yea ive stared at them for a while tryin to figure out ballpark range of weight.
theres 7 main colas, 2 out of the 7 are the biggest, then theres the 5 secondary colas and alot of little nugz, cant be seen in that pic.
so im hoping the 2 bigger colas weigh in around 6-9 grams each, then the other 5 smaller colas weighing 4-6 each. so thats 32-48 grams.
the small nuggets i have all over the plant seem like they would weigh at least half of the coalas, so say 16-24 grams extra! so then that would be
32+16=48 48+24=72 so we'll see if im right when i finally weigh in ....48-72 grams is what i figured and i know theres no way im gettin 72 so im saying probably somewhere right around 50 grams, which would be fine with me. cant wait man