Does Cannabis make you an anti-social aggressive ?

Does Cannabis personally make your more aggressive

  • Yes you S$#%t F$#%$k Ass$% son of a bitch

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • No I don't think so

    Votes: 11 52.4%
  • I'm currently too bake to tell.

    Votes: 2 9.5%

  • Total voters
I know this is going to be a controversial topic but hear me out.

I came to this forum a year or so ago having never smoked in my life (35 years old)l and I was under the impression that pot smokers were the most laid back relaxed people after watching movies and tv etc.. Now I'm a very social person I'm usually the one who organizes car cruises in our club and all the fun stuff we do at work in the office. So safe to say I was completely shocked how aggressive people are in here ! It's unbelievable. I know its a non moderated forum, but I'm apart of a few of them and I have never seen anything close to the Sh#$t that goes on in this group. I don't even check a few sub forums because all they do is fight and bitch.

The more that I think about it, the 3 close friends I do have that have all been smoking for years ( I love them to bits of course) but they all are very anti social and only have 2-3 friends in their life. And generally they are aggressive to other people whether it be at the pub on Fri night or while playing PUBG (online games)

The thing that I guess scared me a little is well that after trying pot for a month or so I don't know if it is just a placebo effect but I found my self wanting to bite back more and people and found that I was getting into more arguments online ?? I've stopped now and haven't smoked in 2 months.

So what are your thoughts guys who are pretty heavy smokers ? I'm not trying to offend anyone as I have also met some really nice people here. Does Cannabis make your more aggressive ? Or do just naturally aggressive people tend to smoke ? Or is it just the same logic as drinking .. it just lowers your inhibitions so all that built up anger you've held down over the years just leaks out a little haha.
I've known a couple heads like that.

They were everyday, all day smokers.

I don't think it's the weed itself. Just certian personality traits or other underlying mental issues that the weed brings out.

I also know that strains can play a role.

Social stigma plays a role. It's not legal here. Not many people know I smoke. Maybe those people don't want to be around more people to keep thier business thiers.

Kids or family? That changes things a lot. Now that I have kids I'm not as social as I used to be.

One friend I had could be a real ass if he ran out of smoke. I get a bit cranky and aggitated when I've been smoking heavy and take a break. Usually only for a day or two.

So in short I don't think it's the cannabis in itself. Many factors could play a roll.
I promise the op has no problem living it up on 420
Hitlers birthday.
The sensitive soul he is..


I've known a couple heads like that.

They were everyday, all day smokers.

I don't think it's the weed itself. Just certian personality traits or other underlying mental issues that the weed brings out.

I also know that strains can play a role.

Social stigma plays a role. It's not legal here. Not many people know I smoke. Maybe those people don't want to be around more people to keep thier business thiers.

Kids or family? That changes things a lot. Now that I have kids I'm not as social as I used to be.

One friend I had could be a real ass if he ran out of smoke. I get a bit cranky and aggitated when I've been smoking heavy and take a break. Usually only for a day or two.

So in short I don't think it's the cannabis in itself. Many factors could play a roll.

I agree as well it might be say 90% your original personality and the weed just enhances your intolerance. I used to be a fairly heavy drinker and people said i turned into an asshole, where in my mind I thought I was the life of the party haha. So I stopped hence why I'm here lol.
i (and quite a few others i know) smoke weed for more than one reason. i like to get high. i have problems with nausea and neuropathy.
i have sciatica and it helps me sleep. I'M A BIG ASSHOLE WHO IS EASILY IRRITATED, and it helps me not be so easily irritated...i take lexapro for the same thing, but it isn't that effective, and makes me sleep too much....and still be tired when i wake i cut my own dose a little, and just smoke should be around one day when i run out if you think you've seen fuck all yet
I think you are right.

I am a bit of an asshole myself.

I smoke for pain, sleep and to help tolerate other people's stupidity.
Ok so how would you reword the question ? I'll change the original post. Because I don't want the stupid kind of replies it was a legitimate question that has been on my mind for the last few months. Because I am the same, I do have a fairly low tolerance for people and the last thing I want to do is make me LESS tolerant. But instead of arguing or fighting I just ignore them cause honestly its not worth the effort to type the words on your keyboard to fight strangers online

I've also got slight Aspergers as well so sometimes I come across as arrogant and assholeish but I am far from it.
First maybe research a little bit.

This is the toke and talk sub section. It is not serious in this sub section.

We are all assholes with big swinging dicks.

Find the appropriate sub section.

Don't bait the question when you ask it. You kind of insisted people be assholes in thier answers.
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I know this is going to be a controversial topic but hear me out.

I came to this forum a year or so ago having never smoked in my life (35 years old)l and I was under the impression that pot smokers were the most laid back relaxed people after watching movies and tv etc.. Now I'm a very social person I'm usually the one who organizes car cruises in our club and all the fun stuff we do at work in the office. So safe to say I was completely shocked how aggressive people are in here ! It's unbelievable. I know its a non moderated forum, but I'm apart of a few of them and I have never seen anything close to the Sh#$t that goes on in this group. I don't even check a few sub forums because all they do is fight and bitch.

The more that I think about it, the 3 close friends I do have that have all been smoking for years ( I love them to bits of course) but they all are very anti social and only have 2-3 friends in their life. And generally they are aggressive to other people whether it be at the pub on Fri night or while playing PUBG (online games)

The thing that I guess scared me a little is well that after trying pot for a month or so I don't know if it is just a placebo effect but I found my self wanting to bite back more and people and found that I was getting into more arguments online ?? I've stopped now and haven't smoked in 2 months.

So what are your thoughts guys who are pretty heavy smokers ? I'm not trying to offend anyone as I have also met some really nice people here. Does Cannabis make your more aggressive ? Or do just naturally aggressive people tend to smoke ? Or is it just the same logic as drinking .. it just lowers your inhibitions so all that built up anger you've held down over the years just leaks out a little haha.
Are you Nancy Grace?