robert 14617
Well-Known Member
i do this for my wife , the few times weve been to fine restaurants
Classyi do this for my wife , the few times weve been to fine restaurants
That speaks measures about you.Never lol , shit i expect me hoe to stand up for me haha, " heres your bong and your baggy sir" , .. " thankyou hoe...dismissed".
i stand up when she gets back to the table , the most important person in my life ,its the least i can do ...and she shows me later how much she appreciates the gesturei do this for my wife , the few times weve been to fine restaurants
LMAO , no sir; this says measures about you , i was joking, my girlfriend and i like to do that , you know be happy and joke , you silly boy .That speaks measures about you.
lmao thats exactly what i picture robert14617 to be like hahah me and my girlfriend cant stop laughing hahah ,Classy
Lmao like it !!shit move to cleveland the women pass men around and treat us like we r the whores its great
i open doors for everyone regardless of whether they're a man or a woman, so if the guy is ahead of me, then yea...i think its polite to hold open the door for me. just as if i was in front of him, its polite for me to hold the door for him.Does she sit down when i walk in?
Women have to pick a side. They cant have it both ways.
You want to be treated like a lady? Then accpet the subordiant role.
You want to be equal? Then do it and quit using the weaker sex card to get your way.