Ah...........The good ole days!!! I used to get quite a bit of Jamaican pot, being in S Fla growing up. Damn that was the shit to die for. I REALLY want some Jamaican Sat. You could buy Mason Jars of honey oil in Kingston.
Given the choice of growing up then or now? THEN!!! Hands down. Sex didn't kill you back then, and pot was affordable!!!
This is an awesome thread man. Serious cudos to the creator. I love hearing the stories from the guys that have been around for a while. I think society as a whole views people that smoke herb as being in a younger demographic. It's good to prove the world wrong.![]()
Thanks for the kind words bro. I think most people associate pot smoking with youth/ignorance. While not denying that I am ignorant, I am not ignorant of pot or it's benefits. Fortunately I discovered pot - right after discovering LSD - and fell head in heels in love with Mary Jane. Now I'm significantly older and still love smoking pot but I don't just do it to get high anymore. The more I learn about it, the more I love it and am thankful it's here.
This is an awesome thread man. Serious cudos to the creator. I love hearing the stories from the guys that have been around for a while. I think society as a whole views people that smoke herb as being in a younger demographic. It's good to prove the world wrong.![]()
Great observation Jogro! I've never thought of that either but you may be right. One of these days I'm going to get my hands on some more of that wonderful sativa and see what happens, if I can re-create that old feeling. Hell I may throw on some Uriah Heep or King Crimson.there is something to be said about stuff that gets you more high than stoned...
I do believe that the effect of pot may change as you get older, and not purely based on the type of weed smoked, but just because of changes in your brain.
Some of the gals you see on Venice beach are stunning.From my experience, Cali has the best and the worst. It's an amazing place. My daughter lives in L.A. (Venice) and we love going to see her.