Does Cannabis make you an anti-social aggressive ?

Does Cannabis personally make your more aggressive

  • Yes you S$#%t F$#%$k Ass$% son of a bitch

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • No I don't think so

    Votes: 11 52.4%
  • I'm currently too bake to tell.

    Votes: 2 9.5%

  • Total voters
Oh I'm sunshine and lolly pops when high, it's the few days after that I find makes me irritable. You know you might be on the money with the better quality stuff. To be honest I am very very new to the different strains and types and have only grown my own stuff which I guarantee is pretty rubbish stuff. Even through I'm a seasoned drinker and chili grower I am very new and naive to the world of cannabis and learning every day.

I won't do another post in the fitness section because believe it or not this thread has given me a lot of info and things to test and think about :)

I know I learned to tuck my weiner and check it out from the back in the mirror...... I also learned how to perfect giving myself a stranger.

I must credit @mr sunshine for both of those. What a great guy.

Getting irritable when you don't have it makes more sense than making it sound like your irritable when your high. We as humans get irritable about of a lot of things we don't have though. I'm trying to quit smoking cigs and it's way more of a bitch than weed ever was. About the only thing that bugged me when I quit smoking daily was losing that good sleep at night. I wasn't addicted or with drawling from not having it.
I wish my Weiner was big enough to tuck it anywhere :(
See I would say that cigs are pretty much the same or similar to weed with the irritability but probably 10 x worse. Just looking at the few people at work who do smoke.
I wish my Weiner was big enough to tuck it anywhere :(
See I would say that cigs are pretty much the same or similar to weed with the irritability but probably 10 x worse. Just looking at the few people at work who do smoke.
You are looking at it as if the nicotine and cannabis are causal; alternatively that trait may impel the bearer to seek those drugs to decrease the irritability
I think the younger you are when you begin smoking the more likely you are to gain adverse effects. But none of my friends who began smoking at a young age show signs of aggression beyond reason. Some are extremely social and some are anti social. Cannabis is a psychedelic so i think it just exacerbates the users character traits. However abusing any drug and getting yourself into trouble may well cause stress and stress will lead to anger.
Oh I'm sunshine and lolly pops when high, it's the few days after that I find makes me irritable. You know you might be on the money with the better quality stuff. To be honest I am very very new to the different strains and types and have only grown my own stuff which I guarantee is pretty rubbish stuff. Even through I'm a seasoned drinker and chili grower I am very new and naive to the world of cannabis and learning every day.

I won't do another post in the fitness section because believe it or not this thread has given me a lot of info and things to test and think about :)
Stop telling people you're me.
I know I learned to tuck my weiner and check it out from the back in the mirror...... I also learned how to perfect giving myself a stranger.

I must credit @mr sunshine for both of those. What a great guy.

Getting irritable when you don't have it makes more sense than making it sound like your irritable when your high. We as humans get irritable about of a lot of things we don't have though. I'm trying to quit smoking cigs and it's way more of a bitch than weed ever was. About the only thing that bugged me when I quit smoking daily was losing that good sleep at night. I wasn't addicted or with drawling from not having it.
I recently bought this...

It's legit bro, she's gunna wear it to the club this weekend. I'm getting hard just thinking about it.
I think the younger you are when you begin smoking the more likely you are to gain adverse effects. But none of my friends who began smoking at a young age show signs of aggression beyond reason. Some are extremely social and some are anti social. Cannabis is a psychedelic so i think it just exacerbates the users character traits. However abusing any drug and getting yourself into trouble may well cause stress and stress will lead to anger.

Well said man, I'm happy just to leave it as that sums up what I was trying to say. It's not going to turn a happy person into an asshole, but it will like alcohol/other drugs bring out the best and worst of your traits.
Well said man, I'm happy just to leave it as that sums up what I was trying to say. It's not going to turn a happy person into an asshole, but it will like alcohol/other drugs bring out the best and worst of your traits.
After smoking copious amounts of pot each day during my childhood and teenage years ive learnt that weed isnt the 100% harmless substance its made out to be by pot culture (as in its safe to smoke it constantly type speak) but it also isnt the demon its made out to be by many governments and older generations. Moderation is key to reap the benefits of this incredible plant medicine, because after all that is what it is, enough said, enjoy your herbs man
I wish my Weiner was big enough to tuck it anywhere :(
See I would say that cigs are pretty much the same or similar to weed with the irritability but probably 10 x worse. Just looking at the few people at work who do smoke.

Really ... you don't. It becomes a daily chore. Accept this info from a Tyrannopenis Rex owner/operator.
But it did let me practice tying the perfect single Windsor.
Yeah I could, I could have just left the forums and not given it a second thought. I
But I decided to post up the question because I genuinely would like to know if people agreed or disagreed. I can sit through another 6 pages of insults and not bat an eyelid if I get those 1 or 2 replies.
i gave you a legitimate answer......
apart from boner experience, I was the same and I guess it does scare me a little, cause no one wants to be an asshole.. Some people enjoy it I guess but I don't want my friends and family been effected by me smoking. And I could feel it I was 100% noticeably more irritable. Even just driving around town as soon as someone cut me off or driving 60ks in the 100 zone I wanted to just bump them off the road :(
thats the way i am without weed. i still want to when i'm high, but somehow, it's usually funny at the same time......