curing = bs imo

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LOL buddy, very helpful post

Clones are selected from (seeds) because of desirable traits (phenotype selection)

seeds can give many undesirable phenotype's

when growing seeds there is more chance some plants will be undesirable in some capacity.

i am fully aware of the info, i was just ragging on ya ;)
you don't notice a difference, oh, other than bringing back smell and making it smoother.. that is a difference imo..
my pot doesn't need a smell brought back, it never loses it

this may be a simplified version of curing... But you are still curing... Right?
correct only burping when I pull out a bud to smoke

So you would rather we return to stone age curing? Where we have no idea of when to stop burping and lose crops to mold?

Good plan.
just make sure it's dry. I bet my buds are better than yours.

you hit the nail on the head bud, i didnt believe it made all that much of a difference either OP until

there is a HUGE difference between cured and uncured, you should really give it a try.
i beg to differ. If you smoke my buds you will think they are fire. One little piece will stink up the whole room. Without any cure.
I bet my buds are better than yours.

This is the problem right here lol

"my bike is better than your bike"
"my dad can beat up your dad"

eventually most folk grow out of this adolescent mind set
if you are happy with your own weed, why would it concern you what other people smoke

if people equally enjoy their weed how do you define what is better ?
When something is burned it gets reduced.. eventually your left with black carbon...this is different than an oxide forming.. when a UV/light absorbing compound oxidizes or degrades (different but basically same effect) it darkens. Its purpose is to absorb light and protect the plant. So it goes dark eventually black unlike tcs wonderful examples ...when I said oxidation I meant both. Good wax will lighten in color if nucleated properly . Thca has a half life of 13 days(under these conditions), how long it takes you to get it to wax and the amount of heat used will drastically effect your product......but vac honestly all the pics you've put up are pretty dark compared to others, I think its your specific process.....I'm sure y'all are tired of me saying this but lower your heat some...but not remove, you do need to keep it right above its melting point, as lighter terps evap the melting point raises and I slowly in very small increments raise the temp to compensate..but I always have wax within a day or 2 so I think your sucking on it too long at too high of a temp....but that's just me.(and Im no wax pro)

When wood is heated anaerobically, it turns black as the water is driven off, leaving charcoal, or carbon, behind. When charcoal burns in air, the carbon combines with oxygen, producing carbon dioxide. But if youve used a charcoal grill,you may have noticed that charcoal turns white as it burns. This white ash is what remains of the non-flammable minerals which were present in the wood to begin with. You don't really notice them until the carbon has burned away. These ashes have a composition which varies according to the kind of wood and the soil in which it grew, and it is this variable composition which marks ash as a mixture rather than a pure substance. Hope that helps with the color of ash confusion

Also you can now laugh in peoples face when they say their ash didn't burn white cause it wasn't flushed properly lol....that white is either potash or sodium carbonate..white stuff is the nutes, flushing didnt do anything.........simply still has moisture in it...comes from a poor cure

Man sometimes I surprise even myself..I should write a book for stoners, I'm slangin gold over here folks

Since I'm bored and on the subject, that anaerobic burning is what causes butane lighters to produce soot or that black stuff if you put the flame under something, propane burns wonderfully clean but as you add carbon it needs more oxygen, as you go up it won't burn properly unless you add an oxidizer.. this is also why BIC lighters are only about 500 degrees instead of 3500 or whatever butane likes to burn at..
(bics design limits oxygen,if you have a torch for dabbing with an adjuster you know what I'm talking about)"

Night and day difference in curing ..
Reduction in Chlorophyll content, doesn't taste like smoking veggies
Reduction in plant starch content,and sugars, creating a smooth smoke that will just expand nicely in your lungs, won't even feel it go down
Reduction in nitrate levels,less carcinogenic, always good right
polycyclic aromatization of terpenoids altering the flavor profile more robust, less perfumey even soapy and stronger
Reduction of and consistent moisture content, even slow burn and no smoldering or black ash unwilling to burn

3weeks or so gives bud good enough to smoke or even sell...I wouldn't go longer than 4 months...once its done its won't alter indefinitely..just like decarbing..

But fresh dryed herb should still be good

Copy paste:D
my pot doesn't need a smell brought back, it never loses it

correct only burping when I pull out a bud to smoke

just make sure it's dry. I bet my buds are better than yours.

i beg to differ. If you smoke my buds you will think they are fire. One little piece will stink up the whole room. Without any cure.

wow, very nice childish responses. i bet your best buds in the word would be the best in the universe if you cured them, then your head could get even bigger.
Sounds like trolling

when folk get something wrong they say "i was just messing with you" (rather than admit they were wrong)

i say, "sure you was" :)

chill out and quit being so defensive or whatever you want to call it, i was just poking fun at the sentence you had written, not being shitty to you at all, it was funny to me. re-read what you wrote and try to get the very simple joke. nothing to do with being right or wrong either.

flamingpie thank you for understanding :)
This is the problem right here lol

"my bike is better than your bike"
"my dad can beat up your dad"

eventually most folk grow out of this adolescent mind set
if you are happy with your own weed, why would it concern you what other people smoke

if people equally enjoy their weed how do you define what is better ?
I was joking, I'm very mature, I'm far from a kid. Lighten up, this is a forum for pot.

i just made the comments because I don't have a problem with lack of smell, taste, or mold. Too bad it's illegal to ship buds. We would select a connesuer send him in your best cured bud, my bud picked off the dry stalk a see if my opinion can hold weight. Of coarse this is illegal and I would never do anything to break the law.
wow, very nice childish responses. i bet your best buds in the word would be the best in the universe if you cured them, then your head could get even bigger.
Yea that was uncalled for and just talking trash because I disagree with you. Harmless fun, but I have to say top notch genetics and a good grow is much more important then a cure I I can tell no difference. Peace!
chill out and quit being so defensive or whatever you want to call it, i was just poking fun at the sentence you had written, not being shitty to you at all, it was funny to me. re-read what you wrote and try to get the very simple joke. nothing to do with being right or wrong either.

flamingpie thank you for understanding :)

You chill out and quit being so defensive
i was just poking fun at you trying to be a smart arse and failing miserably
i was not being shitty to you at all, it was funny for me to watch you attempting to be smart
re-read what you wrote and you will see it was neither witty or funny, it was silly imo

Im sick in bed so visiting parts of the forum I don't venture much. All these posts of complicated processes are making my head hurt. Ive been growing buds a while. Ive cured buds before, and honestly it doesn't make a difference in potency or flavor, or the end result for that matter.

my buds are hung dry and to pick one off the hanging plant or pull one out of the jar a month later makes no difference to me. The only thing I can say is it makes it burn better.

All these special ways and to check the rh and burp x amount of times is probably confusing these newbs.

curing a bud that smells and tastes like hay or grass isn't going to make it dank. I call bs on all the scientific experiments.

Im sure everyone will be upset and try and prove me wrong.

Newbs - chop your plants, hang them dry and put them in a jar. If there too wet, let them dry longer. Its that simple.

My bud taste good fresh off a dry plant, after its been in a jar for a week, same after a month. Concentrate on your grow.
I believe this is 100% possible if:
you dry it in an area where it is about 30-35% RH the first week, and 60-63 % RH the second and on from there weeks... Then, you smoke 62.5% cured bud like the rest of us....
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