curing = bs imo

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Not that anybody gives a shit but here are my observations over many years of growing, drying, and smoking weed. I use a standard7-10 days of air drying, then bottle up and slowly take it down to 62ish%. Lots of exceptions to my generalizations, but generally:

I don't think any dry or cure method increases potency from the time it was harvested. Potency can be degraded, but not improved upon.

Some strains perfectly dried treated just always taste and smell kinda funky, but it can be kick ass weed.

Sample buds cut off a plant and quick dried in a couple hours will get you as high as a full long cure but it is usually harsh and unpleasant tasting.

Buds air dried and jarred, often initially smell grassy in the jar. But smell wonderful once ground up for smoke.

The longer they are jarred up, the better they smell in the jar, and the smoother the smoke gets.

If you take care not to manhandle the buds and treat them gently in the jar, they often do not have that strain's characteristic smell, or a very potent smell. You want to impress someone roll them around a bit and stick them in your pocket in a baggie. Crush some trics and the smell comes out.

I baby my buds and only rate aroma after it's been ground. Mine sometimes smells "just OK" in the jar, but super aromatic the second it is ground.

At about 6 months it's as good as it gets as far as jar smell, smoothness and taste/aroma.

Anyway these are just my general observations.

i like this, but it made me realize I need to grow more weed! Mine will never last six months past harvest! Lol

Just Me
you started a thread about how you think curing is a myth in the harvesting and CURING section!! that hilarious just more misinformation here at RUI
No shit Sherlock. Where else should I post it? In the smoke reports? I was trying to say how all the equipment and misinformation about curing is bullshit. All you need to do is dry your buds and put them in jars. A lot of bright people here I can see. Let me guess, you use hygrometers and dry to exactly 62.54 which takes 103 hours exactly but if you let them go to 60 you minds we'll throw out the crop because it will never have a decent cure. Lol
i've also seen this done with like corn husks.. it wasn't corn husks per se, i don't think, but you get the idea...
the wrapped the bud in the not corn husks corn husks, and buried it in the ground for like a year. think it's some place in africa, but i could be way off base here..

Our neighbours, malawi :) We call em malawi cobs and the weed malawi gold lotsacobs.jpg
It really is some awesome tasting stuff.

Also, if you cure properly you can improve the taste and make the smoke a little more smooth, if it is shit weed it makes no real difference though. My opinion anyway.
Main reason for a proper cure in my opinion? when you go on holiday you get back to jars of bud as opposed to jars of spores.
No shit Sherlock. Where else should I post it? In the smoke reports? I was trying to say how all the equipment and misinformation about curing is bullshit. All you need to do is dry your buds and put them in jars. A lot of bright people here I can see. Let me guess, you use hygrometers and dry to exactly 62.54 which takes 103 hours exactly but if you let them go to 60 you minds we'll throw out the crop because it will never have a decent cure. Lol

what did you expect in response??? curing isnt BS you moron, just because your stoned ass cant tell the diff. between a freshly dried bud and a bud cured for a month doesn't mean i cant!! i guarantee your bud tastes better a month later, you probably dont notice the subtle differences in the bud changing everyday, but despite what you may think it is CURING when you put it in the jar...curing is not BS you're the one spreading misinformation, im looking at blue dragon from a friend it was cured for a couple MONTHS, right next to it is some weed i grew (Just got done drying) and the difference is night and day!! the cured weed looks WAY less green, actually smells like dank weed, gets me way higher so ill draw the conclusion myself, thanks for throwing this thread up to help confuse all the new growers, and no i dont have a hydrometer you douche but i wouldn't mind one to see how my CURE progresses instead of pretending like it doesn't matter
Lol. You guys are great! Name calling and opinions.

Well my opinion stands tall, and you upset, irrational, and calling names sure makes you sound intelligent.

I hope you have a wonderful day miss tobinate. Thanks for your opinion. Lol
Lol. You guys are great! Name calling and opinions.

Well my opinion stands tall, and you upset, irrational, and calling names sure makes you sound intelligent.

I hope you have a wonderful day miss tobinate. Thanks for your opinion. Lol

no SHIT SHERLOCK, life is full of opinions get used to it...i just dont want anyone to mess up their crop because of your crappy(IMO) advice
Exactly what I was about to say. Isn't "hang them dry and put them in a jar. If there too wet, let them dry longer." exactly what curing is?

Yes! That was my point. Re-read my post. Is it curing or just keeping them with a good amount of moisture to be as good later? I just said all this complicated methods are confusing to newbs. I was reading all these dumb questions about how many times to burp the jar and stupid shit like that.. I never once said leaves you buds on a plate. Or let them dry into dust particles. Hang them till they're dry and put them in a jar.

so maybe my title was wrong. Maybe instead of = bs it should say = super easy. And I still stand by my buds taste and smell just as good right off the dry plant.
Lol. You guys are great! Name calling and opinions.

Well my opinion stands tall, and you upset, irrational, and calling names sure makes you sound intelligent.

I hope you have a wonderful day miss tobinate. Thanks for your opinion. Lol

no SHIT SHERLOCK, life is full of opinions get used to it...i just dont want anyone to mess up their crop because of your crappy(IMO) advice
You can't even quote me right, and I doubt my advice would ruin a harvest. Ive had plenty. More than you by looking at things you post. Lol

and you're right, life is full of opinions, this is mine. Thanks again for contributing.
I posted this for the newbs that are confused reading a bunch of bullshit. Thanks for contributing.

im not responding to you trolls anymore.

I convinced myself a long time ago.
I have no problem speaking for everyone when I say this

no one gives a shit about you, your opinions, or your advice.

I love you
You said curing = bullshit and don't expect this kind of response? Who has the real problem?

You do cure it... (dry it and put it in a jar) and maybe it is fact (for you) that you cannot taste the difference between just dried and properly cured bud.

Most of us DO taste/feel a difference once a few weeks of cure is on it so the majority is going to feel your wrong. Don't get all butt-hurt when you make a controversial statement and then a bunch of folks disagree with you.

Your experience growing, smoking, taste-buds or lack thereof does not disprove that curing makes better tasting bud.

For the record... I also dry mine and throw it in the jar. I just let mine sit in the jar for at least two weeks before I burn it because for me, the cure makes all the difference. The fact that a majority of growers feel this way is NOT coincidence..
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You can disagree cordially...
Foul language is the futile minds attempt to express itself forcefully

I disagreed..I felt I presented my points in a manner that wasn't degrading or condescending but simply stated how the processes work, and why I think curing is effective..though I always feel this way and do often get in arguments
You said curing = bullshit and don't expect this kind of response? Who has the real problem?

You do cure it... (dry it and put it in a jar) and maybe it is fact (for you) that you cannot taste the difference between just dried and properly cured bud.

Most of us DO taste/feel a difference once a few weeks of cure is on it so the majority is going to feel your wrong. Don't get all butt-hurt when you make a controversial statement and then a bunch of folks disagree with you.

Your experience growing, smoking, taste-buds or lack thereof does not disprove that curing makes better tasting bud.

For the record... I also dry mine and throw it in the jar. I just let mine sit in the jar for at least two weeks before I burn it because for me, the cure makes all the difference. The fact that a majority of growers feel this way is NOT coincidence..
Your method sounds similar to mine, and I am not butt hurt at all. I like to debate and have no problem respecting another persons opinion. I even said in an earlier post, maybe I should have said curing = super simple. I guess the processes which are told around here are to me, bullshit. The same results can be had by doing as I advised.

The fact that people are upset with my posts, angry, calling names, purposly trolling to try and get a reaction out of me all because of my opinion, or the title of the thread with out even reading it. No one is butt hurt here except the few that are down right angry, which is not me buddy. To agree to disagree isnt a statment around here I guess.

I have danker cuts than most of these guys posting, I have read their posts and see they lack knowledge and experience. And thats fine. You dont have to do what I say, move on now. Go troll another thread.

All these guys with the crazy curing processes, I dont go on their thread and troll. I made my own. Its like grade school around here. Its sad that people cant have a different opinion than the norm.

Maybe 15 years or so I grew a plant that once smelled like hay or grass, but no where near recently. Thats because my strains, my room, my feed is on point. Curing isnt going to make bad buds good. Concentrate on the grow, not the cure. You have to put good buds in the jar, to take good buds out.
You can disagree cordially...
Foul language is the futile minds attempt to express itself forcefully

I disagreed..I felt I presented my points in a manner that wasn't degrading or condescending but simply stated how the processes work, and why I think curing is effective..though I always feel this way and do often get in arguments
Thank you for bring some logic back. I respect that a lot.
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