self propelled anti aircraft batteries!

The first iteration of stealth aircraft are older than most people think; both the Rockwell B-1 And the SR-71 were beneficiaries of stealth technology. 'Older' designs like the F-117 are still amongst the darkest in the business, since the new designs have focused more on performance than outright stealth.

I still put my money on the Su35 vs F35.

Hey- if you knew what you were talking about, you wouldn't have said the ignorant things you did about the limitations of western air power, especially vs the very enemy they were built to fight.

The truth is that Dessert Storm was a fucking Mrs for our fighting equipment; we designed it to work in eastern Europe, not in the desert!

I'm no fool; multiple family members in relevant departments; Defense, and State.

Multiple other family members have spent their (celebrated) careers designing F-16s and Tomahawk missiles, proud products of General Dynamics.

I know my hardware, and so does Putin. Let's see if Mr Obama has any balls.

Western Air power does have some serious limitations. Oh and you are a fool if you "actually" have family working at state/dod
O .....S.T.F.U....Desert Storm shouldn't even count as a war it like saying Grenada is a war .....Do you really think Russia is running around with only cold war era technology?....Like, I said in my IGNORANCE maybe I should have phrased it better? Maybe, I will just say it simpler there is more to fighting a war with Russia then turning a handful of Bomber's loose on them

Agreed- but we don't need to be on the ground; that's Ukraine's job. We just need to level the playing field a bit.

That's a job we CAN- and absolutely should, under our treaty obligations- do very effectively.

In order to assist our ally, we should interdict the armor Russia is sending across the border. With great humility, I ask you; what BETTER force for the job than the USAF?!
I still put my money on the Su35 vs F35.

Western Air power does have some serious limitations. Oh and you are a fool if you "actually" have family working at state/dod

I'll take that bet, call it a meal; Winner gets steak, loser buys and gets... turkey, lol.

Why would that make me a fool? Does the idea that our Federal Government is exactly that- OURS- and is filled with good people who try very hard to do good in the world really escape you?

I know it's easier to sit back and tar the whole lot with the same brush, but that's a completely inaccurate perspective; the LEADERSHIP is corrupt, not so much the human cogs in the machine of governance itself.

And let's be clear; by leadership, I'm not talking about the politicians; I'm talking about their masters, the .01% in this country, the ones who stole our country's wealth and usurped the democratic power of the People.
you put an event organizer "berry" against a former colonel in the kgb "putin" , who did you think was going to win that chess match ?

How do you figure? What do they have that will render our military power impotent?

We spend almost as much per capita (adjusted for inflation, etc) on our military today as we did during the Second World War. The idea that we lack readiness is laughable.

China and Russia are allies, China has hacked nearly every strategic and tactical R&D program the US has been running for a good number of years. This isn't limited to new programs coming out of the military industrial complex but projects going back decades. To put it simply i do not believe there is a capability the US posses that Russia does not know about. They are not the same military who suffered defeat in Chechnya during the '90s.

A key component to warfare is to hide your REAL capability.

While military might is important, so is the will to fight. After more than a decade of war in multiple theaters the west is all but worn (or should i say WAR'n) out.
I'll take that bet, call it a meal; Winner gets steak, loser buys and gets... turkey, lol.

Why would that make me a fool? Does the idea that our Federal Government is exactly that- OURS- and is filled with good people who try very hard to do good in the world really escape you?

I know it's easier to sit back and tar the whole lot with the same brush, but that's a completely inaccurate perspective; the LEADERSHIP is corrupt, not so much the human cogs in the machine of governance itself.

And let's be clear; by leadership, I'm not talking about the politicians; I'm talking about their masters, the .01% in this country, the ones who stole our country's wealth and usurped the democratic power of the People.
Royal air force,French air force .....Not to mention Russia has a Air force....71's are Recon plane's design for high altitude reconnaissance misson's , only the B1 is truly equipped to what your wanting....The reason that they Paint target's for the b1 is because to maintain that stealth with there speed they have to outrun the noise of there Turbine's and @ great speed's too....Most strike's are not carried out with b1's....In fact they would probably use f16/18....MAYBE some a10's....Cobra's ...Whichever Air Force get's turned loose will probably experience ton's of Dog Fight's with Mig's.....Im just sayin....And yes the USAF are very good at what they do
China and Russia are allies, China has hacked nearly every strategic and tactical R&D program the US has been running for a good number of years. This isn't limited to new programs coming out of the military industrial complex but projects going back decades. To put it simply i do not believe there is a capability the US posses that Russia does not know about. They are not the same military who suffered defeat in Chechnya during the '90s.

A key component to warfare is to hide your REAL capability.

While military might is important, so is the will to fight. After more than a decade of war in multiple theaters the west is all but worn (or should i say WAR'n) out.

Again, we won't be putting boots on the ground, just jets in the air- and we certainly aren't too 'tired' for that.

Yes they are the same tanks from Chechnya.

Putin jumped the technical gun; China and Russia may know about our capabilities, but both countries lack the cash to match them.
Again, we won't be putting boots on the ground, just jets in the air- and we certainly aren't too 'tired' for that.

Yes they are the same tanks from Chechnya.

Putin jumped the technical gun; China and Russia may know about our capabilities, but both countries lack the cash to match them.

Um, yeah there WILL be boots on the ground. You think targets paint themselves?
Ukrainian boots, with our laser targeting gear, or more likely calling in GPS coordinates via cellphone.

Not that simple. Way too many variables. This is where tactical air control parties/forward air controllers/joint terminal attack controllers and combat controllers come into play. As much as the president and co say there will be no combat boots on the ground, there must be to effectively conduct warfare.
Royal air force,French air force .....Not to mention Russia has a Air force....71's are Recon plane's design for high altitude reconnaissance misson's , only the B1 is truly equipped to what your wanting....The reason that they Paint target's for the b1 is because to maintain that stealth with there speed they have to outrun the noise of there Turbine's and @ great speed's too....Most strike's are not carried out with b1's....In fact they would probably use f16/18....MAYBE some a10's....Cobra's ...Whichever Air Force get's turned loose will probably experience ton's of Dog Fight's with Mig's.....Im just sayin....And yes the USAF are very good at what they do

Dude. The Cobra has been rusting at National Guard bases for a decade now, lol

Apache Longbow!- and I guess we'll see if the new stealth chopper is ready?

Super Hornets from carriers and F-15e will handle both air to air and air to ground. B2 won't be deployed until we're sure of air superiority- which won't take long. It never does. B1 is a museum queen. There's one in Denver, you should go see it.

F35 and others will handle air combat... the others won't have pilots, so they can turn inside anything with a pilot in it-and if they get shot down, some video game jockey in Utah says, 'damn! Scramble another one for me!'
Not that simple. Way too many variables. This is where tactical air control parties/forward air controllers/joint terminal attack controllers and combat controllers come into play. As much as the president and co say there will be no combat boots on the ground, there must be to effectively conduct warfare.

No, the truly scary thing is that in the Twenty First century, calling in an airstrike is about as difficult as getting someone SWATTED in Queens. Just smile and dial, baby!