defoliation? yes/no and techniques


Well-Known Member
if you dont thing defoliation works then read this webpage..
you all are just close minded and dont believe it because you have never tried it yourself.
i defoliate and my plant is doing wonderfully.
id post a pic but shes in her dark period and i dont have a camera right now.
click that link and read the page.
maybe it will change your stubborn, closed minds
I agree nova defoliation works great :):)


Well-Known Member
It works!!! I've done this to allow more light onto lower buds. Weed is very hardy and can handle the chops. I just stripped 75% of my fan leaves and a week later most of them grew back. Your bottom "popcorn" will be rocks.


New Member
Indoor growing...all indoor growing will require different steps then outdoors. R/H is one of the main factors to remove foliage, air flow is another good one. Light penetration...seems to be the main reasons most talk about when talking about defoliation and its the biggest fallacy. These plants have been around a long time and taking them out of their natural environment will only create issues not found outdoors, thus techniques like topping and de-foliation have been implemented. Proper technique will increase your yields indoors and anyone that does not agree...they don't have proper technique. JAS


Well-Known Member
I think that ripping leaves off is cool ... at week 7 when you're switching to you uvb bulb
love it mate you must be one of these growers than don't rip any part of the plant off and gets 2 zips of bud from a single plant under a 600w, but its all good you have lots of green leaves to eat :weed:


Well-Known Member
Buds love the extra temporary boost when fan leaves are snipped. I've done many side by sides and defoliation does yield more in same conditions. All those hormones with nowhere to go but the bud ;)


Well-Known Member
I think that ripping leaves off is cool ... at week 7 when you're switching to you uvb bulb
oh no what are you going to do, there even got high flower-to-leaf ratio seeds so I don't even need to rip any leaves of these plants, northern lights must be a really low yielding crap plant best stay clear


Well-Known Member
Buds love the extra temporary boost when fan leaves are snipped. I've done many side by sides and defoliation does yield more in same conditions. All those hormones with nowhere to go but the bud ;)
my friend you don't have to make any points when seed breeders are growing high flower-to-leaf ratio seeds to give you better yields lol


Well-Known Member
Closed minded hear say idiot. Grow a pair and snip something. Like OMG plants can't be pruned...
a lot of growers can't see high flower-to-leaf ratio is a good thing :roll: and its a joke, don't matter if your plant grows like this or you have to remove the fan leaves yourself, its not natural to grow plants under a bulb, indoors with a low airflow, high humidity and the bulb does not move like the sun so the fan leaves will block airflow, stop light getting to the buds and with higher humidty in the room (caused by a large amount of fan leaves ) you can get bud rot and it attracts insects with a very dense bushy plant, for example you may not see spider mite till its too late and lose you hole crop

all these problems can be avoided, just by removing a few fan leaves


love it mate you must be one of these growers than don't rip any part of the plant off and gets 2 zips of bud from a single plant under a 600w, but its all good you have lots of green leaves to eat :weed:
I get a gram per cfl 1000 cfl' s =1000g


a lot of growers can't see high flower-to-leaf ratio is a good thing :roll: and its a joke, don't matter if your plant grows like this or you have to remove the fan leaves yourself, its not natural to grow plants under a bulb, indoors with a low airflow, high humidity and the bulb does not move like the sun so the fan leaves will block airflow, stop light getting to the buds and with higher humidty in the room (caused by a large amount of fan leaves ) you can get bud rot and it attracts insects with a very dense bushy plant, for example you may not see spider mite till its too late and lose you hole crop

all these problems can be avoided, just by removing a few fan leaves
Sounds like a newbie grower


Well-Known Member
I get a gram per cfl 1000 cfl' s =1000g
wow you get a hole gram per cfl and you call me the newbie, from that comment I know you have no ideal what you are talking about or your just trying to look stupid and you pulled it off :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I've grown both ways......I "defoliated" my first couple of grows and got decent yields. I then have had several grows now where I left the leaves on. Leaving the leaves on gave me three times the yield as when I yanked 'em.

Those that want to prove it to themselves, grow two plants of the same strain side-by-side and defoliate one, and leave the other alone. Get back to me and tell me what you found out.


Well-Known Member
I have been defoliate my plants for many years and here are my plants on my last grow under a 600w hps

............................................................................................................heavy defoliate in early flower


...............................................................................................................couple weeks before harvest


...............................................................................................all my buds drying, grown from a single 600w hps :)



Well-Known Member
My first hand knowledge over the Last 60 days vegging my first run ever.

I starting with 20 plants and I culled down to 6 females finally.

I started overcrowded and started to pull off fan leaves on most plants but not all to let light thru the canopy.

I was advised by people with Tons more knowledge than me that I was removing sugar producing leaves.

It is a huge trade off and it does more harm than good.

I stopped plucking when I was advised by the "elders" of the Page, they saw my habit of plucking leaves in my photos and advised me it was a bad thing, I did more reading and I knew they were right.

I see better growth since I stopped plucking.

Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Beautiful Grow!
Props to you, great photos!

I have been defoliate my plants for many years and here are my plants on my last grow under a 600w hps

............................................................................................................heavy defoliate in early flower

View attachment 2823114

...............................................................................................................couple weeks before harvest

View attachment 2823117

...............................................................................................all my buds drying, grown from a single 600w hps :)

View attachment 2823118