Democrats to bureaucratize sex in California

We all need to go back to carrying guns.
That would put chicks on equal footing with dudes, making it extremely unlikely a dude would rape her. If she's blacked out, that's her own fucking fault. If I were a chick, I would never walk into a frat house for instance with the intent of getting shit faced drunk and expect nothing to happen to me. Stay at home and drink with those your comfortable with. That way you know the chances of bad things happening are very low respectively. Everything is everyone else's fault any more. We all take chances when we do anything. And when it doesn't go the way we though, you gotta say "I'll never do that again".. and move on. The girl in one of the articles said, she thought you had to be in an ally with a stranger to be "raped" It sounds like she got her self into a situation that she later regretted. Live and learn. I am in no way condoning rape or anything which harms another person, but don't be pissed if you get shot in the woods because you dressed up like a deer.
We all need to go back to carrying guns.
That would put chicks on equal footing with dudes, making it extremely unlikely a dude would rape her. If she's blacked out, that's her own fucking fault. If I were a chick, I would never walk into a frat house for instance with the intent of getting shit faced drunk and expect nothing to happen to me. Stay at home and drink with those your comfortable with. That way you know the chances of bad things happening are very low respectively. Everything is everyone else's fault any more. We all take chances when we do anything. And when it doesn't go the way we though, you gotta say "I'll never do that again".. and move on. The girl in one of the articles said, she thought you had to be in an ally with a stranger to be "raped" It sounds like she got her self into a situation that she later regretted. Live and learn. I am in no way condoning rape or anything which harms another person, but don't be pissed if you get shot in the woods because you dressed up like a deer.


blame the victim.

you are a scumbag POS.
If she's blacked out, that's her own fucking fault. If I were a chick, I would never walk into a frat house for instance with the intent of getting shit faced drunk and expect nothing to happen to me....I am in no way condoning rape or anything which harms another person, but don't be pissed if you get shot in the woods because you dressed up like a deer.


you have just made the template for the "i don't condone rape but..." argument.

it works in the exact same way the "i am not racist, but..." argument does.

blame the victim.

you are a scumbag POS.
Its hard to take anything you say seriously guy. You are sooooo far left you just fell off.
If i were a chick and I couldn't beat the fuck out of people, I would carry a gun. And I would never let my self be taken advantage of. Why? because I respect my self too much to let that shit slide. I take responsibility for my self. If that makes me a scumbag, so be it.
Its hard to take anything you say seriously guy.

says the guy who claims he is compelled to rape if the chick dresses too hot.

"it's not my fault i raped her, she was blackout drunk and wearing a miniskirt in my frat! i'm innocent! she is the one to blame!"

you have just made the template for the "i don't condone rape but..." argument.

it works in the exact same way the "i am not racist, but..." argument does.
I have no control over what other people do and I don't pretend to. I just try to take care of myself and be good to others. I don't see race either.
But I do hate OBAMA, because he's a douchbag.
I have no control over what other people do and I don't pretend to. I just try to take care of myself and be good to others. I don't see race either.
But I do hate OBAMA, because he's a douchbag.

"i don't see race, but..."

yeah, you are a douchebag.

i noticed you defending denial of service to blacks the other day. so not surprising to see that you are one of these assholes who can't control his impulse to rape chicks who are blacked out drunk.
says the guy who claims he is compelled to rape if the chick dresses too hot.

"it's not my fault i raped her, she was blackout drunk and wearing a miniskirt in my frat! i'm innocent! she is the one to blame!"
If she was dressed like a tramp I'm sure the dudes were all over it. I imagine its been a while since you've been in a college setting, but everybody fucks. I'm not saying she can't wear what she want's when she goes out, but realize there are repercussions for your actions. hence the parody of dressing like a deer in the woods.
"i don't see race, but..."

yeah, you are a douchebag.

i noticed you defending denial of service to blacks the other day. so not surprising to see that you are one of these assholes who can't control his impulse to rape chicks who are blacked out drunk.
My wife is black you dumbass.
"i don't see race, but..."

yeah, you are a douchebag.

i noticed you defending denial of service to blacks the other day. so not surprising to see that you are one of these assholes who can't control his impulse to rape chicks who are blacked out drunk.
Also I don't condone being a racist, I believe we are all capable to make the choice who we deal with.
If she was dressed like a tramp I'm sure the dudes were all over it. I imagine its been a while since you've been in a college setting, but everybody fucks. I'm not saying she can't wear what she want's when she goes out, but realize there are repercussions for your actions. hence the parody of dressing like a deer in the woods.


you're literally saying that you're compelled to rape a chick if she dresses the wrong way.

you're literally saying that you're compelled to rape a chick if she dresses the wrong way.
Your compelled to try to get with a chick if she's hot. Heterosexuals are aroused by the sight of the opposite sex, even more so when they're almost naked, or at least exposing a large portion of their bodies.
or maybe we can just have the colleges set a guideline so ALL student know that no means no even if her skirt is short.

Or maybe we should continue the presumption of innocence and due process with criminal complaints, you know, the US legal system since the beginning.
Your compelled to try to get with a chick if she's hot. Heterosexuals are aroused by the sight of the opposite sex, even more so when they're almost naked, or at least exposing a large portion of their bodies.

i am not compelled to rape a blacked out drunk chick though, like you clearly are.