Do you believe in God?

Do you believe in God?

  • Yes

    Votes: 71 34.6%
  • No

    Votes: 122 59.5%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 12 5.9%

  • Total voters
Explain yourself. Who theorized it, and why? Was it evidence based reason or a guess?

I believe the big bang was the start of the universe because it was theorized, and then the evidence that supports the theory was found.

"Who" doesn't matter, "how" does.
The priest was a scientist. He explained it to the Pope and the Pope offered to make it part of the Catholic Dogma.
Funny story. Two Mormon missionaries came to my door yesterday. Since they were hot chicks I let them in. 15 minutes later they were crying and walking out the door. lol. Was it something I said?:fire:
The Satanic freemasons at NASA want you to believe earth is one of trillions of planets in billions of galaxies so the idea of God's existence and creation become implausible. You have been force fed images of a globe since you were a toddler. A lie told enough becomes the truth. If the earth is 73% water and water always finds it level then it can't be a globe/sphere. In reality the earth is a bio-dome. Freedom is no longer feeling the need to be free.
The Satanic freemasons at NASA want you to believe earth is one of trillions of planets in billions of galaxies so the idea of God's existence and creation become implausible. You have been force fed images of a globe since you were a toddler. A lie told enough becomes the truth. If the earth is 73% water and water always finds it level then it can't be a globe/sphere. In reality the earth is a bio-dome. Freedom is no longer feeling the need to be free.
K, Deepak
The Satanic freemasons at NASA want you to believe earth is one of trillions of planets in billions of galaxies so the idea of God's existence and creation become implausible. You have been force fed images of a globe since you were a toddler. A lie told enough becomes the truth. If the earth is 73% water and water always finds it level then it can't be a globe/sphere. In reality the earth is a bio-dome. Freedom is no longer feeling the need to be free.

"The Chewbacca Defense is any legal or propaganda strategy that seeks to overwhelm its audience with nonsensical arguments, as a way of confusing the audience and drowning out legitimate opposing arguments. It also has, intentionally or unintentionally, the effect of confusing the opponent so that they will stop arguing with you. If they are too chicken to continue the argument, the point they are trying to argue must be equally flimsy, right? Right?"
"The Chewbacca Defense is any legal or propaganda strategy that seeks to overwhelm its audience with nonsensical arguments, as a way of confusing the audience and drowning out legitimate opposing arguments. It also has, intentionally or unintentionally, the effect of confusing the opponent so that they will stop arguing with you. If they are too chicken to continue the argument, the point they are trying to argue must be equally flimsy, right? Right?"
To summarize "If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bullshit."
I believe the big bang was the start of the universe because it was theorized, and then the evidence that supports the theory was found.

"Who" doesn't matter, "how" does.

Anyone can theorize something, whether or not there's a good reason to believe it or not is a different matter.

I like that approach.
Sorry but the point remains that early religious endeavors did not impregnate modern cosmology with a concept of a 'first cause', that's lacking from science. There's certainly no scientific support for one.

I think we misheard each other. I was referencing the big bang as scientific.
I was referencing the big bang as scientific.
Alright, you'll need to be much more careful in the future to distinguish real science from religious apologetics.
The term 'first cause' is from religious apologetics, not big bang science.
Aquinas claimed without reasoning and evidence that an infinite past is logically absurd, so insisted a first cause must be posited. This has never been scientifically supported. Big bang science does not include a first cause, as far as we know things keep going back beyond the big bang.
Or it could be said science is a range of disciplines born of philosophy, historically. Specializers applying and refining carefully structured thinking (philosophy) to specific fields.
But I know what Jonsnow means, in modern times 'philosophy' tends to refer to the leftover (and new) structured thinking practices that didn't evolve into an empirical science. It's only in the history of philosophy that we consider fields of science as emergent fields of philosophy, basically.
Just to avoid all that ambiguity, instead of science I might have said empirical investigation.
Philosophy translates to the love of wisdom

It would be tough to argue that philosophy is not a part of science

Logic and reason, the disciples of science, are probably the only things that can determine the origin of the universe
Ok, tell us the origin of the universe using strictly logic. or with philosophy.
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Ok, tell us the origin of the universe using strictly logic. or with philosophy.
The universe just is, it exists that we know for sure, it always has and always Will, never created or destroyed. Black holes are like seeds collecting matter and creating singularities for their own big bang, it is all a very natural process there is no need of a creator.