Decarbing live resin

Hi all

When i get live resin it comes 1g in a small glass jar.
What im wondering is if i can decarb it in the jars it comes in?
Put then in the oven on a baking tray just like i do with weed.

I want to infuse some oil with it for edibles.

Should work alright. Seal the top with tin foil and put it on a cookie sheet on a higher shelf. I used the little oven with glass doors so could watch the little decarb bubbles and turn off the oven when they were slowed down to a few. Then left it in the oven until cool enough to handle.

I have a multimeter with a temperature probe in there and that little oven holds it's temp really well.


Something that works well and is cheap is one of those little electric coffee mug warmers. They get hot enough to decarb oil as I've used one for small batches many times. Every time I see one at a thrift store I'll buy it so have 3 or 4 of them now. No more than $5 and would be worth buying new somewhere. I have one going from as soon as I get up until I go to bed so my bottomless cup of coffee is always hot. :)

You could add some of your carrier oil to the jar and as it warms on the hotplate mix it up good then just let it heat up until it starts making lots of tiny bubbles as the decarb starts. As the action slows down stir it a bit until there's just a few bubbles forming then switch it off and let cool a bit. You might need a cover to keep heat in so a 500ml mason jar will let you see enough to know when the bubbles are starting. I use a laser thermometer to monitor the temp but you can take it off the heat or just set it on the edge a bit so it's not in full contact with the heating surface.

I have a similar but much shorter jar with some live resin and I'm pretty sure the glass is borosilicate, (Pyrex), but it pays to be cautious so I wouldn't pre-heat the hotplate.

Or the oven. Put in the oven cold and once it hits 250F give it up to 45 min to get it decarbed. I do like to be able to watch what's going on so the timing is just right. Getting a diploma in chemistry spoiled me for, Good enuf! lol

I just put it in a small bowl and decarb it in oven like its weed. Then add coconut oil the lecithin is optional but a must for me. To that same bowl just stir it up it will homogenize into one consistancy. Stirred with knife as its sticky and tricky to handle but works just like weed. Great edibles a rush to take.

Can see pics there how I do. I melt the coconut and lecithin to a consistant oil on stove top lowest heat then dump into bowl of resin decarbed and mix it, infuse in oven.

After that it will mix into a homogenized consistancy as the oven melts the clumps of resin into the coconut oil. You can mix it half way through infusing to stimulate the infusion.
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Thank for the info.
All help is greatly appreciated.

Right now i have 5 grams i want to decarb.

So, slightly warm a little oil (1/4 cup) and add a tiny bit of it to the live resin to make it more liquid then dump it all into my pyrex pot. Put the pot in the oven @ 225f for about 30ish minutes, stirring occasionally, and watching for the bubbles.
After its decarbed add that to the rest of the oil i want to infuse.

I do 245f for 40 mins then infuse for 220 for 20mins. Its never failed me from what I understand this process works pretty good. Ive heard of lower temps for longer time, I dont experiment much always so I just stuck to what I was taught. Just needs sufficient heat over a period of time and itll decarb.

Ive heard of people leaving product outside under the sun in tin foil or whatever, for a long period of time. To decarb. Should get ya high lol unless your like me and need lecithin and a strict routene. Nothing else works for me even if I eat the lecithin cannabutter straight, has to be in food.