Do You Stand Up When a Woman Walks Into the Room?


Well-Known Member
Opening a door is fine, but standing at attention seems lame. And one thing for the ladies if i open your car door and you havent popped mine open by the time i get around to it, your done.


Well-Known Member
yeah ive seen people do that gesture at family gatherings or parties, rarely tho.

i always stand up when saying hello to someone, wether it may be my uncle or a fine ass dime piece :lol:
but i always wait to be approached.


Active Member
Never lol , shit i expect me hoe to stand up for me haha, " heres your bong and your baggy sir" , .. " thankyou hoe...dismissed".


Well-Known Member
Hell no it would seem pretty weird to if you kept doing it.They would probably think you have some crazy ocd


Well-Known Member
Nah, I wouldn't do it. Imagine having to stand up every two seconds, everytime you see a girl. I stand up to greet someone, but that's only if they are going to be joining the group, and I already know them or are introduced.

You trying to get with a certain older lady? You got that shit in the bag already.


Active Member
That speaks measures about you.
LMAO , no sir; this says measures about you , i was joking, my girlfriend and i like to do that , you know be happy and joke , you silly boy . :finger:

What i really felt like saying is -

Go fuck yourself you suit wearing 2" dick faggot, you must live in a different world son because in UK girls dont like pervy men opening doors and standing up and grovling and shit like a fucking dweeb , so my little pedigree chum go and fuck yourself !! :fire:

But then i changed my mind and decided to go with the first , peace!!


Well-Known Member
Does she sit down when i walk in?

Women have to pick a side. They cant have it both ways.

You want to be treated like a lady? Then accpet the subordiant role.
You want to be equal? Then do it and quit using the weaker sex card to get your way.


Well-Known Member
chivalry died with the equal rights movement. a woman who wants to be treated like an equal but expects doors opened for them is a hypocrite

sometimes ill do as someone else mentioned, and walk on the outside of the sidewalk when im walking a lady home or something. and ill hold a door open if a woman is behind me the same as i would if it was anyone else; out of common courtesy for humans in general. but theres no way im going out of my way to seem like a gentleman. if a woman cant tell im a catch then shes blind, i dont have to stand up for her


I always stand up and personally greet anyone that walks into a room. Don't wait for the "hey this is my friend etc etc" bullshit. Introduce yourself.


Well-Known Member
Does she sit down when i walk in?

Women have to pick a side. They cant have it both ways.

You want to be treated like a lady? Then accpet the subordiant role.
You want to be equal? Then do it and quit using the weaker sex card to get your way.
i open doors for everyone regardless of whether they're a man or a woman, so if the guy is ahead of me, then yea...i think its polite to hold open the door for me. just as if i was in front of him, its polite for me to hold the door for him. ;-)