Absolutely it is wrong,
However if your survival is at stake then I believe absolutely nothing should stop you from doing whatever it is you need to do, to stay alive and in the gene pool.
I completely disagree when people use the "big corporation" scapegoat to do a self-justified "victim-less crime". Walmart "destroyed" the "town" I used to live in according to some. Closing 10+ small businesses which employed I imagine 3-4 people per store (that would be a high estimate)..
HOWEVER Walmart hired over 90 SALES associates at a generally higher wage of $10.75/hr WITH benefits.. This does not include management which almost all live locally.
Honestly, I would much rather support fair pricing and mass employment and benefits than the old "downtown" owners that would simply resell product at whatever they could get away with whilst paying minimum wage and providing (generally) no benefits. The stores that remained where service outlets and genuinely useful home-made and hand-crafted establishments.. It did however have an adverse short-term effect on the service-industry (tattoos/haircuts/banks/fast food) however this had recovered quite substantially before I relocated.
Whilst shopping at WalMart I can now live significantly cheaper giving myself disposable income to spend on other things around town, or allowing me to put money aside for long-term investments (the savings can be upwards of 75%).
Now just like all the signs say, shoplifting:
a) Creates a higher ratio of writeoff's, thus pushing product prices higher to cover the loss.
b) Creates issues with employee pay-schemes, as with lower profits they will inevitably freeze wages/cut benefits.
So I would only personally find it permissible when you or someone you love needs it for survival.
Quite a bit of talk about Karma here..
I'd think we all can admit we know Karma doesn't exist, naturally we draw conclusions on coincidences but to think that stealing a pair of scissors is going to physically effect a unrelated event in his life is ludicrous. You can tie ANY event to the root cause of it's existence.. It was not a event "created" by Karma, (it happened because you haden't changed the brake lines, you were doing 150km/hr, and the line disconnected minutes before that "S" bend - NOT because you have a dead hooker in your trunk and that's bad Karma)
If you steal the scissors and you do not get caught (then or later) then there will be no negative consequence (ignoring guilt/mental anguish if it applies)..