Does Cannabis make you an anti-social aggressive ?

Does Cannabis personally make your more aggressive

  • Yes you S$#%t F$#%$k Ass$% son of a bitch

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • No I don't think so

    Votes: 11 52.4%
  • I'm currently too bake to tell.

    Votes: 2 9.5%

  • Total voters
All jokes aside I do actually see where your coming from. I actually quit smoking because I'd get so irritated when I did smoke. I started to noticed a pattern when I smoked. I'd smoke and then about the time my heart would speed up from the joint kicking in. I'd literally get the biggest erection it was painful. I'd find myself master bating an unhealthy amount. Even after I came my boner wouldn't go away. I'd try tucking it back towards my asshole so I couldn't see it visually......but then I'd find myself bending over in the mirror asshole naked to look at my dick from behind. So is it the pot.......I don't know

You sleep with jazz singers, don't you?


Take my money!
All jokes aside I do actually see where your coming from. I actually quit smoking because I'd get so irritated when I did smoke. I started to noticed a pattern when I smoked. I'd smoke and then about the time my heart would speed up from the joint kicking in. I'd literally get the biggest erection it was painful. I'd find myself master bating an unhealthy amount. Even after I came my boner wouldn't go away. I'd try tucking it back towards my asshole so I couldn't see it visually......but then I'd find myself bending over in the mirror asshole naked to look at my dick from behind. So is it the pot.......I don't know

apart from boner experience, I was the same and I guess it does scare me a little, cause no one wants to be an asshole.. Some people enjoy it I guess but I don't want my friends and family been effected by me smoking. And I could feel it I was 100% noticeably more irritable. Even just driving around town as soon as someone cut me off or driving 60ks in the 100 zone I wanted to just bump them off the road :(
Weed usually gets people in touch with their better self. Sounds like your best self is very angry and antisocial.

Don't try tequila is my recommendation
apart from boner experience, I was the same and I guess it does scare me a little, cause no one wants to be an asshole.. Some people enjoy it I guess but I don't want my friends and family been effected by me smoking. And I could feel it I was 100% noticeably more irritable. Even just driving around town as soon as someone cut me off or driving 60ks in the 100 zone I wanted to just bump them off the road :(
apart from boner experience, I was the same and I guess it does scare me a little, cause no one wants to be an asshole.. Some people enjoy it I guess but I don't want my friends and family been effected by me smoking. And I could feel it I was 100% noticeably more irritable. Even just driving around town as soon as someone cut me off or driving 60ks in the 100 zone I wanted to just bump them off the road :(

Honestly weed doesn't make me irritable at all. I find myself way more social and way more talkative when high. Kinda weird you'd have road rage while driving high. I feel like I'm flying a spaceship and 25 feels like 60. Maybe you need to smoke some better pot. The only reason I don't smoke much anymore is because I have kids,work and lots of things to do constantly. I get lazy when I smoke. I like long flowered indicas that give me the giggles then lock me up good. So honestly I get the exact opposite of irritable when I'm high.
See I had a quick look through the Cafe and wasn't sure what sub forum to put it in ? Should have I put it in the politics one ? I wasn't sure if that was like Trump politics etc. Maybe the Philosophy one ? To be honest I'm still not sure where it should go to get a better response.

As I said it wasn't supposed to be a baited question with any malice it has just come across wrong as things usually do on the internet.
I think there is a fitness section or something along those lines.

I double checked. Fintess and well being sounds like a good spot.
Honestly weed doesn't make me irritable at all. I find myself way more social and way more talkative when high. Kinda weird you'd have road rage while driving high. I feel like I'm flying a spaceship and 25 feels like 60. Maybe you need to smoke some better pot. The only reason I don't smoke much anymore is because I have kids,work and lots of things to do constantly. I get lazy when I smoke. I like long flowered indicas that give me the giggles then lock me up good. So honestly I get the exact opposite of irritable when I'm high.

Oh I'm sunshine and lolly pops when high, it's the few days after that I find makes me irritable. You know you might be on the money with the better quality stuff. To be honest I am very very new to the different strains and types and have only grown my own stuff which I guarantee is pretty rubbish stuff. Even through I'm a seasoned drinker and chili grower I am very new and naive to the world of cannabis and learning every day.

I won't do another post in the fitness section because believe it or not this thread has given me a lot of info and things to test and think about :)