DEER!! Help! They're eating everything

I agree with you, but when you are a rancher and depend on your alfalfa harvest to get your cattle through the winter, then you have to take measures, same with wolves, Cougar, bear or coyote preying on your livestock!
Now if you are a backyard gardener growing your own stash for the year.. then no, that’s not cool.
im talking about protecting your livelihood.
Fuck ranchers and their cows, sheep and anything else farm or ranch related. Deer, elk, wolves, coyotes, cats and all the other critters were here first, just because someone decides to become a rancher and try to grow and raise shit doesn't give them the right to choose what gets to live and die in my book. Even if you fence your property the critters don't know what the fences mean maybe because their wild animals. All the hay and other feeds the rancher grows is nothing more than a easy meal to them. Poaching animals is a criminal act! Poaching animals that you baited by planting food that is tasty to them is a premeditated criminal act.
Fuck ranchers and their cows, sheep and anything else farm or ranch related. Deer, elk, wolves, coyotes, cats and all the other critters were here first, just because someone decides to become a rancher and try to grow and raise shit doesn't give them the right to choose what gets to live and die in my book. Even if you fence your property the critters don't know what the fences mean maybe because their wild animals. All the hay and other feeds the rancher grows is nothing more than a easy meal to them. Poaching animals is a criminal act! Poaching animals that you baited by planting food that is tasty to them is a premeditated criminal act.
Go hug a tree hippy.
Fuck ranchers and their cows, sheep and anything else farm or ranch related. Deer, elk, wolves, coyotes, cats and all the other critters were here first, just because someone decides to become a rancher and try to grow and raise shit doesn't give them the right to choose what gets to live and die in my book. Even if you fence your property the critters don't know what the fences mean maybe because their wild animals. All the hay and other feeds the rancher grows is nothing more than a easy meal to them. Poaching animals is a criminal act! Poaching animals that you baited by planting food that is tasty to them is a premeditated criminal act.

ok. I hear where you’re coming from! When do you plan on returning your house and property to the native Americans?
ok. I hear where you’re coming from! When do you plan on returning your house and property to the native Americans?
Really? You really think my owning a house (the bank actually) and killing animals are even in the same ballpark as the native Americans getting fucked over by our founding fathers?
I would love to see this guy's property. Squirrel holes in the soffits, mouse droppings in the kid's cereal, cockroaches under the fridge, dust mites in the wife's panty drawer, bed bugs in the baby's crib........ya you wound never want to displace the indigenous fauna.