Does Cannabis make you an anti-social aggressive ?

Does Cannabis personally make your more aggressive

  • Yes you S$#%t F$#%$k Ass$% son of a bitch

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • No I don't think so

    Votes: 11 52.4%
  • I'm currently too bake to tell.

    Votes: 2 9.5%

  • Total voters
Ok so how would you reword the question ? I'll change the original post. Because I don't want the stupid kind of replies it was a legitimate question that has been on my mind for the last few months.

On my reading of the opening post, it proposed a hypothesis and no test protocol. Suggest a test protocol, and folks will show up with serious input. The greatest challenge in learning something is recognizing and working against one's own assumptions and pet ideas. I worked as a pro scientist, and I am embarrassed at how often I chased a wrong answer because it was pretty.
It's not a troll thread, if you knew me in person you would realize it was a legitimate question. How many Troll threads say multiple times that I don't want to offend anyone and it was just a question.. Looking back at this thread so far. Do you honestly think that I am not in some way right ??

I mean seriously, forget all the laughs and memes and stupid comments for a second just thread through this thread.. it answers itself.
Almost all troll threads are started by a guy or girl who claims several times it isn't a troll.
Its a hallmark you might say.

You are doing excellent