defoliation? yes/no and techniques


dopedeeii, I would have commended you for not resorting to personal attacks and degradation, but you kind of did. Other than that and the fact that you are at times difficult to follow you have had a decent demeanor, unlike Fresh and Doomsday.

...But dare they say any "science"or proof of anything whatsoever has been laid out before me. And call me a "non-believer"... LOL. That was one of my points, that you can't trust other peoples "personal experimentation". By God, if you guys think I am close minded you have absolutely no idea.

Plus, I am pretty sure we already touched on "personal experimentation" in this thread, as well as confirmation bias. Not that it doesn't help to experiment on a personal level but most people don't know what "experimenting" entails and are not familiar with the scientific method and yes that kind of makes a difference. In order to get results that are valid, and reproducible, all variables must be accounted for that can be (including genetics, lighting)... so, for example, having two groups of clones that must receive virtually equal amounts of everything and be treated exactly the same, but for one single variable.

Sure, on a personal level you do "what works for you", but on here if you want to talk about growing methods and argue against conventional and practical knowledge of plant biology, well sorry, I would expect a more favorable demeanor and something more persuasive, less bashing.

(dopedeeii) That pile of leaves, compared to the number of plants I see in there... really not significant leaf loss. Was it necessary? I am not going to argue that with you. I personally would have opted to leave the fan leaves alone, while trimming the lower branches if necessary (used for clones if possible). From my perspective, the plant will harvest what it needs\can from those leaves (nutrients and assembled organic compounds) and it will begin to detach naturally.

You don't know how many frickin threads I have seen over the years... new growers posting about how they removed most or all of the leaves from their plant to some degree, because the leaves "were blocking the buds" and their friend said or they had read that whatever. Again, I think: why not move the leaf out of the way. Why not use side lighting. Why not use more intense lighting, grow shorter plants, use a trellis, etc.

Say whatever the hell you want about me, but how dare anyone say they have "scientifically proven or planted" anything in this thread. This one fellow doesn't even believe that 'irrelevant' is a word. Inane.


Well-Known Member
Ok nullis ur right that was a small amout with that number of plants and size of said plants (stil defoli)lol didnt think anybody would notice. I only heavily defoliate thru out veg and if i do r dont it all depends on strain lighting availabe and space but in flower im very conservative when defoliating and only with in the first 4 weeks and its good to bounce ideas with like minded ppl so no worries its all good


Lookin good man. I am finally back up and running. Ever since I re-veged this one it's been shooting single blades so I took clones, and all of them rooted. So she got tossed into the flower room on 3/24. Nyc diesel.



Well-Known Member
@doom looking gudd urself there bro, i was thinking about re-vegging after harvest i can imagine the root system but i dnt want to really leave alot of my precious buds to reshoot so right now thats a toss up....but good to see u back

@fresh gudd to see u back to bro and thkz for the love... And i got the zoo bean and so glo freebies all 5 glo's sprouted already no zoo yet been like 6 dayz smh krazy but f it..i really like there site thkz again for the plugView attachment 2631676

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
@doom looking gudd urself there bro, i was thinking about re-vegging after harvest i can imagine the root system but i dnt want to really leave alot of my precious buds to reshoot so right now thats a toss up....but good to see u back

@fresh gudd to see u back to bro and thkz for the love... And i got the zoo bean and so glo freebies all 5 glo's sprouted already no zoo yet been like 6 dayz smh krazy but f it..i really like there site thkz again for the plugView attachment 2631676
nice score, D. plants are looking real good too. i got something to contribute to the thread as well, hope you guys don't mind.

wk 1 of 12/12 and soon to be stripped of all big leaves that's preventing light distribution.
IMG_6144 - Copy.JPGIMG_6154 - Copy.JPGIMG_6166 - Copy.JPGIMG_6173 - Copy.JPGIMG_6180 - Copy.JPGIMG_6190 - Copy.JPG


Well-Known Member
ONLY PULL YELLOW LEAVES Defoliating causes yield to suffer and finsishing time take weeks longer with most strains. Defoliation only works with a few sativa strains. Not all phenos of those strains. That's from my personal experience over many years and strains...

The more leaves the better. If any are in the way, just tuck them under another leaf or branch.


Well-Known Member
The hair on my face keeps me warmer in the winter. Unfortunately it gets in the way, and i look much better without it, so i shave it off.


eff that man... rock the beard. even in the summer i keep the beard rockin hahaha.

ohhh... yeaa.... trim your leaves.


Well-Known Member
you asked way back in time
What do you consider experimenting and for that matter what do you consider 'proven'
well to me sir this is not a colege course - with one outline and one exccepted answer sir
there is hudreds of ways to do each step of this game

and TO ME experimenting = is trying things that you like and heard of and you think it will fit your grow style and setup

and proven = means you you heard of it tried it like the way this one step works and delivers so you are gona stick with it for a while - might be for any reason more economica,faster, better yield, easyer, anything
is deff not proven to sumone else but tried and excepted to you - you and yo set up is da one dat count - Proven to You


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you all have weak ass lights + ventilation if you are worried about mold + penetration.

You like stuffing 6-11 plants in that little space + I'll keep doing 2 plants - 2 lb. @ 1000w vert.
Side + bottom limbs can be almost as big as the top if they get enough light...
Your penetration is weak + ladies love deep penetration.


Well-Known Member
you asked way back in time

well to me sir this is not a colege course - with one outline and one exccepted answer sir
there is hudreds of ways to do each step of this game

and TO ME experimenting = is trying things that you like and heard of and you think it will fit your grow style and setup

and proven = means you you heard of it tried it like the way this one step works and delivers so you are gona stick with it for a while - might be for any reason more economica,faster, better yield, easyer, anything
is deff not proven to sumone else but tried and excepted to you - you and yo set up is da one dat count - Proven to You
Proven Experiment should be a side by side comparison with multiple generations(harvests) + recorded information from each generation(Yields/Flowering Times/etc.)


Well-Known Member
I have two plants of the same strain (from seed, not clones) flowering in my tent. One has noticeably better beds than the other. so I defoliated the other a day or two ago; left the "better" one alone.

Growing sided-by-side, I'm real curious to see how she responds.


you asked way back in time
What do you consider experimenting and for that matter what do you consider 'proven'
well to me sir this is not a colege course - with one outline and one exccepted answer sir
there is hudreds of ways to do each step of this game

and TO ME experimenting = is trying things that you like and heard of and you think it will fit your grow style and setup

and proven = means you you heard of it tried it like the way this one step works and delivers so you are gona stick with it for a while - might be for any reason more economica,faster, better yield, easyer, anything
is deff not proven to sumone else but tried and excepted to you - you and yo set up is da one dat count - Proven to You
No one said it was or that there was any singular right way to grow. There are certainly many different ways to grow, but what you've described is more so personal preference. Personal preference is all good, on a personal level. The problem is once people start talking about their preferences and their personal little tests as if they followed stringent protocols and have actually proven something beyond a reasonable doubt- when they simply haven't.

For example, when testing lighting, plant foods, other products or techniques on plants you really can't just rely on your eyes and memory of what the previous crop was like. Even clones in the same grow room can tend to respond differently for whatever reason, while they are seemingly being treated the same way. And you cannot just blatantly dismiss human tendency towards confirmation bias, especially when you're performing experiments with no controls whatsoever.

You go to try something that you heard of and already favor the idea of... even without realizing it, you're going to tend to selectively gather the information that lends you to believe that it is better this way; whether this is actually the case or not.

I shave my pubes at times. Me and the ladies prefer it that way; it feels better and it tends to make my cock look bigger. Of course I know better than to suppose it actually is. In reality there is no correlation between the size of my penis and the presence of hair around it.


Active Member
No one said it was or that there was any singular right way to grow. There are certainly many different ways to grow, but what you've described is more so personal preference. Personal preference is all good, on a personal level. The problem is once people start talking about their preferences and their personal little tests as if they followed stringent protocols and have actually proven something beyond a reasonable doubt- when they simply haven't.

For example, when testing lighting, plant foods, other products or techniques on plants you really can't just rely on your eyes and memory of what the previous crop was like. Even clones in the same grow room can tend to respond differently for whatever reason, while they are seemingly being treated the same way. And you cannot just blatantly dismiss human tendency towards confirmation bias, especially when you're performing experiments with no controls whatsoever.

You go to try something that you heard of and already favor the idea of... even without realizing it, you're going to tend to selectively gather the information that lends you to believe that it is better this way; whether this is actually the case or not.

I shave my pubes at times. Me and the ladies prefer it that way; it feels better and it tends to make my cock look bigger. Of course I know better than to suppose it actually is. In reality there is no correlation between the size of my penis and the presence of hair around it.

Good point but funny as hell lmao:lol:


Well-Known Member
if you dont thing defoliation works then read this webpage..
you all are just close minded and dont believe it because you have never tried it yourself.
i defoliate and my plant is doing wonderfully.
id post a pic but shes in her dark period and i dont have a camera right now.
click that link and read the page.
maybe it will change your stubborn, closed minds