I could use some suggestions/opinions on driver configuration with some qb96 boards (or just "54v" boards) if anyone is able to help out.
I'm trying help modify or improve a space for someone in the near future:
A 4x6 (24sq ft) area, currently there are twelve qb96 over the area, and they're being driven by two hlg-320h-54ab; so there's six qb96 per driver (for fixtures, three boards each). But the 640ish Watts is under powered at around 27-30w/sq ft.
I was thinking to add a third driver of the same model, and run four qb96 per driver. The qb96s are currently in three-board fixtures. I suppose there's no easy way to do this without totally re-doing the fixtures, OR at least redoing the wiring, which if done in place (fuckin' impossible) would have ugly/messy dangling wires.
I can't really "redo" the fixtures, that'd require all new frame material/aluminum in order to span the 6ft width, instead of the 4ft width like they currently do.
I wish I had a couple 480H-54ab drivers.