Well-Known Member
Tell me what you know about operation Northwoods.go post it to your blog along with videos about how sandy hook was a false flag conspiracy theory.
Tell me what you know about operation Northwoods.go post it to your blog along with videos about how sandy hook was a false flag conspiracy theory.
Lets talk about it.
whats your explanation for how the father of a murdered child was able to laugh and smile, then start acting for the camera?
Tell me what you know about operation Northwoods.
Your loosing buck, come on you can twist my words around to come up with something. I've got 3 hrs to burn before I go to bed.is it somehow tied to agenda 21, the fed, reptilian jew overlords, and sandy hook?
Jesus why are you so anti-semetic. I bet you believe all Jews are reptilians.is it somehow tied to agenda 21, the fed, reptilian jew overlords, and sandy hook?
It sounds like you enjoy the fact that Hitler massacred the Jews. So what your saying is it doesn't matter what color someone is as long as they believe in YOUR god, or follow YOUR religionis it somehow tied to agenda 21, the fed, reptilian jew overlords, and sandy hook?
well, you sure did run out of shit to say pretty quicklylol, replied to the same quote three times.
but he's "winning". and i am "loosing".
well, you sure did run out of shit to say pretty quickly
Women should protect themselves, because they are the physically weaker of the sexes, You haven't dis-proven my conspiracy theories, nor are you willing to talk about them, and I have the ability to say no to anyone anytime anywhere for any reason. Either I'll go out of business or the person I turn away will go somewhere else. Does that make sense?what's left to say?
you are a scumbag who thinks it's the woman's fault when she gets raped while passed out, you believe in some odd conspiracy theories, and you think it is right to deny service to black people.
but you totally don't condone rape and you're totally not racist and of course you have a black wife.
Women should protect themselves, because they are the physically weaker of the sexes, You haven't dis-proven my conspiracy theories, nor are you willing to talk about them, and I have the ability to say no to anyone anytime anywhere for any reason. Either I'll go out of business or the person I turn away will go somewhere else. Does that make sense?
What do you mean by the last time we tried this?alright, let's disregard the fact that you think that blacked out drunk women are irresistible targets, let's disregard the fact that you believe in some absurd conspiracy theories.
let's focus on your totally not racist belief that racists should be able to deny service to black people because they are black.
what happened last time we tried that? was anyone ever harmed by the denial of service to blacks?
What do you mean by the last time we tried this?
Show me the federal law the we passed that said it was ok to deny service to blacks.the last time we (america) tried this (allowing denial of service to black people because they were black).
wow you're dumb.
Show me the federal law the we passed that said it was ok to deny service to blacks.
You can't because it doesn't exist. Blacks have been oppressed by your beloved government since they were brought to North America.
Because the government allowed the enslavement of Blacks, the "popular opinion" became blacks are worth 3/4 of a person.
It's an issue of popular opinion, not law.
You are so racist its not even funny.breathtakingly stupid.
Hey, let's talk some more about pretending everyone wants to deny service to blacks!
Because, yanno. 37562 threads isn't enough.