DEER!! Help! They're eating everything

Last year it was bad with mange around here and we had to put down a bunch of them with it. Game warden gave me permission to shoot any bear that I could positively ID with mange. Think he did it with another guy up the mountain from me too. They culled 27 bears just in my area last summer that were damn near bald from it. This year I have yet to see one with it and I'm hoping it stays that way. The worst time here is early spring, when they're hungry and there's no food for them yet. That's when almost all the problems happen as far as them coming up on the deck and peeking in the window. I have rubber buckshot for the really stubborn ones that won't leave voluntarily and behind that round is a slug just in case they are dangerous. I love watching the babies play and like having them around. You just have to remember that they're around and pay attention to your surroundings outside. Especially at night and really early in the morning.
They get more aggressive around now too. Fattening up for winter. Most are scared of us, but I've dealt with a couple angry males before.
I've done some crop damage shooting here in CT . The farmers pull a permit and the DEP gives them a limit . Anyone the farmer deems appropriate can pull the trigger , once the limit is filled they go through the process again .

I hunt multiple states and regs are all over the place between them . You almost have to be an attorney to understand some of them . I've had Federal fish and game cops who haven't been aware of changes .
I do a decent bit of it too as the disabled hunting group I'm part of gets invited to a lot of farms that have permits. They have a set number of for doe only tags from fish and game and there's no limit for daily harvest. Just a total number they can remove. I prefer doe hunting as I like the meat better.
. It's a great way to stock up the freezer and donate to the food pantry too. It helps the farmers out as they're losing tens of thousands of dollars in damage from over population in VA.
It's better than an espresso for jump starting the old ticker. Getting one that doesn't run and stands up and chuffs at you gets your attention but if you get one that bluff charges up close to you that's really fun.
Ya, I've chased a few out of the garage, and one time one started to leave, then he turned around and thought about charging me and fucking me up. I chucked my fresh beer at him. It hit a tree and made a crash sound and he got scared and left. Another bigger one thought my neighbors big dumpster was his and didn't want to leave, until I shot an automatic AirSoft gun at the metal container and he got scarred. They were doing construction, and some idiot was putting food in it.

That one that was close definitely got my heart pumping. I learned to be more careful, lol.
We currently have 1 nuisance bear, the rest are fine and don't bother anything. We are pretty thick with bears where I'm at.
Same here! A friend who lives about 1/4 mile from me has had 4 different bear on his property this summer, his property shares a property line with our local high school. He hasn’t shot any even though they ripped through 6 or his 10 bee hives.
He has shot a bobcat that has gotten into his chicken enclosure.
Bears IMO , are quite possibly the coolest animals on earth . I took a "stupid" (seemingly) personality test once that told you what animal I'll be reincarnated as and I'll be a bear .

It also gave me a detailed personality description that was right on the money .
I guess I'm a Walrus then. I'll let you guys figure out why. :roll:
I think most states allow the removal of non licensed and unprotected animals that are damaging property.
Anything that requires a sportsman license or is protected will most likely need a nuisance permit for remove from residential property....good luck getting one for cannibis :).
I like the fence energizer idea, I think that has the best chance to really deter the deer.

@PadawanWarrior In MA all animals taken by nuisance permit must be submitted to Enviro Police.
We did a Canadian Goose cull at my golf course and didn't get to make one ounce of jerky :(
I guess that's how they prevent abuse of these permits by people looking to up their yearly bag limit.
Ya, I've chased a few out of the garage, and one time one started to leave, then he turned around and thought about charging me and fucking me up. I chucked my fresh beer at him. It hit a tree and made a crash sound and he got scared and left. Another bigger one thought my neighbors big dumpster was his and didn't want to leave, until I shot an automatic AirSoft gun at the metal container and he got scarred. They were doing construction, and some idiot was putting food in it.

That one that was close definitely got my heart pumping. I learned to be more careful, lol.
My son's old automatic airsoft rifle had driven off more animals than any of my real guns lol. He upgraded it somehow and it's scary fast full auto. If I get stray animals in the yard, it's the go to for clearing them out. A couple in the butt and they won't be back. Too funny about the bear with it though :bigjoint:.Here's some pics of my visitors.
MFDC2620.JPGXmas Bear 2020.JPG
I think most states allow the removal of non licensed and unprotected animals that are damaging property.
Anything that requires a sportsman license or is protected will most likely need a nuisance permit for remove from residential property....good luck getting one for cannibis :).
I like the fence energizer idea, I think that has the best chance to really deter the deer.

@PadawanWarrior In MA all animals taken by nuisance permit must be submitted to Enviro Police.
We did a Canadian Goose cull at my golf course and didn't get to make one ounce of jerky :(
I guess that's how they prevent abuse of these permits by people looking to up their yearly bag limit.
Ya, exactly. At my last house here in CO my neighbors were growing baby Christmas trees and the little kids would shoot at them with one of those cheap ass kids bows. Well one day I saw a deer in my yard with an arrow in it. It was barely in it, but their lungs are right under the skin and the just got a lucky shot. So it fell out in the driveway. I called the the Game Warden and they came out and went looking. He found the arrow. I told him where the deer walked last. He didn't see it the first day. But came back the next and found it.

And ya, that's the rule usually so people don't abuse it. Same with hitting deer with a car. You can't take the meat. They have to dispose of it.
My son's old automatic airsoft rifle had driven off more animals than any of my real guns lol. He upgraded it somehow and it's scary fast full auto. If I get stray animals in the yard, it's the go to for clearing them out. A couple in the butt and they won't be back. Too funny about the bear with it though :bigjoint:.Here's some pics of my visitors.
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Ya, mine's crazy fast and powerful as shit. It can puncture skin easy, lol.
Ya, exactly. At my last house here in CO my neighbors were growing baby Christmas trees and the little kids would shoot at them with one of those cheap ass kids bows. Well one day I saw a deer in my yard with an arrow in it. It was barely in it, but their lungs are right under the skin and the just got a lucky shot. So it fell out in the driveway. I called the the Game Warden and they came out and went looking. He found the arrow. I told him where the deer walked last. He didn't see it the first day. But came back the next and found it.

And ya, that's the rule usually so people don't abuse it. Same with hitting deer with a car. You can't take the meat. They have to dispose of it.

If you hit a deer in CT they give you the option to keep it . If you don't want it they put a red tag on it stating it can't be taken and the highway department picks it up . I and my friends have picked up plenty of road kills , if it's still warm and no rigor mortis it's in the truck....
Here in michigan any problematic animal ever deer can be killed if they are affecting your livestock or feilds like corn or wheat..
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I think most states allow the removal of non licensed and unprotected animals that are damaging property.
Anything that requires a sportsman license or is protected will most likely need a nuisance permit for remove from residential property....good luck getting one for cannibis :).
I like the fence energizer idea, I think that has the best chance to really deter the deer.

@PadawanWarrior In MA all animals taken by nuisance permit must be submitted to Enviro Police.
We did a Canadian Goose cull at my golf course and didn't get to make one ounce of jerky :(
I guess that's how they prevent abuse of these permits by people looking to up their yearly bag limit.
Yep same here, they don't want to incentivise people to kill the animals.
Some places you can go to prison for poaching.
In Oklahome it's OK, I think, to shoot a deer that's doing damage. Last time I had to dress out a deer was the last time, unless I get hungry. I like good beef better but at the price now I may crack out my rifle. I have a life time seior Hunting and fishing licence.

Senior lifetime hunting licence :$5.00, fishing: $5.00. I bought: $10.00. My friends in California about crapped themselfs when I told them.
Also, if no one is aware, you should bait your electric fence to get the bear to smell/lick/bite on it. That's a shock they remember and won't typically mess with it again after that.
Also, if no one is aware, you should bait your electric fence to get the bear to smell/lick/bite on it. That's a shock they remember and won't typically mess with it again after that.

I know bears don't think like people, but if somebody lured my fat ass in with a corn dog and it was electrified, I would spend the rest of my living days figuring out who did it, how they did it, why they didn't it, and I would make their life a living hell.. There would be no cost or time spared. Hahaha