DIY COB LED Calculator

Love the calculator, thx! Only issue: Can't resize the program window... must be a java issue. 1.0 was larger then my laptop display, 2.0 cuts off the left edge. No resizing options available.

Thanks again,

I make it so it's not resizable. The reason is that if I leave it so it can be resized, all the little boxes are separate elements and when you resize they get all over the place...

Check your screen resolution from your graphics properties, see if you can bump it up a notch. That will fix it.
Alright. I think I fixed the problem that the calculator does not fit in some screens. It is still not resizable but it should fit in all screens without being cut anywhere. I was not aware of that problem until @audiophilepj brought it up although I should have thought about it. My screen resolution is 1920 x 1080 and so what was happening was that it will fit without a problem on my screen but if someone runs it at let's say at 1360 x 786 it will cut the edges.

With all that said, I tested it on my computer and it seems to fit in all resolutions but it will be good if someone else tests it and if it doesn't work let me know, I'll look at it again.

Same link for the update.
At native 1366 x 768, the Calculate and Export buttons are behind the taskbar. If I auto-hide the taskbar it fits on the screen. This is the same as it has always been on my old laptop.
At native 1366 x 768, the Calculate and Export buttons are behind the taskbar. If I auto-hide the taskbar it fits on the screen. This is the same as it has always been on my old laptop.

I guess it's not working then. Another option is that I make the built in display screen smaller. The reason I made it this size is that it completely displays everything in the screen for each configuration without having to scroll up and down. I can change that...
I made it a little smaller. It should now fit in the screen at 1366 x 768. If you like the bigger version, no need to update.

Same link for the update.
Disregard last. I'm on an iPhone and I'll wait until I get home to try on my pc
Thanks for all of your hard work
MacBook Pro here. It doesn't matter what the resolution is, it still hides the left edge. I've tried 1440x900, 1280x800, 1152x720 and 1024x640.

It's all good, funny thing is, I can still select what is hidden and paste it in another document to view. Most of the arithmetic is viewable.

Thanks again for the program.


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    Screen Shot 2016-03-08 at 1.48.05 PM.png
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MacBook Pro here. It doesn't matter what the resolution is, it still hides the left edge. I've tried 1440x900, 1280x800, 1152x720 and 1024x640.

It's all good, funny thing is, I can still select what is hidden and paste it in another document to view. Most of the arithmetic is viewable.

Thanks again for the program.

Very interesting.... I just added some more padding on the sides. It should be fixed now and display everything. If not, I don't have a mac, but post another picture, I'll make it work.

Same link for the update.
Hey bgrass im looking for drivers that run international voltage..230v , got a buddy that lives in Scotland that wants a light built :)
Hello! Wonderful!!! I wanted to make a calc for the longest, just too lazy to code something.

I am wondering why you don't support more amperages, at least for the CXB3590 3500K CD there is a table on the web that works beautifully. With your calc I am (sadly) very limited and can hardly ever input the amps I want.

The other thing, pllleeeeease add drives me nuts constantly having to convert sqft into sqm. With the values in the above table it SHOULD be possible to basically cover the entire range for most CREE COBS?
Here some ideas what I would code if I wasn't that lazy:

1) Enter your grow room dimensions eg. 1.20 x 0.86
2) Enter desired PPFD (eg. MJ vegging/flowering up to 1000PFD, hot peppers 400PPFD etc.)

Calc spits out at what amperage you will need to drive your x number of COBs.

To spit out the amperage I need to know the formulas for the curves on pages 10-11 as the relationship between amperage and lumens is non linear. This was already discussed in the thread, or more from the point of inputing any amperage instead of selecting the drop down menu. I have been periodically looking in the internet for a tool that can read pdf images and interprets the formulas. I just found this one but won't have time to look into it till the next weekend at the earliest. Feel free to explore it and let me know:

Also, the sheet you attached, it has a lumen value for every 0.05A. If you plot those points, there might a tool that will put together the formulas based on the points. It's worth looking into it.

The current numbers in the calculator are based on the spreadsheets that float around this forum, which have the numbers extracted at only a few (but the most popular, and what drivers meanwell makes) amperages.

To spit out the amperage I need to know the formulas for the curves on pages 10-11 as the relationship between amperage and lumens is non linear. This was already discussed in the thread, or more from the point of inputing any amperage instead of selecting the drop down menu. I have been periodically looking in the internet for a tool that can read pdf images and interprets the formulas. I just found this one but won't have time to look into it till the next weekend at the earliest. Feel free to explore it and let me know:

Also, the sheet you attached, it has a lumen value for every 0.05A. If you plot those points, there might a tool that will put together the formulas based on the points. It's worth looking into it.

The current numbers in the calculator are based on the spreadsheets that float around this forum, which have the numbers extracted at only a few (but the most popular, and what drivers meanwell makes) amperages.

Any chance for Citizen to be included in this calculator too?