Does Cannabis make you an anti-social aggressive ?

Does Cannabis personally make your more aggressive

  • Yes you S$#%t F$#%$k Ass$% son of a bitch

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • No I don't think so

    Votes: 11 52.4%
  • I'm currently too bake to tell.

    Votes: 2 9.5%

  • Total voters
That may have been ur intention but it came off very stand-offish and smug, like “this is my opinion of the group, prove me wrong”. Read what u want into it, my original response was my best guess, but u guys only seem to want to read selectively/ respond to aggression
I'm responding to your second reply not your first one.

And when I sat I agree that it makes people aggressive im talking about the people I know in real life not the people on here (pretty sure that's what the OP is also talking and asking about) people online in general are the WORST version of themselves. There are exceptions of course but they are truly exceptions.
I'm responding to your second reply not your first one.

And when I sat I agree that it makes people aggressive im talking about the people I know in real life not the people on here (pretty sure that's what the OP is also talking and asking about) people online in general are the WORST version of themselves. There are exceptions of course but they are truly exceptions.
Couldnt agree more with that second part, i think on RIU in general u almost always end up competing with someone elses opinion and/or defending ur way of doing things, so its conducive to aggression, but its not actually hostility
That may have been ur intention but it came off very stand-offish and smug, like “this is my opinion of the group, prove me wrong”. Read what u want into it, my original response was my best guess, but u guys only seem to want to read selectively/ respond to aggression

I apologize if it came across that way but it was not my intention at all to offend anyone at all. See to me it doesn't seem as smug or stand offish. I'm going to try to say this the nicest way possible as well without offending you. Do you think that cannabis has made you personally think other people come across more aggressive than they are actually are ? Obviously I don't know you at all and you might not even smoke lol

For example one of my friends we could be sitting at the Bar having a drink. and just out of the blue he will tap me on the shoulder and go " Oi that C$%t at the other table is eyeing me off etc.. I'm gona go smash him when he gets outside" and here I am sitting looking at the poor fella thinking, man he's just having a drink minding his own business I don't think he is even looking at you..

But on the OTHER end of that scale, because we are good friends and he has known me for years, he is aggressive yes, but he would also do anything for you, if you needed help on your car, he comes around he helps pull car parts, would give you the shirt off his black if you asked.
So I don't think it's his personality I think possibly and I could be 100% wrong that the weed over the last 20 years has turned him more aggressive ?
Really, why post that here instead of on the Aussie thread where you hang out? Absolutely no ulterior motive I'm sure.
With every post you just prove my theory lol, I left that aussie sub forum DUE to all the aggression lol I even't wrote that in my OP. I put it up here because this is the correct sub forum for this type of question.. I didn't want to actually mention that particular sub forum because I didn't want to piss anyone off.

But it turns out it is just the same across the whole forum which is why I put this post up.
My best guess is that people have become more and more insufferable over the last 20 years and ur friends general aggression a better social commentary than it is an indicator of how weed is turning everyone into killers
...But on the OTHER end of that scale, because we are good friends and he has known me for years, he is aggressive yes, but he would also do anything for you, if you needed help on your car, he comes around he helps pull car parts, would give you the shirt off his black if you asked.
So I don't think it's his personality I think possibly and I could be 100% wrong that the weed over the last 20 years has turned him more aggressive ?

It sounds like your aggressive friend that removes his clothes and pulls your car parts for you may have aggressive tendencies because he is attracted to you and doesn't know how to deal with it. Perhaps you could help him along by making a move on him first to let him know that it's okay. Who knows? It could be a cathartic move that helps you both heal, and leads the friendship to new and exciting level. Let us know how it goes...
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So can you tell me why weed is making you more aggressive?

Well I don't know that it is , I guess that is why I am scared because maybe I am and I don't even realize it like say dementia? Maybe I'm not ?
I was more just looking for other peoples opinions and ideas.

100% agree Leonphelps, society has definitely gotten more insufferable in general over the last 10 -20 years and I hate to think what the next 20 will bring.
It sounds like your aggressive friend that removes his clothes and pulls your car parts for you may have aggressive tendencies because he is attracted to you as doesn't know how to deal with it. Perhaps you could help him along by making a move on him first to let him know that it's okay. Who knows? It could be a cathartic move that helps you both heal, and leads the friendship to new and exciting level. Let us know how it goes...

He's happily engaged but I'll be sure to mention your idea next time I see him. ;)
With every post you just prove my theory lol, I left that aussie sub forum DUE to all the aggression lol I even't wrote that in my OP. I put it up here because this is the correct sub forum for this type of question.. I didn't want to actually mention that particular sub forum because I didn't want to piss anyone off.

But it turns out it is just the same across the whole forum which is why I put this post up.
If you have a problem with them take it to them.
Well I don't know that it is , I guess that is why I am scared because maybe I am and I don't even realize it like say dementia? Maybe I'm not ?
I was more just looking for other peoples opinions and ideas.

100% agree Leonphelps, society has definitely gotten more insufferable in general over the last 10 -20 years and I hate to think what the next 20 will bring.
Maybe you just need a high-speed balancing, son
He's happily engaged but I'll be sure to mention your idea next time I see him. ;)
Yup you're just here to start shit.

The scary creepy part is that his posts read as a sly support for this sort of propaganda. I worry that mobs of stoners brandishing clubs, pitchforks and the obligatory few torches might roam the streets ... right until they get to Taco Bell or a place that sells those donut cheeseburgers ...

