Do you see this weight and height as being too fat

Too fat ? 5'7 193 lbs

  • Yes

    Votes: 28 80.0%
  • No

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Not too fat but still you could lose some weight

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • Mids

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
OP. Try these links.
Its a very easy read and fully explains in laymen terms the negative effects of only eating once a day. I understand you've become accustomed to this dieting regimen and have had a bit of success, but you're really taking the slow boat in trying to reach your desired weight goal. Besides the negative impact on your overall health, its also going to make it impossible to keep the weight off over the long-term. You're obviously very genuine in your desire to be a certain weight but it should be about your emotional well-being as well as your health.
As others have suggested, you need cardio. You've got to jump start that metabolism and keep it in high gear throughout your day. Cardio and several small heathy meals will help harden up your body faster than weights.
How did you hit 230 then?

Because I didn't give a fuck that was when I had just turned 18 I was out of high school and happy that I didn't have to deal with assholes anymore, at least that's what I thought, then as the summer ended I had to get a job this is when just the thought of "Life" in general gave me deep feelings of hopelessness a job wasn't what I had expected it to be like it was HARD combined with bills and shit was just like a giant anchor on my mind. After I got fired from my first job I really just stopped giving a fuck and wanted to start a massacre somewhere that went on for the next 5 months then I went to a little magical place called Florida where I realized my real problem not weight, but that's for another thread.

Anyway now I do not want to go back to where I was before physically and mentally.
See the problem with that is I've been eating one meal a day for about a year since I started and it seems to be the only thing that really helps me lose weight and keep my weight steady, I've tried the whole eat 5 meals a day.

I've tried to eat more than once a day but I always end up getting hungry after eating a small meal then I end up eating and drinking junk, with eating a small snack in the beginning of the day, and eating a meal at night I've went from 230 to 193, but now I've gotten so accustomed to eating once a day that if I try to eat anything more than a sandwich at the beginning of the day I will feel absolutely bloated, and have the itis

If someone has a suggestion that they are %100 sure works I will gladly try it out, but eating once a day seems to be the only way I can lose weight quickly before I get into school in the fall.
I'm 6'4" and 205 lbs, I had back surgery yrs ago and ballooned to almost 275lbs.
couldn't exercise for almost a yr (gnarly surgery)
so here is what I did.
lost 80 lbs in 14 months.
I have the easiest diet suggestion on the planet.
inspired by a friend that had bypass surgery.


it's called the "half-diet"
annnnd all ya gotta do... is...
eat HALF what you normally would eat.

annnnd you are gonna get the chocolate rain thing no matter what man...
that's it.
if you want to add exercise and such that'll help accelerate it, but the half diet WILL work
and you don't need to cut things out, just half.
Because I didn't give a fuck that was when I had just turned 18 I was out of high school and happy that I didn't have to deal with assholes anymore, at least that's what I thought, then as the summer ended I had to get a job this is when just the thought of "Life" in general gave me deep feelings of hopelessness a job wasn't what I had expected it to be like it was HARD combined with bills and shit was just like a giant anchor on my mind. After I got fired from my first job I really just stopped giving a fuck and wanted to start a massacre somewhere that went on for the next 5 months then I went to a little magical place called Florida where I realized my real problem not weight, but that's for another thread.

Anyway now I do not want to go back to where I was before physically and mentally.
almonds, beef jerky (I recommend the Tillamook, all natural), roasted chicken ( a drumstick keeps your metabolism high)
all those are perfect to munch on
if you are REAALLY hungry try eating a big orange and a glass of water with every meal, right there is damn near enough to fill you up.
also important to note that being "full", or feeling "full" happens like up to 20 mins after you really are full.
also worth mentioning, humans aren't supposed to eat till they are full..
weight lifting is good as it builds lean muscle which will increase your calories burned per day, so that's a good start.
like they all have agreed on (because its factual) eating once a day is not good for you.
cucumbers, tomatoes, oranges, avocados (calorie dense but GREAT for you)
fiber is your friend man, in WAY more ways than just feeling full.
yes but youre built with muscle, OP is not.
so for him the BMI index would be factually based.

where as someone who is built like you and has a lot of muscle its inaccurate
i mean look at the photo its obvious he does not have much muscle mass and his mass is fat.
so for him the bmi index would be an accurate or factual information he should take.
No F'ing way that BMI is accurate, it doesn't account for build. I'm 5'7 and according to that I'm supposed to be around 150#. I have a large frame for my size I'm built like a fire hydrant. .lol " I'm not fat, I'm big boned"..LMAO...but really, at 170# I start looking like an aids patient. When I lifted, I maintained 190-195#, and I still had people saying I didn't look healthy. Idk, might be because they all knew me at 250# for so long.
Bro change your glasses

A sandwich for breakfast wont sustain you..

I see muscle degeneration in your future, eat a lean high protein diet. Simply a little canned fish or whatever. Take a multi vitamin if yiu can with that one meal if you must do that.
Do you have any muscle cramps?
Certain positions you feel pulses firing. Say in your calf or side, common places...maybe like a muscle lock up....or any other common side effects of being malnourished
How is your energy level? By comparison
Nutrition will play a role in depression and other mental does working out

Your not getting most of what you need.
People need their micro nutes like the plants need calmag lol

Imo.. swap some of that fat for muscle and youll be fine.

I know height makes a huge difference. Im 6'2 and like myself at 210-220lb.
If i was 5'8 maybe 190-195

You need to work out. I know cardio will help you loose weight, but is the end goal not simply to like your own body?
Shape yourself
You say you dont wanna be skinny.. ok i got you, but your weight is not directly responsible for females not feelin you.

I eat usually about 6,000 calories a day, sometimes more.. thats with little fat on me
Pump up your metabolism
As said, your too young for this and could cause a lot of problems later down the road

But i do remember a thread on your exercise regimen or maybe diet idk.. but i do remember everyone saying your doing it included
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You may read if you want but I just wanna know your opinion on my height and weight. When I first joined this site I was 5'6 230 lbs, back then I would've loved to have been back in the 100's, now I'm close to 180 but I get so much anxiety still from going places, I think of it like this when I was 230 in high school I didn't get made fun of too often I got a smirk here and there but now it's like I've lost like 40 lbs and still it seems like no one has noticed there's no way I can lose that much weight and not look different, the thoughts are pissing me off to the point to where I feel Like I'm gonna snap as I felt like back when I was 230, I would just like for someone to give me their opinion about this height and weight
Only thing that's going to do it is will power, if you don't truly want to lose the weight, you won't. When I hit 250#, I'm 5'7, I decided enough was enough. I figured out I was eating 3-4000 calories a day, big breakfast, snacks at break time, big lunch, more snacks in the afternoon, big dinner, dessert, usually something before I went to bed, 6-12 beers a day, a few sodas, 2-4 coffees, etc,etc. I used an online calculator to figure out my daily caloric needs , which was around 1800 I believe, so I gradually dropped my daily intake over 2 weeks until I was at 1200 a day. I ate a ton of salads and drank mostly water. I was also walking 1-2 miles a day. Takes a good month+ before your body gets used to the low calories, during that time you'll be craving everything. I just slam a couple glasses of water whenever I feel hungry, takes the hungry feeling away for a bit.

Its really is as simple as just stop eating so much, and eating the right things, fruits, veggies, lean meats. Chicken and brown rice, can be cooked/seasoned a million different ways and is healthy.
Get a job as a landscaper this summer. Get paid to learn discipline and get in shape. It wont be easy, ask @Jimmyjonestoo. You're too soft on the inside. That's partially your mamas fault but you are on your own now, or at least should be very soon.
I second landscaping. Get in with the right company and you can have a great horticultural learning experience. ..our you'll just be weed whacking..whatever.
This picture was taken a couple weeks ago I'm probably a pound or two over where I am now still look the same though. Cameras broken I feel embarrassed to post this pic though lol
View attachment 3656099
Change your diet and activity level, to many carbs and to sedentary.
Yeah I guess just the fact they have a BMI scale kinda lends itself to those who are questioning how fat they are. Active folks know what areas they need to work on it's more of a generic way for a doc to say you're fat, and that's not a personal observation.. It's not me it's the BMI scale!

They should have that easy out for social situations.. According to the BI you are .3 into the bitch scale, .4 more point and you become a huge bitch.. Any more snarky remarks your going to break through into the CI :shock:
LOL ++ rep graduate level engineering here.
Come join me on the farm. If you keep up, you'll lose weight, that's a guarantee!

Selling a couple hundred square bales today, maybe put up a couple drywall pieces, then I think I'll check the east fence line and weed whip that whole outer stretch.

Luke, if you stop by we can finish both sides of the fence line today... That'd be swell, ok thx bye