Sorry folks time is flying and I am trying to do so much so little time so much to do...
Update I did manage to convert what had been an 8 site 4 inch aeroponic grower into a 36 site cloner!
Next Pics will show a full cloner! No more waiting so damm long for girls in rapid rooters hanging inside a dome. I am thinking 7, 10 days top with this and we are transplanting for vegging!
Spring update. checking on my apple tree found a web of spider mites in a rolled up leaf. I quickly disposed of them. Then I found these insects on this leaf.
I plucked the leaf off the tree with these insects intact. I then placed them on a board which is part of a raised bed to get a closer look.
They appear to me to be grass hoppers and I hate grass hoppers had to many of them spit on me
as a kid. Retribution Time!
... the grass hopper shall spit at your heel and you shall crush it with your heel...
Back to my 32 gallon tote of a cloning machine with yes count them 36 site... so here are some pictures of the pump and pluming.
8 gallons of water with 4 ounces of Aloe Vera juice...
Here I have 19 of 36 sites with clones the outer edge has G13xAK47, the inside cube is Blue Cheese the inner 4 are from a mom that has out lived her days. Anywise check back in a week to see roots of these hopefully by then have more clones to add to complete system. I am excited I have grow tired of waiting and working hard at getting clones started either in clone dome or individual solo cups. This should help me step up my game to provide a medical co-op clones they need for flowering for medical cannabis. Just doing my part to care for those suffering.
Hey you all, it's been awhile but I've been busy building out a new flowering room 10x5 and I've gotten some new LED lights thanks to some wise advise I took from the LED thread I acquired 4 Onyx bloom LED panels for flowering and they've got top end Cree diodes so I am stoked very!
So here is the link to the build I am doing right now. Sometime later I'll put some pic up on this thread and document my grows once completed but for now. Check out my new flowering room in the make!