Those are horticulture strips fuck yeah they'll work but cost way to much for my liking, to only reasonable place to buy em I could find was digikey $33.00 each. If your willing to spend the money they will work and be easy to assemble. I run my 4, qb96 boards between 40-50 watts each all on 1 heatsink, I like they're spectrum, they work really well I got 2
@BobBitchen dancing lime under that light finna start flower now.
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I would personally buy white strips for cheap and add the reds in seperate, it's much cheaper that way, but i would understand the hesitation red diodes are expensive in small quantities and especially if theyre already mounted on mcpcb boards or stars, I like to solder them myself. Most companies that sell mcpcb will mount the diodes for you, for a price, I think I know a cheap place in USA but I gotta check first been some years since I contacted them