Democrats to bureaucratize sex in California

No, not really. I prefer playing the game. I'm not sure I would be comfortable with my self if I took advantage of a girl like that.
Your compelled to try to get with a chick if she's hot. Heterosexuals are aroused by the sight of the opposite sex, even more so when they're almost naked, or at least exposing a large portion of their bodies.

A woman shouldn't have to feel the need to cover up their bodies for a man. Do you think they should all wear hijabs, or are they asking for it if they don't?
Or maybe we should continue the presumption of innocence and due process with criminal complaints, you know, the US legal system since the beginning.

i believe gillibrand and mccaskill are proposing a bill to do the same.

thank goodness for democrats addressing this issue. republicans like rend pawl are running away from the issue because they are not allowed to say rape anymore.
No, not really. I prefer playing the game. I'm not sure I would be comfortable with my self if I took advantage of a girl like that.

you literally just said that if she's blacked out, it's her fault. not yours.

are you already backpedaling on your position that it's OK to rape a blacked out chick?

that's record speed.
A woman shouldn't have to feel the need to cover up their bodies for a man. Do you think they should all wear hijabs, or are they asking for it if they don't?
NO!!!! not at all. Just be careful and take care of yourself. If you didn't know some people are pretty fucked up and may try to have sex with you as your flaunting your shit everywhere.
Why aren't women allowed to walk around topless? Men are.
some people are pretty fucked up and may try to have sex with you as your flaunting your shit everywhere.

and you'll be right there to defend them, back them up, and tell those rapists that it's not their fault.

she was dressed like a deer in the woods and got what was coming to her.

you sick fuck.
No, I'd say shoot the guy who did it and hope the girl learned how people are in real life.

that's a remarkably different tune you're singing now.

just 20 minutes ago, it was her fault, not his. now it's so much his fault that we should shoot him.

how fucking stupid are you, scumbag?
and you'll be right there to defend them, back them up, and tell those rapists that it's not their fault.

she was dressed like a deer in the woods and got what was coming to her.

you sick fuck.
I'm saying don't be surprised if it happens. Think ahead