defoliation? yes/no and techniques


Well-Known Member
defoliating = bigger yields. 3x's more without pruning?! BS
I'm not sure why you would call my increase in yield as BS. Now to be fair, I made other tweaks, but I contribute much of the up-tick in yield to keeping the plant's solar panels intact. I went from just over an ounce per plant to three ounces per plant....and they were shorter plants to boot.

As I said......I've grown both ways and for me my plants are much happier with the leaves they spent so much time on growing....the plants grow these leaves for a reason....who am I to argue?


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure why you would call my increase in yield as BS. Now to be fair, I made other tweaks, but I contribute much of the up-tick in yield to keeping the plant's solar panels intact. I went from just over an ounce per plant to three ounces per plant....and they were shorter plants to boot.

As I said......I've grown both ways and for me my plants are much happier with the leaves they spent so much time on growing....the plants grow these leaves for a reason....who am I to argue?
It's a controversial subject for sure. I've done it all and defoliating yields more in same conditions. Some strains don't respond well to it at all.


Well-Known Member
I just crimp the leaf stem and move it out of the way. I call it leaf supercropping. Im for real. It wprks..

thump easy

Well-Known Member
i personaly deleaf on the way out but you have to add the right stuff to add weight i deleaf in the middle and bottom and top last week the light hits the bottom and in the last 10 flush in areo you bottom layer gets swollen i only leave a foot to a foot and a half nug remember your feeding scedual has to all come together like bud egnighter to promote shoots strip the bottoms off of your plants and leave about a foot and a half of pure nug rearing the end of your flower cycle you should be well aware of your nugs and deleaf and deleaf threw out more air less moister and you have to know what your looking for it will take at least a year of just basic growing before you become familair with your strains at the end you should have something like this new strains 004.jpgit depends realy i work with water so its realy wet in a sealed room over lapping leaves is realy bad they cant breath and wetness is bad it depends on many things including strains and the way you feed i folair also and its a mother fucker but when done right indoor its fucken strait yield all the way down to the bottom.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
its called pre bloom avanced floriculture.. made in austrailia but it depends on the strain your air your light the depth of your plants all leaf that gets no light is useless it only breaths but in my years of growing i witnessed that it take power from other solar panells just to keep it alive i might be eliterate but i can mother fucken grow like no tommorow..

thump easy

Well-Known Member
sim sim salabim.jpgthis is what that other plant looks like i didnt take the pic from the bottom i should have i only took the nug to late know this is my bottom they breath alot better..


Well-Known Member
a lot of growers can't see high flower-to-leaf ratio is a good thing :roll: and its a joke, don't matter if your plant grows like this or you have to remove the fan leaves yourself, its not natural to grow plants under a bulb, indoors with a low airflow, high humidity and the bulb does not move like the sun so the fan leaves will block airflow, stop light getting to the buds and with higher humidty in the room (caused by a large amount of fan leaves ) you can get bud rot and it attracts insects with a very dense bushy plant, for example you may not see spider mite till its too late and lose you hole crop

all these problems can be avoided, just by removing a few fan leaves
Sounds like your setup could use quite a few upgrades.. I don't have any of those problems..

thump easy

Well-Known Member
View attachment 2823421this is what that other plant looks like i didnt take the pic from the bottom i should have i only took the nug to late know this is my bottom they breath alot better..this is my buddies house this to me is a no no!!!! to much humidity and they arent putting out good top nugs all weight he ended up giving the bottom away just flarf, i told him in our situation we are water guys we grow in water farms so the less humidity the better but everything interacts with eachother..hear is a pic of his he didnt push wat he was use to...imagejpeg_4.jpgall of his bottom bud was for the trimmers so if you like giving your shit away learn what works try it, it might not work for everyone but it works with my gardenthe mother load.jpg


Well-Known Member
He's talking about PGR's

Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs)

Growers are using products that are non-compliant and have potentially harmful chemical PGR (Plant Growth Regulator) products in them.

Just some of these products are Superbud (Australia), Phosphoload (Superbud rebranded, North America), Rock Juice (Australia), Flower Dragon (North America), Gravity (North America), Bushmaster (North America), Boonta Bud (UK), Rox (UK), Cyco Flower (Australia), Mega Bud (North America), Dr Nodes (renamed Mr No – North America), and Yield Masta/Sudden Impact (Australia and NZ).

In all cases the aforementioned products contain chemical PGR actives (subclass “Growth Retardant”) such as paclobutrazol (PBZ), chlormequat chloride (CC), and/or daminozide.

These chemical actives:
Are classed as systemic pesticides
Are scheduled poisons
Have long withholding periods
Are in many cases and most countries banned for use on food/consumable crops
Are subject to strict regulations, pertaining to registration and use (crop type, application rates and times)
Are, in the case of daminozide, rated as a “probable human carcinogen” and in the case of paclobutrazol rated with, “This substance/agent has not undergone a complete evaluation and determination under US EPA's IRIS program for evidence of human carcinogenic potential”. Additionally, paclobutrazol has been shown in studies to be toxic to the liver.

There are more like AN BB and OD.

Nasty shit.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
View attachment 2823421this is what that other plant looks like i didnt take the pic from the bottom i should have i only took the nug to late know this is my bottom they breath alot better..this is my buddies house this to me is a no no!!!! to much humidity and they arent putting out good top nugs all weight he ended up giving the bottom away just flarf, i told him in our situation we are water guys we grow in water farms so the less humidity the better but everything interacts with eachother..hear is a pic of his he didnt push wat he was use to...View attachment 2823423all of his bottom bud was for the trimmers so if you like giving your shit away learn what works try it, it might not work for everyone but it works with my gardenView attachment 2823425
and from my picks i get straight nug that 1 or 2 feet straight nug deathwidow crossing.jpgbut some strains dont like to be touch and they will herm on you so be carefull. and when its time to cash out i just line them up like thisgirls_with_graffiti_body_art_640_06.jpg


Well-Known Member
By the way OP I want you to go out in the woods and find the biggest stick you can carry and bring it back to me so I can hit you with it. Pulling leaves off to increase growth is just horse shit, if it worked everyone would be doing it, farmers too. Fuck John Deer would be selling equipment to do just that, rip the leaves of your plants for bigger and faster growth. WTF were you thinking? :roll:


thump easy

Well-Known Member
good night gental men i hope i helped some in my shoes just speeking for water farms and my own personal experience i hope this helps and like i sead it might not work in everyones envirorment, good key tips with the nutrients read the directions and be aware to much and they herm.. good luck..


Well-Known Member
By the way OP I want you to go out in the woods and find the biggest stick you can carry and bring it back to me so I can hit you with it. Pulling leaves off to increase growth is just horse shit, if it worked everyone would be doing it, farmers too. Fuck John Deer would be selling equipment to do just that, rip the leaves of your plants for bigger and faster growth. WTF were you thinking? :roll:

View attachment 2823426View attachment 2823427:roll:
But, but, what about the hormones?!?