Do you add CO2 to your grow room?

Hmmmm ..... I'll discuss this with my (twin) bro who is coming today. The plants we were going to buy today. My brother has ALWAYS grown 5-6 plants in a 5 x 7 space without issue for many years - he really does know what he's doing - his plants always look great. I will bring up your concerns about watering. I have the time to babysit and do different things - I'm not worried about too much work.

Maybe doing 1 Blue Dream and 1 Do Sa Do?

When I smoke, I like different strains for different moods, events, etc. If I'm going to a concert, I'm smoking Green Goddess. If I am watching TV, I'm smoking Blackberry Kush. If I am driving a long drive, I'm smoking Durban Poison. If I have chores to do, I'm smoking Chiesel. If I have a party/cookout, I'm smoking some type of cookie. :blsmoke:

Gorilla Grow shows 4 plants, HydroBuilder said 4 plants and all I read online was I should do 4 plants in a 3x3 tent. I thinking it's more interesting and a learning experience to do more than one the first grow .... otherwise, I'm not going to learn much. :wall:

By the way --- we were doing 4 weeks of VEG and 8 weeks of FLOWER and 1 week of DRY.
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So all the warehouse grows out west are doing it wrong? lol, ok.. Do you even grow? Have you ever used co2? Co2 allows you to use more light and a hotter temp, in fact that's how getting an increased yield works with Co2.. Just adding Co2 in a normal grow may not increase yield, you need the light and temps to compliment it. Try it sometime..

You looked for scientific evidence to contradict the scientific evidence I provided, couldn't find any, probably found more evidence proving your wrong (because no study will show the opposite) and you choose to still believe something wrong. Since you can't actually argue anything or even know why you think what you think, you try to discredit me, which has no effect on the evidence I provided.

You're invicible because reason has no effect on you.
Hmmmm ..... I'll discuss this with my (twin) bro who is coming today. The plants we were going to buy today. My brother has ALWAYS grown 5-6 plants in a 5 x 7 space without issue for many years - he really does know what he's doing - his plants always look great. I will bring up your concerns about watering. I have the time to babysit and do different things - I'm not worried about too much work.

Maybe doing 1 Blue Dream and 1 Do Sa Do?

When I smoke, I like different strains for different moods, events, etc. If I'm going to a concert, I'm smoking Green Goddess. If I am watching TV, I'm smoking Blackberry Kush. If I am driving a long drive, I'm smoking Durban Poison. If I have chores to do, I'm smoking Chiesel. If I have a party/cookout, I'm smoking some type of cookie. :blsmoke:

Gorilla Grow shows 4 plants, HydroBuilder said 4 plants and all I read online was I should do 4 plants in a 3x3 tent. I thinking it's more interesting and a learning experience to do more than one the first grow .... otherwise, I'm not going to learn much. :wall:

By the way --- we were doing 4 weeks of VEG and 8 weeks of FLOWER and 1 week of DRY.

Think about it as trying to learn one language at a time instead of four. If you have four plants and four different schedules, keeping track of what's going right and what's going wrong will be much harder. But yeah, two can work. Especially with clones since you can know exactly when they finish. Don't forget you need a space to dry them too. If you were planning on drying them in the tent you grow them in, both strains have to finish at the exact same time.

6 plants in a 5x7 is very reasonable. That's 5 square feet per plant. 4 plants in a 3x3 is 2,25 square feet, not even half the space. You can also move around in 5x7. A 3x3 will be very fully packed. Nothing will move. 2 plants in 3x3 is 4,5 square feet, so pretty close to what your brother does.

If you keep things easy, it's a nice hobby. If you make things complicated, it's a chore.
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You looked for scientific evidence to contradict the scientific evidence I provided, couldn't find any, probably found more evidence proving your wrong (because no study will show the opposite) and you choose to still believe something wrong. Since you can't actually argue anything or even know why you think what you think, you try to discredit me, which has no effect on the evidence I provided.

You're invicible because reason has no effect on you.
You are far from a real deal grower. Your trolling and trying to be a dissenting vote. You'll get no reaction except this..yer way out in left field pard. Those that are in the trenches beg to differ. You can spout "facts " all day. But it don't mean shit. Real growers with real rooms will call you out...every frikin time. And that's a fact. Yer kind is jaded. Never been in a real indoor grwroom situation. And rattle off bowshit. I can tell by her posts. Give us both the same grow room exact...and I will grow more..better..and faster than you can possibly conceive. Bank on that !!!
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You are far from a real deal grower. Your trolling and trying to be a dissenting vote. You'll get no reaction except this..yer way out in left field pard. Those that are in the trenches beg to differ. You can spout "facts " all day. But it don't mean shit. Real growers with real rooms will call you out...every frikin time. And that's a fact. Yer kind is jaded. Never been in a real indoor grwroom situation. And rattle off bowshit. I can tell by her posts. Give us both the same grow room exact...and I will grow more..better..and faster than you can possibly conceive. Bank on that !!!

Still no argument.

You're a kid. A dumb one.
Still no argument.

You're a kid. A dumb one.
Not a kid. And my post might of been a drunkin ramble last night....but I stand by what I say. I've been growing a long long time. And whatever shit you say..flies in the face of all the rooms I've ran...going on 27 years. Almost nonstop from closets to several houses...and all in between. Ive grown and damn near worshipped this plant more ways than you can possibly fathom. The only things Iam shy of is tissue culture ...grafting...and breeding. You don't have a clue what your talking about. And I will take that to the bank .
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No, it's true."When the cultures with fruit-bodies larger than 10 mm were exposed, length and yield were insensitive and pileus expansion was greatly inhibited inF. velutipes, while inP. ostreatus length was insensitive, but pileus expansion was heavily damaged by trumpet-like deformation and yield decreased."
You won't find a study claiming otherwise. Just random people spouting nonsense. Don't look for info in marijuana related sites. They're all shit. The sheer instinct and common sense of anyone with an IQ above 85 are more reliable.

It is important to note the levels of CO2 used in that flawed paper.
550 (control), 3,000, 6,000, and 9,000µl/l.
Even the control is higher than normal levels and the others are about 3-9x suggested levels of CO2 enrichment.

Here are some realistic results:

"Plants grown under enhanced CO2 concentrations flowered earlier and produced 30% more marketable fruit than those grown in normal air."

"CO2 enrichment increased No. 1 grade fruit weight by 14 and 27% and by 4 and 18% for both cultivars in 1981 and 1982, respectively."

"Pot plants, cut flowers, vegetables and forest plants show very positive effects from CO2 enrichment by increased dry weight, plant height, number of leaves and lateral branching. Plant quality expressed by growth habit and number of flowers is often enhanced by CO2enrichment. The rooting of cuttings is often stimulated by high CO2levels."
Still no argument.

You're a kid. A dumb one.

You don't have a clue.

I'm no kid and grew my first buds in 1978. Only been playing around with CO2 the last few years and it makes a huge difference if used right.

Just started flowering a batch now and will be running my room temp around 85 with 1500ppm+ CO2 during the stretch to maximize bud sites and growth. After that I'll lower temps and just let the exhaust fan replace the fresh air for regular growth but with all the added sites will get a much better yield.

I just use a simple DIY alcohol lamp to produce CO2 but have a CO2 controller to show me the ppm in the room. Takes about 20 min to push it over 1500 and two hours to bring it down to below 800 so cheap as hell. By then the RH is getting too high so I let the exhaust fan run for a while then light the lamp for another run. Lots of going up and down the stairs for 3 weeks but I need the exercise so that's a bonus.

And whoever said in this thread that CO2 just sinks to the floor must not have a circulation fan in his room. The slightest breeze will mix the CO2 in and there is no need to release the gas above the plants or behind a fan to spread it around. If not, on a calm day we would all suffocate.
You don't have a clue.

I'm no kid and grew my first buds in 1978. Only been playing around with CO2 the last few years and it makes a huge difference if used right.

Just started flowering a batch now and will be running my room temp around 85 with 1500ppm+ CO2 during the stretch to maximize bud sites and growth. After that I'll lower temps and just let the exhaust fan replace the fresh air for regular growth but with all the added sites will get a much better yield.

I just use a simple DIY alcohol lamp to produce CO2 but have a CO2 controller to show me the ppm in the room. Takes about 20 min to push it over 1500 and two hours to bring it down to below 800 so cheap as hell. By then the RH is getting too high so I let the exhaust fan run for a while then light the lamp for another run. Lots of going up and down the stairs for 3 weeks but I need the exercise so that's a bonus.

And whoever said in this thread that CO2 just sinks to the floor must not have a circulation fan in his room. The slightest breeze will mix the CO2 in and there is no need to release the gas above the plants or behind a fan to spread it around. If not, on a calm day we would all suffocate.
You tell em Oldmed. This guy doesn't know what he's talking about. I went sealed room with a Mitsubishi Mr. Slim minisplit ac...a Sante Fe commercial grade dehumidifier...a 2 tank dual regulator co2 system (when on is empty..I switch over..while I got to the store to exchange tanks) hooked to a co2 ppm controller with Fuzzy Logic. With a ceiling full of Gavita 6/750 Flex fixtures (8 of them) with a fan hooked to a charcoal scrubber on 24 hours a day just scrubbing room air. It doesn't have tubing sucking anything out. Just circulation/scrubbing the room itself to keep smell and spores/dust to a minimum. With Airking wall mount regular oscillating fans on all the walls. I built this very controlled room years ago. It's expensive but SOOOO worth it. And it's absolutely had upped my yields from a traditional vented room with and without air cooled hps fixtures dramatically. 25 to 30% increase in yield and far better quality since I built a sealed room. All cultivars I've ran in here have definitely max out in genetic capability. I have total environmental parameters and control with precision. I can really zero in and dial in on my canopy and ambient room temps..relative humidity in relation to vapor pressure deficit or environment and total grow room carbon dioxide levels. Along with total feed/watering fertigation control. With this amount of control and precision (what indoor growing is all about) it's truly amazing what I can get plants to look like..yield...size..quality..all of it. When you build the correct indoor growroom..covering ALL the bases. .its truly a site to behold on what a grower can do and is capable of. Again ...its not cheap. But wow.
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A lot more stuff than I'm running.

My grow room is running a 1000W hps and only gets to about 84F with no exhaust running so that works out great for a semi-sealed type room for me to add CO2 burning a bit of methyl hydrate. The room is in a concrete bunker under the house so it stays cool all year round so I have no need of A/C. I do need a dehuey tho. Already have two 4" vents doing nothing since I installed 6" for the exhaust so can vent the dehuey out one of those. If I did that it would be worth going and buying a 70lb tank of CO2. I already have a GroZone controller and the flow valve with solenoid ready to go.

I have temp/rh and speed controllers on my fan to keep things just right when not bothering with CO2. Then I'm keeping the room around 70-75 and the fan kicks in for 5 min three or four times an hour to bring in fresh air.

I'm planning to use that room strictly for flowering now so it would be nice to seal it up and run everything at top speed. Once stretch is over I won't be trying to keep everything at max and there will be more plants going in there in a month or so anyway so I'll have plants in different stages of flowering all the time and will likely not bother with CO2.

Right now my biggest problem is spring flooding outside. Water is so high it's flowing over the top of my septic tank and there's a river running under the house from the front yard, (mobile home on concrete pilings), around the chicken coop and out the the back into the farmer's field. Probably a week before the snow is gone enough to stop flooding. :(

You don't have a clue.

I'm no kid and grew my first buds in 1978. Only been playing around with CO2 the last few years and it makes a huge difference if used right.

Just started flowering a batch now and will be running my room temp around 85 with 1500ppm+ CO2 during the stretch to maximize bud sites and growth. After that I'll lower temps and just let the exhaust fan replace the fresh air for regular growth but with all the added sites will get a much better yield.

I just use a simple DIY alcohol lamp to produce CO2 but have a CO2 controller to show me the ppm in the room. Takes about 20 min to push it over 1500 and two hours to bring it down to below 800 so cheap as hell. By then the RH is getting too high so I let the exhaust fan run for a while then light the lamp for another run. Lots of going up and down the stairs for 3 weeks but I need the exercise so that's a bonus.

And whoever said in this thread that CO2 just sinks to the floor must not have a circulation fan in his room. The slightest breeze will mix the CO2 in and there is no need to release the gas above the plants or behind a fan to spread it around. If not, on a calm day we would all suffocate.

I grew the reefer madness in 1921.

The ancient Incas told me to piss on dandelions to make weed more potent.

Your post doesn't contain a rebuttal to the scientific study I referenced. Contradicting science is choosing to be stupid.
Not a kid. And my post might of been a drunkin ramble last night....but I stand by what I say. I've been growing a long long time. And whatever shit you say..flies in the face of all the rooms I've ran...going on 27 years. Almost nonstop from closets to several houses...and all in between. Ive grown and damn near worshipped this plant more ways than you can possibly fathom. The only things Iam shy of is tissue culture ...grafting...and breeding. You don't have a clue what your talking about. And I will take that to the bank .

Still no argument.
It is important to note the levels of CO2 used in that flawed paper.
550 (control), 3,000, 6,000, and 9,000µl/l.
Even the control is higher than normal levels and the others are about 3-9x suggested levels of CO2 enrichment.

Here are some realistic results:

"Plants grown under enhanced CO2 concentrations flowered earlier and produced 30% more marketable fruit than those grown in normal air."

"CO2 enrichment increased No. 1 grade fruit weight by 14 and 27% and by 4 and 18% for both cultivars in 1981 and 1982, respectively."

"Pot plants, cut flowers, vegetables and forest plants show very positive effects from CO2 enrichment by increased dry weight, plant height, number of leaves and lateral branching. Plant quality expressed by growth habit and number of flowers is often enhanced by CO2enrichment. The rooting of cuttings is often stimulated by high CO2levels."

The argument is that CO2 augmentation during the flowering phase is not beneficial, not that CO2 injection has no effect.
You assume to much. I didn't look for anything, growing is my life, I'm much more invested in this than you think, I'm not some hobby grower... I have no reason to research evidence to contradict what you said, and quite frankly your opinion isn't even worth the little time I've spent thus far disagreeing with you. I have real world experience. I used to run a vented grow room, now I run sealed at 1200ppm, that's enough evidence for me.

Well there's your problem. You should really look.

Experience isn't worth anything. Being wrong for 25 years isn't worth anything. I fire experienced people every single day for incompetence.
This troll has a real Trump attitude and should be ignored.

50 years of commercial greenhouses using CO2 to increase production is enough to convince me that proper usage has definite results.

I bet he thinks that the first moon landing was made in a Hollywood studio too. ;)

This troll has a real Trump attitude and should be ignored.

50 years of commercial greenhouses using CO2 to increase production is enough to convince me that proper usage has definite results.

I bet he thinks that the first moon landing was made in a Hollywood studio too. ;)

Yep. The majority of decently ran and equipped greenhouses I've been in (there's a ton of em down by Lansing Mich)...just look in the upper left or right corners towards the peak of the structure....chances are you will see a co2 burner of some sort. Pretty standard piece of equipment in greenhouses for university lab testing situations and greenhouses for veggie/fruit production. The cannabis growing world and industry lifted alot of what we do including equipment and practices from the straight ag world...not the other way around.
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Wondering how common this is for indoor LED and how many people do it and if there is noticeable benefit based on how much light you are giving it. From what I researched, adding CO2 only works if you are giving the plants a TON of light, otherwise the plants wont use the CO2

tl;dr Supplementing CO2 with an LED light is useless in my experience. LEDS are simply not bright enough as a MH or HPS light, and brightness is what you need with high levels of CO2.

Again, this is just what I have tested out with my friend who owns the local grow shop when we've done comparisons.