Well-Known Member
The heat is like 80W+80W+80W (240W). About 65% of that heat comes from the heatsinks, while the other 35% comes from emitted photons becoming absorbed by the plant and walls. I still have no fans on the heat sinks, but that's because I've been swamped. I design things for efficiency, but then in practice, if it works, i tend to leave it be while looking to design around the low hanging fruit.
The design is the same as before; a bunch of white leds spread out evenly over a 4'x2' canopy.
I do not like to post journals of plants. This thread was meant to be more of an instructional for people wanting yet another option.
That's cool and I totally understand about the plant pic thing, I agree. I wasnt after that, I was after the heat at the light source, with fan, without fan, etc. and if the heat sink size you chose was sufficent to cool the LEDs. I see the company you bought yours from now has it in 12". Some LED manufacturers rate them at 25C, so I was wondering if your heatsink would keep them that cool or if 25C is an ideal scenario...