DEER!! Help! They're eating everything

I used to wrap my plants around the sides in chicken wire, and if the deer were bad, I'd secure bird netting over the top. The bird netting is light and soft, but it's usually enough to deter deer. Right now I have my 2 year old Mulberry tree in my front yard wrapped in bird netting-this is the stuff you put over berry bushes to save your crop from birds. Good luck! Deer were always the biggest challenge when I used to grow outdoors, but simple physical barriers work best for them.
Cigarette butts, crotch hairs, fish food flakes, and male deer urine (attractant, don't use repellent!). Stir up in pot with 1 to 1 ratio of water to ingredients, and simmer on low for 5 hours. Apply generously to the bottom of your shoes, and walk the the entire perimeter of the area 7 times.
In Oklahoma, the state wildlife commission can give you a permit to hunt deer, out of season and at night, if you can demonstrate a threat to your agricultural production.
Same here in maine show a warden the damage they write up a permit, The wardens appreciate the call because they know most folks here just shoot with out calling.
So, I have not visited this post since I made it. Lots of good information and lots of bad information. As it turns out it is not a deer at all. I assumed it was because the plants were getting eaten up high but what I found out is it is actually a woodchuck scaling the chicken wire and sitting on top of the fence posts chewing the shit out of my plants. I setup in a place where I could watch and get a clean shot. When I saw the damn thing I put 4 rounds into it. Problem solved. Thank you everyone for your input both good and bad. Unfortunately I lost 3/4 of a beautiful bush of a plant and 1/4 of another one. I had no idea they could climb like that but this one won't climb again.
So, I have not visited this post since I made it. Lots of good information and lots of bad information. As it turns out it is not a deer at all. I assumed it was because the plants were getting eaten up high but what I found out is it is actually a woodchuck scaling the chicken wire and sitting on top of the fence posts chewing the shit out of my plants. I setup in a place where I could watch and get a clean shot. When I saw the damn thing I put 4 rounds into it. Problem solved. Thank you everyone for your input both good and bad. Unfortunately I lost 3/4 of a beautiful bush of a plant and 1/4 of another one. I had no idea they could climb like that but this one won't climb again.
Oooo those things suck. I had to pop one a few weeks ago thay was making his way towards my garden.
So, I have not visited this post since I made it. Lots of good information and lots of bad information. As it turns out it is not a deer at all. I assumed it was because the plants were getting eaten up high but what I found out is it is actually a woodchuck scaling the chicken wire and sitting on top of the fence posts chewing the shit out of my plants. I setup in a place where I could watch and get a clean shot. When I saw the damn thing I put 4 rounds into it. Problem solved. Thank you everyone for your input both good and bad. Unfortunately I lost 3/4 of a beautiful bush of a plant and 1/4 of another one. I had no idea they could climb like that but this one won't climb again.
Woodchuck. Yeah fire his ass up. I do. Deer? Notsamuch. bongsmilie
Having a dog around helps.

A nice pcp rifle never hurts either, even the little .22s hit pretty hard now. Best thing is many municipalities don't ban them in residential areas.


A BB gun works too for deer. I just give a few pumps and shoot them in the backside. I make sure not to hit their face or asshole though, lol. After getting plucked a few different times they move on.
So, I have not visited this post since I made it. Lots of good information and lots of bad information. As it turns out it is not a deer at all. I assumed it was because the plants were getting eaten up high but what I found out is it is actually a woodchuck scaling the chicken wire and sitting on top of the fence posts chewing the shit out of my plants. I setup in a place where I could watch and get a clean shot. When I saw the damn thing I put 4 rounds into it. Problem solved. Thank you everyone for your input both good and bad. Unfortunately I lost 3/4 of a beautiful bush of a plant and 1/4 of another one. I had no idea they could climb like that but this one won't climb again.
I’ve seen them climb 20 feet in pine trees