Curing, a myth perpetuated by bad growers

I have found the best method for me to be....

1st 3 days temp 60, RH 50
(Goal to get about 65-70% dry)
Drop temp to 50 raise RH to 60,
At about day 9-11 chlorophyll will be fuming from plant, will smell like grass you'll think it's ruined
A goal of 14 total day
(Use more airflow 1st 3 days to help achive 70% dry, not on the plants tho)
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@MuckyDucky each time you post you seem pretty upset. I really dont get this especially since you have said repeatedly, unless I am misunderstanding, that you herb, dried properly, tastes better than the one month? Old "cured" flowers.
@Midwest Weedist you statement has me convinced now. Tee hee.
Look the fact you can go to jail has NOTHING to do with curing. It may mean FOR YOU, growing and storing is a necessary step and maybe a good one. I will do as little srorage as possible. I love the flavors these wonderful flowers give us.
When I lived in NY I didnt cure either....soo. I dont knoww what that means.

So someone else listed tabacco as an example for proof of curing. Doesnt apply, does tabcco contain a load of different terpenes and porential flavors stored within awaiting to be unlocked an set free by high temperature? No not really.
if you want to look at a similar plant with, say similar, if not the same, compounds. Hops.
Lookinto the hops harvesting curing amount of breakdown of compounds in the present of oxygen. Just finished a rather interesting book on Hops and learned the protocol for judging hops is not far off from this wonderous industry.

Dried properly is not a cure. A cure is a minimum of a feew weeks ina jar. Thoughni have heard folks say "its got like a week cure on it..." so for some maybe even a week. When I place flowers ina jar for Storage, when nessisary, never sits more than a few weeks. and it is in no way shape or form better that prejarred.
maybe I should have stated that this is truth as ibhave experience. Though I do not believe for a split second that month old cured herb will be better than a solid dry and moisture content of 50-60% lest than 10days from harvest.

@homebrew420 apologies for the confusion, but when I spoke about curing and the legal repercussions for growing in my area, I was responding to the Alabama grower JointRoller205(I think I got his handle spelled correct). I completely agree that curing has nothing to do with going to jail. Which was the exact point I was attempting to make to joint roller
Joint roller also says "just dry it slow" and how do you do that in arid environments?

That's where jarring comes in for me. My plants hang dry for 3-5 days, get manicured and then into a jar. The jars get burped repeatedly over the course of 2-3 weeks until jar humidity is between 55-60%. That's when I start using it and where I try to keep it.

Does it get more potent? No, I don't think so. Does the smoke get smoother? Definetly. Is the smell better then the first week in jars? Yes. Will it get any better if I leave it in a closed jar for months? I don't know.

I think once its in the 55-60% humidity range, it's good to go and if it doesn't taste and smell good at that point it never will. I believe the slower you can bring it down to this point without having mold set in the better.

I think that is what the OP is saying, that a proper slow dry is all that's needed, not storing for months. Some people call that slow dry a "cure" while OP considers curing to be storage for a long period of time. If that's his stance then I kind of agree, I call the slow/controlled dry the cure stage and jars create a stable environment to dry at a controlled pace.

Commercial growers who sell wet or quick dried bud to get off it fast or do shit like toss it in a paper bag in the closet is why a lot of us grow our own. We got sick of smoking on that bullshit product at unjustifiable prices.
For me, I like to wait at least 4 days before I start smoking it, but I think this is the theme of the thread

After 4 days, if I quick dry [a small bud] the rest of the way, the product will already taste great. Every day, the metabolism of carbs slows down dramatically as the total carbs left drops. This means you get diminishing returns on the days you wait vs how much carbs are burned. Most of the carbs are burned in the first 4 days.

Drying is curing.. period. I sometimes start using my weed after 3 days of drying and usually it taste pretty good if it was cut at the right time and it wasn't over fertilized and covered with brown dead leaves like some I've seen.
So can we all ahree that this "cured" weed is not great after a month? How about 2?
if the answer is yes....then what is the point of a cure? Proper storage is more important it would seem.
anyone use Nitrogen as a storage gas? We may try that at the store and see if it helps or hinders flavor.
So can we all ahree that this "cured" weed is not great after a month? How about 2?
if the answer is yes....then what is the point of a cure? Proper storage is more important it would seem.
anyone use Nitrogen as a storage gas? We may try that at the store and see if it helps or hinders flavor.
I'd be interested to see how nitrogen (Isn't that the same gas chip bags use?) would affect the plant.
homebrew420 - thanks for your input and taking the controversial 'no cure' stance without being too preachy or becoming a dick about it. It seems everyone is trying to remain civil on a very contentious point, and that's good for conversation and exchanging ideas.

It would seem to me that any discussion of drying only vs. curing your buds can only be understood if people are specific about temp/humidity/air flow during their drying process. My understanding from reading posts on RIU people are drying anywhere form 3 days to 1 month+, depending on the grower, product, and drying room RH/Temp. There seems to be consensus that the slower the dry, the better the end product.

So homebrew420, if I understand you correctly, the quality of your end product is a function of the genetics of your plants, proper growing environment, perfect feeding schedule, and an optimal drying process that stabilizes the buds moisture at the level you like. Can you detail your drying process including RH/temps in your drying room? I assume you maintain an 'optimal' drying room environment that doesn't vary to get consistent product, is that true?

Thanks, and once again thanks for the exchange of ideas.
Dude your so wrong on so many levals.

Everyone's predicament is different. You like you weed dry as fuck and harsh? That's your call.

Some of us have to cure because of how arid our drying areas are.

If you can't acknowlege that everyone does things differently as to how well they work for them and their given situation.

To claim that your opinion and stance is the only truth for every grower is ignorant at the very least.

And every professional grower cures their buds lol.

I have smoked my bud this year dry, and I've smoked it cured after three weeks.

Smell is increased and is much less harsh. That's my predicament and that's what worked for me, there is no discrediting that.

So blow it out your arse you single mided fool
So can we all ahree that this "cured" weed is not great after a month? How about 2?
if the answer is yes....then what is the point of a cure? Proper storage is more important it would seem.
anyone use Nitrogen as a storage gas? We may try that at the store and see if it helps or hinders flavor.

Oooooo I like this idea!
Chop and hang the whole plant for a week or two, trim, then store in jars so it doesn't get crispy. For whatever reason this makes my stuff smell amazing, before it even goes in the jar.
Every time I have trimmed and hung branches then tried to "cure", my stuff ends up smelling like b.s.
[QUOE="ErieR33FER, post: 10995226, member: 876812"]Dude your so wrong on so many levals.

Everyone's predicament is different. You like you weed dry as fuck and harsh? That's your call.

Some of us have to cure because of how arid our drying areas are.

If you can't acknowlege that everyone does things differently as to how well they work for them and their given situation.

To claim that your opinion and stance is the only truth for every grower is ignorant at the very least.

And every professional grower cures their buds lol.

I have smoked my bud this year dry, and I've smoked it cured after three weeks.

Smell is increased and is much less harsh. That's my predicament and that's what worked for me, there is no discrediting that.

So blow it out your arse you single mided fool[/QUOTE]
How Is 55-60% dry as fuck. You seem really upset And in fact sounds similar to how I dry.

Here is another question for the cure crowd, how long is it still good? Cured right? So if you left it in a jar sealed, will you be happy with the products within in say 2-3 months? I doubt it.
As for people in humid climates use a dehu. Folks in a arid climate a humidifier. As long as the moisture is the same throughout the flowers the will burn in a "cured" manner.
so many haters on this. Haha I did know that of course starting this.

No hard feelings. And for the record I am not trying to point a finger at folks who cure saying tour bad growers. This is the myth I consistantly hear from people with mediocre herb at best.
just my observations a grower and smoker
homebrew420 - thanks for your input and taking the controversial 'no cure' stance without being too preachy or becoming a dick about it. It seems everyone is trying to remain civil on a very contentious point, and that's good for conversation and exchanging ideas.
I disagree. I think that creating a thread titled
Curing, a myth perpetuated by bad growers
is EXACTLY the behavior I would expect from a preachy dick. As a matter of fact, it would be hard to get more preachy and dickish. He's already stated that the opposing argument is wildly invalid and derogatorily labeled anyone who takes that stance as a bad grower, not to mention the fact that he demands scientific evidence of the contrary point yet presents NO evidence of that kind to back up his own point. What world do you live in where this is ANYTHING other than the definition of being preachy and dickish???
No hard feelings. And for the record I am not trying to point a finger at folks who cure saying tour bad growers. This is the myth I consistantly hear from people with mediocre herb at best.
just my observations a grower and smoker
Despite the spelling errors, you are absolutely pointing the finger at these folks and saying they are bad growers. You did it in your fucking title. You are STILL doing it. Stand behind your stance, don't try to back out of it now that people have been (Rightfully) offended by it.
[QUOE="ErieR33FER, post: 10995226, member: 876812"]Dude your so wrong on so many levals.

Everyone's predicament is different. You like you weed dry as fuck and harsh? That's your call.

Some of us have to cure because of how arid our drying areas are.

If you can't acknowlege that everyone does things differently as to how well they work for them and their given situation.

To claim that your opinion and stance is the only truth for every grower is ignorant at the very least.

And every professional grower cures their buds lol.

I have smoked my bud this year dry, and I've smoked it cured after three weeks.

Smell is increased and is much less harsh. That's my predicament and that's what worked for me, there is no discrediting that.

So blow it out your arse you single mided fool
How Is 55-60% dry as fuck. You seem really upset And in fact sounds similar to how I dry.

Here is another question for the cure crowd, how long is it still good? Cured right? So if you left it in a jar sealed, will you be happy with the products within in say 2-3 months? I doubt it.
As for people in humid climates use a dehu. Folks in a arid climate a humidifier. As long as the moisture is the same throughout the flowers the will burn in a "cured" manner.
so many haters on this. Haha I did know that of course starting this.

No hard feelings. And for the record I am not trying to point a finger at folks who cure saying tour bad growers. This is the myth I consistantly hear from people with mediocre herb at best.
just my observations a grower and smoker[/QUOTE]

you have never done it....yet you doubt it????...typical of folk who tolerate nothing but agreement to their ideas...I'm burnin' last falls crop as we just keeps getting better...its ok to do things your way....but don't disparage another grower for doing things can...but be prepared for the flack...;))

mojo a "bad" grower
I am now a preachy dick. Haha maybe the title was a bit harsh.
look I just came from a home growers cup in denver. Not an ass load of people, 14 samples. All claiming to have a one month, 2 month cure. As if the cure was something to be proud of. There was so little to be proud of..period.
now this is a singular most recent experience with poorly grown and cared for.
what I find funny here is how personal people take this.
@mojoganjaman I of course have tried curing. It is not the curing and storing process that makes your herb as good as it is. And you are really going to try and have us believe your year old flowers are better than fresh properly dried flowers. I dont believe a word of it. Are you vac sealing or nitrogen sealing the flowers? Maybe. That is a mute point if the case.

The cure everyone keeps refereing to, seems so wishy washy.

If your weed got better, after being properly dried to 55-60% moisture content, you did something really wrong. This is from experience, plenty of amateur grows the first year or so. As we ell as plenty of amateur grower friends for the first few years.

In all honesty I knew this would stir some shit. What I am not surprised about is the lack of info people have about what is really going on in a jar. Deterioration of fine cannabis. If you have done a not so great job of growing, sometimes the "cure " hides this fact a tad. It is still not great/good flowers. And I really dont care how many people who have not experienced great flowers decide to chime in and be offended because they cant remember how good the flowers were a year ago..or cant admit they would rather smoke freshly harvest and PROPERLY DRIED flowers.

If you are in the Denver, Colo Springs boulder or NorCO. Bring it. I would love to be proven wrong about this....Dont really believe this will happen though. I am happy to match flower for flower. A put your flowers where your moth is friendly challenge.

Does vac sealing create a "cure"? WHy/why not?

Good luck and great growing everyone. Sorry I can be a preachy dick.