Did you Smoke Pot in the 70's?

i'd forgotten all the great types of weed - especially the satvia and Cambodian

remember "the giggles"?:lol:
Oh Yeah!! Used to get some Thai stick that was awesome. Lot's of columbian gold that was good too.
Ah...........The good ole days!!! I used to get quite a bit of Jamaican pot, being in S Fla growing up. Damn that was the shit to die for. I REALLY want some Jamaican Sat. You could buy Mason Jars of honey oil in Kingston.

Given the choice of growing up then or now? THEN!!! Hands down. Sex didn't kill you back then, and pot was affordable!!!

I grew up in south Georgia, about 40 miles from the Florida line. Most of what we got was either Mexican or Jamaican with some Colombian occasionally. I'm totally with you on wanting some Jamaican sativa!!! Let me know if you find any seeds. I still remember the sweetness of that beautiful smoke; it was such a pleasure to smoke. Damn, I wish I had saved those millions of seeds, LOL.
yes, yes i did smoke pot in the 70's. the only strain i can remember smoking was Myakka Gold. those boys went to jail for a mighty long time. the genentics are still around here, or so i've been told. be nice to have some again. :peace:
This is an awesome thread man. Serious cudos to the creator. I love hearing the stories from the guys that have been around for a while. I think society as a whole views people that smoke herb as being in a younger demographic. It's good to prove the world wrong. :)
This is an awesome thread man. Serious cudos to the creator. I love hearing the stories from the guys that have been around for a while. I think society as a whole views people that smoke herb as being in a younger demographic. It's good to prove the world wrong. :)

Thanks for the kind words bro. I think most people associate pot smoking with youth/ignorance. While not denying that I am ignorant, I am not ignorant of pot or it's benefits. Fortunately I discovered pot - right after discovering LSD - and fell head in heels in love with Mary Jane. Now I'm significantly older and still love smoking pot but I don't just do it to get high anymore. The more I learn about it, the more I love it and am thankful it's here.
I consumed Cannabis in the 1970s. It seemed to work pretty well then, but I would say there has been an improvement in consistency of quality since then. Yes...I'm getting old.
Thanks for the kind words bro. I think most people associate pot smoking with youth/ignorance. While not denying that I am ignorant, I am not ignorant of pot or it's benefits. Fortunately I discovered pot - right after discovering LSD - and fell head in heels in love with Mary Jane. Now I'm significantly older and still love smoking pot but I don't just do it to get high anymore. The more I learn about it, the more I love it and am thankful it's here.

I give credit where credit is due, brother. :) I'm with you though. The more I learn about the herb, the more I appreciate it. Hell, I even thank my girls out loud for what they give me.
This is an awesome thread man. Serious cudos to the creator. I love hearing the stories from the guys that have been around for a while. I think society as a whole views people that smoke herb as being in a younger demographic. It's good to prove the world wrong. :)

It's pretty amazing just how many folks my age smoke. Either they just took it up, OR (more likely) they just came out of the closet!! It's REALLY amazing how many smoke, but denounce it in public!
Ya Dude. I smoked pot in the 70s. I smoked it starting 1964. The quality of pot is certainly different in hybrids' THC content. Otherwise the quality of the stuff that was available prior to the 70s was excellent in taste and aroma. They were all brought over from Mexico and other South American countries and each had it's own distinct flavor and taste. When you mix the strains you get the wired varieties you have today including the high dollar hydroponic stuff too. It's all about money and getting you to fall for the fancy names they put on the new mixed genetic pot varieties so you buy them. But again, if you have good soil, ph meter, light meter and enough light, right fertilizers for different stages of growth and KNOWLEDGE about the plant itself and gardening in general, you will end up with your own wonderful pot that everyone will admire no matter what seed you started with (as long as the seed is from an original smoking variety and not bird seeds). When you grow, it will be cleaner and that makes all the difference in the world.
I started smoking in the 60's,1965 was my first smoking experience.Things started to really get better in the 70's I have fond memories of the hash ,Blond and Red Lebanese, Nepalese Temple balls. Then there was the Thai sticks , Acapulco Gold and the Columbian mind blowing laugh on the floor paranoid inducing weed.I would trade anything I can get these days for some of that.It might be my brain is numb maybe it was the window pane .Enough said.
Good thread.

I didn't smoke in the 1970s, but I'm probably older than many of the board readers, and I have smoked the old-school seedy Mexican stuff. Yeah, there is something to be said about stuff that gets you more high than stoned, and doesn't knock you on your butt with a few puffs.

I do believe that the effect of pot may change as you get older, and not purely based on the type of weed smoked, but just because of changes in your brain.

I think you get less "high" and get more side effects, and I wonder if this is the reason why some of the older smokers believe the stuff from yesteryear is better.
I remember those days fondly as well, had my first taste of the herb in 1969 out of a classic Nixon head bong. I still recall my buddy and I leaving his big sisters apt & riding our bicycles across US 1 in South Florida. I was sure the cars were only doing like 20 or so - reality is they were flying by, but we made it without a scratch (you know what they say about God protecting drunks and kids).
I honestly don't know if yesteryear's weed was more potent - but damn it made for some irreplaceable memories.
Good to be around you old fogey stoners.
in 1978 my mom and i lived with 2 other families in a big house in chula vista CA, i remember a drawer in the kitchen full of ticket books for disneyland. you could go in the park for free and you bought tickets for the rides. we would all pile in our VW bus that was painted with flowers and mickey mouse on the side and head to disneyland for the afternoon. one time my mom passed a joint to some guy in another van on the highway while we were prolly doin 60. aahh the good ol days. damn the time flies lol i thought i'd be dead by now ... but of course "they" say 40 is the new 30.. hehe

so anyway on the subject, sorry i was rambling...that's what happens when u get old. i smoked some hawaiian with a navy guy in 1980, we rolled a pinner and 2 puffs you'd have to lay down for an hour, eat and do it again. that one joint would last all afternoon. it was dark blue and sticky.

what i miss the most is the hash....i haven't seen real hash since the late 80s.
there is something to be said about stuff that gets you more high than stoned...

I do believe that the effect of pot may change as you get older, and not purely based on the type of weed smoked, but just because of changes in your brain.
Great observation Jogro! I've never thought of that either but you may be right. One of these days I'm going to get my hands on some more of that wonderful sativa and see what happens, if I can re-create that old feeling. Hell I may throw on some Uriah Heep or King Crimson. :)
Sounds like you had a blast in your teens like I did. I lived in L.A. in 86 thru 90. California was the best place I ever lived. People were very nice and always smiling and busy-very busy. It's great these days to know that so many people love getting high. Soon my friend, weed will be as normal as buying beer, which I quit drinking a while back, still do the spice rum though. Peace out.
From my experience, Cali has the best and the worst. It's an amazing place. My daughter lives in L.A. (Venice) and we love going to see her.