Does my compost tea have nutrients in it?

NICE, yeah I haven't gone that route just yet... but in the future.
Do you have a wormbin? a good wormbin and a tea setup like what you have will get you the best AACT ever!
Talk about microbe difference, fresh EWC has a ton of humus and microbes in it

Yeah ive been reading into the vermicompost. you let the water drip down through the worm bin collecting all the beneficial microbes left behind in the tunnels from the worms and bam you got baller tea!
yeah I wonder if there is tester of some sort that can test my oxygen levels in the bucket. Cause youre supposed to stay above 6ppm oxygen. I wonder what im at
two eco fours and I wouldn't bother about any o2 measurement, gotta remember you can't FORCE o2 into water, it's added simply by surface agitation (ambient air's o2 percentage is higher than water's) those two pumps probably have the water pretty "saturated" with oxygen...
Yeah ive been reading into the vermicompost. you let the water drip down through the worm bin collecting all the beneficial microbes left behind in the tunnels from the worms and bam you got baller tea!
the tea is great, but where the good stuff is at, is the fresh EWC, nothing beats all the microbes and humus that's in there.
I keep on sayin to the guys on this site, I wished I would have discovered vermicomposting sooner, its really addictive, and I actually get a lil kick out of watching my lil worm friends devour stuff, and reproduce like mad.
I love those little guys, you can add kelp, rock dusts, manures all kinds of stuff to make some seriously kick-ass worm castings.
you already have most of the equipment, do you ever do any sprouted seed teas? THAT stuff kicks major ass, it brought my dahlia and lavender back to life after they got umm, sorta abused... I was on vacation and my neighbor didn't understand that plants need water...
earth worm castings, but close enough, potato, potahtoe

heres another question ive been wondering about and cant seem to find much more info on than the one place I read, which I don't remember where that was lol. This thing I read stated that microbes cant pass through smaller than 400 micron screen. The paint strainer bags I get from the local store claim to be around 225 or 250 micron. but I can see through the mesh like spaces that have got to be big enough for tiny microscopic microbes to pass through....your thoughts?
you already have most of the equipment, do you ever do any sprouted seed teas? THAT stuff kicks major ass, it brought my dahlia and lavender back to life after they got umm, sorta abused... I was on vacation and my neighbor didn't understand that plants need water...

lol rough, left my garden in the care of a friend once for 5 days, will never do that again. haven't tried the seed teas, sounds badass. ive basically been doing this tea for like 4 years now, laziness I guess is why I haven't branched out until now. Finally got it through my head that you cant be lazy and expect great results
heres another question ive been wondering about and cant seem to find much more info on than the one place I read, which I don't remember where that was lol. This thing I read stated that microbes cant pass through smaller than 400 micron screen. The paint strainer bags I get from the local store claim to be around 225 or 250 micron. but I can see through the mesh like spaces that have got to be big enough for tiny microscopic microbes to pass through....your thoughts?
hmm, well like I said, I don't use a bag, but 225 or 250 is less than 400, so that should be ok, can't see why a bigger hole would be bad. I don't really see any reason to use a bag though, especially in your case, those two pumps will agitate the water PLENTY
lol rough, left my garden in the care of a friend once for 5 days, will never do that again. haven't tried the seed teas, sounds badass. ive basically been doing this tea for like 4 years now, laziness I guess is why I haven't branched out until now. Finally got it through my head that you cant be lazy and expect great results
in this organic section there is some good info on SSTs, the concept behind it is all the growth enzymes and hormones that seeds need in order to germinate, evidently it's super good stuff for plants.
I'm experimenting on using a cannabis-seed, SST to see if the pot-seeds have any added benefit for the plants, seems to me it would considering it's the same plant, but that's all speculation, I have a bunch of seeds so why not?
hmm, well like I said, I don't use a bag, but 225 or 250 is less than 400, so that should be ok, can't see why a bigger hole would be bad. I don't really see any reason to use a bag though, especially in your case, those two pumps will agitate the water PLENTY

I thought the smaller the number micron wise means smaller holes, like a 70 micron screen has smaller holes than a 200 micron screen. Such as with bubblebags. I like the idea of not using the bag would definitely be better, still need to strain it when its done, maybe I should just get some regular screen like from a screen door or something
I thought the smaller the number micron wise means smaller holes, like a 70 micron screen has smaller holes than a 200 micron screen. Such as with bubblebags. I like the idea of not using the bag would definitely be better, still need to strain it when its done, maybe I should just get some regular screen like from a screen door or something
I could be wrong, but I thought it was like sandpaper, the higher the number the finer. I thought 400 meant 400 holes per square inch. 250 meaning 250 holes per sq inch, Right? or am I a jackass? I very well could be wrong, lemme go look----
EDIT----nope, I am in fact a jackass, its the opposite of what I thought.
If that's the case, you can just get a cheesecloth, or I think the organic site KIS, has bags with all the stuff in it already (bio-accumulators and such) you could buy one, and then just re-use the bag.
or people have used womens pantyhose too.
I'm not really helping here, sorry I just throw it all in the water, and I don't strain after either, I topdress with the muck
I thought the smaller the number micron wise means smaller holes, like a 70 micron screen has smaller holes than a 200 micron screen. Such as with bubblebags. I like the idea of not using the bag would definitely be better, still need to strain it when its done, maybe I should just get some regular screen like from a screen door or something
Meh, I don't know about straining, can't see why that would be needed, i've heard many people doing it, but why? seems like it'd be a good thing to topdress with, so I do, another thing to look at is getting a comfrey plant, the leaves work awesome as a food source, I have a tea with dandelion and comfrey right now, and my plants love that stuff.
I could be wrong, but I thought it was like sandpaper, the higher the number the finer. I thought 400 meant 400 holes per square inch. 250 meaning 250 holes per sq inch, Right? or am I a jackass? I very well could be wrong, lemme go look----
EDIT----nope, I am in fact a jackass, its the opposite of what I thought.
If that's the case, you can just get a cheesecloth, or I think the organic site KIS, has bags with all the stuff in it already (bio-accumulators and such) you could buy one, and then just re-use the bag.
or people have used womens pantyhose too.
I'm not really helping here, sorry I just throw it all in the water, and I don't strain after either, I topdress with the muck

just found a thing that shows bacteria is .5-20 microns, the average human hair is 70-100 microns, so I guess 225 micron screen is fine
another thing to look at is getting a comfrey plant, the leaves work awesome as a food source, I have a tea with dandelion and comfrey right now, and my plants love that stuff.

I don't have a lot of room to work with and I have quite a few ladies so a lot of times I want to try something new like growing some plants for the benefits of using them in my rooms but I would need a lot
Meh, I don't know about straining, can't see why that would be needed, i've heard many people doing it, but why? seems like it'd be a good thing to topdress with, so I do, another thing to look at is getting a comfrey plant, the leaves work awesome as a food source, I have a tea with dandelion and comfrey right now, and my plants love that stuff.

I would need a lot to top dress them all which is why I fill my 50 gallon reservoirs and add 2 5 gallon buckets of tea to them to water it in
I don't have a lot of room to work with and I have quite a few ladies so a lot of times I want to try something new like growing some plants for the benefits of using them in my rooms but I would need a lot
beauty of comfrey is that you don't need to have it indoors, you could have one in a smartpot outside, it's potent too, and fast growing (especially in an organic amended soil meant for cannabis) a big leaf chopped up, with three or four dandelion plants, and let it dissolve for about a week, and then bubble ( I like to bubble anyways, not needed)
French gardening
I would need a lot to top dress them all which is why I fill my 50 gallon reservoirs and add 2 5 gallon buckets of tea to them to water it in
you dilute 1 gallon of tea to ten gallons of water?
I ask because I use my AACT at full strength.
if it's a nute-tea, that's different, but that's pretty diluted if its an AACT
beauty of comfrey is that you don't need to have it indoors, you could have one in a smartpot outside, it's potent too, and fast growing (especially in an organic amended soil meant for cannabis) a big leaf chopped up, with three or four dandelion plants, and let it dissolve for about a week, and then bubble ( I like to bubble anyways, not needed)
French gardening

good point :)