Daves Aerogarden grow (with pics).


Active Member
No, Actually. I only have two planted, the ones furthest away on the left and right. I got some more seeds, but I don't know how many can I fit in? Maybe it's too late to add the other seeds? At what hight do I turn it to 12/12 since someone said after 2 weeks, but mine are far away from beeing able to flower :( . I need to go catch some sleep. night...


Well-Known Member
dude put all the seeds you can i there, never kno if you got males or females. and if there bagseed you'll def. not get all females, probably not even half. so try as many as you can fut. and if you plan on not removing the hood then you'll have to start flowering on like week 2.5 -3 but ide buy some new lights or hang the ag lamp higher. but looks good so far. im at day 18 of 12/12 and i wish i had a good camera to show these early trich's. DAMN:hump:i have 6 main colas, we'll see what they produce.


Well-Known Member
does anybody have any info on misting plants? i really kno nothing about it.
what do you mist with, just regular water?
misting schedule?
or if its something you even want to do.


Active Member
I don't know anything about misting weed, but if it's anything like regular flowers, spray bottle with the finest mist you can get and you can do it once a day prefferably before the lights go on, or if not after they go off. If you are lazy once a week is sufficient. Also feel free to spray with as much water as you want to as this also washes the dust off the leaves. No matter what you do you can't hurt them. For this particular type of plant I am not sure what to do once it starts flowering but I believe the same rule applies.


Active Member
And here's my update. Only 3 days after my previous pics were taken, but now under 24 hour lights. I'm using tomato nutes and it seems great. I have also added seeds in two more chambers and I'm hoping to see two more plants soon. The story is that I got those new seeds from friends of mine, and they had them at home for some 15 years now sitting arround. I've put 3 seeds in each pod hoping at least one will spring each place and if they all do I'll have to kill 2 in each. I hope for at least one now as seeds are OLD!!!!


Active Member
does anybody have any info on misting plants? i really kno nothing about it.
what do you mist with, just regular water?
misting schedule?
or if its something you even want to do.
foliar feeding or something, i think you use diluted nutes 10 or 15 % of regular strength ive found it helps, by getting nutes directly to the leaves, but dont do it during flowering someone once told me the buds could get infected with mold when misted offten.

oh by the way the Aerogarden is the best investment. just look at these


Active Member
hey, how tall are your plants? still using the ag lights, I see. How did you fit them under?
I'm getting in a mail in a few days the deluxe lights from AG (my stupid mistake to preorder when I could just make something like that myself for the fraction of the price).


Well-Known Member
yea alaska just has the lights hanging, and im pretty sure hes got some extra lights not pictured.
lastian, that'll be sick if those old seeds pop up.


Well-Known Member
hey, how tall are your plants? still using the ag lights, I see. How did you fit them under?
I'm getting in a mail in a few days the deluxe lights from AG (my stupid mistake to preorder when I could just make something like that myself for the fraction of the price).
My Light upgrade kit just got here for my pro100 and it has three t5 lights that put out a total of 4680 lumins vs the old hood that only put out 2520 lumins with two bulbs. My new Delux garden should be here any day now. I am going to use the old hood from the pro100 and use it for side lighting and add a reflector hood with a 150w CFL with another 2600 lumins on the other side. Between the two aerogardens with the new lighting and the side lighting i will get a total of 14,480 lumins. If Alaskagrown is getting results like that with the old lighting with 2520 lumins and 4' florescent then i should get some pretty awesome results. I am going to be growing in my sm homebox OpenDNS with a 6" duct fan with a charcole filter and some fans. I made a bubbleponic system like the one here SH Hydroponics. I just downloaded the manual that gives you a list of every thing you need and shows you how to do it. You can buy everyting at Lowes for $40. I will use this if they get too big for the aerogardens.


Active Member
Hey, Alaska, just looked throug your pics. You got 6 plants in one aerogarden???
Looked cramped in there. Just curious if you managed to grow them to end or if you had to transplant something away?
Also, when can you start to differentiate between males and females? I looked arround other sites and to put it simple I have to look for little hairs growing or for tiny slits under the leaf stem, but not quite sure when should either become visible?
As for my old seeds, nothing going on yet :(


Active Member
No lastianjc, just 4, i had topped one of them, and made an extra cola looked like 6 plants actually 4.
but not too bad for space, but at the end the roots became so piled up, they were pushing the top.right off the garden ,like.... the lid wouldnt sit right i would have to tilt it back to make the pumps work. you know.. so it would make that conncetion in the back.

check it out!!!!! its finaly dry enough for me to smoke ... yay!!!


Well-Known Member
alaska, what did you get for weight per aerogarden grow? i have 6 main collas, but only 3 plants and 1 of them is tiny, cant even see it in the pics. i topped the plants when they were young so i got double the collas goin on now, im just tryin to figure out a weight range im gonna be in.


Active Member
Anyone knows what's wrong?
My little ones are almost 3 weeks old and they seem OK more or less, other then the slight yellow spots on leaves and now the outer edges of leaves started curling.
Anyone has any ideas? They might be over nourished but before I go thinning the nute solution I'd like someone to confirm this.
Also, maybe it's important, they are on 24 hour lights and have been for almost a week now.
One more thing I am confused about is that one plant is all green, but smaller and barely smelling like weed at all, where the other, larger one is discolored and curling and also has quite a skunky smell. They might even be different strains all together? The both came from a same (larger) bag.
Thanks guys, and sorry Dave if I seem to be overtaking your own space. Maybe I should start my own thread?
How do you guys add thumbnails?