Does Cannabis make you an anti-social aggressive ?

Does Cannabis personally make your more aggressive

  • Yes you S$#%t F$#%$k Ass$% son of a bitch

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • No I don't think so

    Votes: 11 52.4%
  • I'm currently too bake to tell.

    Votes: 2 9.5%

  • Total voters
Well I don't know that it is , I guess that is why I am scared because maybe I am and I don't even realize it like say dementia? Maybe I'm not ?
I was more just looking for other peoples opinions and ideas.

100% agree Leonphelps, society has definitely gotten more insufferable in general over the last 10 -20 years and I hate to think what the next 20 will bring.
The scary creepy part is that his posts read as a sly support for this sort of propaganda. I worry that mobs of stoners brandishing clubs, pitchforks and the obligatory few torches might roam the streets ... right until they get to Taco Bell or a place that sells those donut cheeseburgers ...


But stoners are antisocial and wont leave the house or form mobs.
Hell I only get groceries after midnight so I can avoid people.
I'm not arguing with you or disagreeing with you lol, I'm trying to say I couldn't care. Yeah I understand people are bastards, but just saying oh don't mind me "I'm a bastard" is just stupid it makes no sense. Why not just try be a bit nicer to new people to the group ? Or if you can't resist been nice just don't bother commenting on anything they say ? Or if your just happy chatting to the same 10 odd people and piss off everyone new that comes along just keep doing what your doing I guess.

Just get a job as a nanny, you seem perfect for the position.
Yes we get it.
You started a troll thread.
Its going swimmingly im sure

It's not a troll thread, if you knew me in person you would realize it was a legitimate question. How many Troll threads say multiple times that I don't want to offend anyone and it was just a question.. Looking back at this thread so far. Do you honestly think that I am not in some way right ??

I mean seriously, forget all the laughs and memes and stupid comments for a second just thread through this thread.. it answers itself.
i (and quite a few others i know) smoke weed for more than one reason. i like to get high. i have problems with nausea and neuropathy.
i have sciatica and it helps me sleep. I'M A BIG ASSHOLE WHO IS EASILY IRRITATED, and it helps me not be so easily irritated...i take lexapro for the same thing, but it isn't that effective, and makes me sleep too much....and still be tired when i wake i cut my own dose a little, and just smoke should be around one day when i run out if you think you've seen fuck all yet
It's not a troll thread, if you knew me in person you would realize it was a legitimate question. How many Troll threads say multiple times that I don't want to offend anyone and it was just a question.. Looking back at this thread so far. Do you honestly think that I am not in some way right ??

I mean seriously, forget all the laughs and memes and stupid comments for a second just thread through this thread.. it answers itself.

Remember what I said about confirmation bias? Your slip is showing. Had it been a legitimate question, you would not be doing all this hugely offensive "I do not wish to offend BUT" business.
Thus I do not trust your saying so.
Remember what I said about confirmation bias? Your slip is showing. Had it been a legitimate question, you would not be doing all this hugely offensive "I do not wish to offend BUT" business.
Thus I do not trust your saying so.

Ok so how would you reword the question ? I'll change the original post. Because I don't want the stupid kind of replies it was a legitimate question that has been on my mind for the last few months. Because I am the same, I do have a fairly low tolerance for people and the last thing I want to do is make me LESS tolerant. But instead of arguing or fighting I just ignore them cause honestly its not worth the effort to type the words on your keyboard to fight strangers online

I've also got slight Aspergers as well so sometimes I come across as arrogant and assholeish but I am far from it.