Does my compost tea have nutrients in it?

10 gallons tea to 40 gallons water to fill the 50 gallon res. so a 1 to 4 ratio
hah, right, stupid math... For an AACT that's a little diluted, can't overdose on microbes, course if you are frequently feeding that it'll build up in the soil enough.
I like it as a full strength thing though, but my teas only have EWC/leaf compost and molasses
that's what i'm talking about! Go get em brother!

I transplant giving only Great White Mychorrizae, then the next watering I give them the tea, and then I give them the tea once a week or about every 3 waterings. I just entered week 4 of flower and they are just now starting to show a need for some extra food. And its just straight Roots Organics 707 soil. Surprised the soil has provided enough food to get them this far without adding anything
I transplant giving only Great White Mychorrizae, then the next watering I give them the tea, and then I give them the tea once a week or about every 3 waterings. I just entered week 4 of flower and they are just now starting to show a need for some extra food. And its just straight Roots Organics 707 soil. Surprised the soil has provided enough food to get them this far without adding anything


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I transplant giving only Great White Mychorrizae, then the next watering I give them the tea, and then I give them the tea once a week or about every 3 waterings. I just entered week 4 of flower and they are just now starting to show a need for some extra food. And its just straight Roots Organics 707 soil. Surprised the soil has provided enough food to get them this far without adding anything
roots is good stuff, I used it for years, until I got a bad batch that cost me around 5,000 dollars worth of mature plant(s)... I think the soil got exposed to an herbicide, the plants were dead as nails within 24 hrs...
I LOVE vermifire, if you can find it.
great white is good, but overpriced, mycos from extreme gardening is a lil cheaper. some swear by pondzyme too, but I haven't tried those.
If your ladies are needing some extra food try topdressing and watering with an AACT, they work nicely in conjunction, especially a light topdress of EWC and whatever you want to feed them (vege I like alfalafa, flowering I like rabbit manure)
those look good by the way, i'd feed lightly just to be safe.
I'd maybe try a mulch of old cannabis leaves too, try to cover the topsoil, and you'll see the surface roots grow all the way through them. Works awesome.
I transplant giving only Great White Mychorrizae, then the next watering I give them the tea, and then I give them the tea once a week or about every 3 waterings. I just entered week 4 of flower and they are just now starting to show a need for some extra food. And its just straight Roots Organics 707 soil. Surprised the soil has provided enough food to get them this far without adding anything
I try to wait a few weeks to give them AACT after the myco application, just in case... the microbes in the tea will devour the myco super fast, and from my research the myco take two weeks to truly attach to the rhizosphere
roots is good stuff, I used it for years, until I got a bad batch that cost me around 5,000 dollars worth of mature plant(s)... I think the soil got exposed to an herbicide, the plants were dead as nails within 24 hrs...
I LOVE vermifire, if you can find it.
great white is good, but overpriced, mycos from extreme gardening is a lil cheaper. some swear by pondzyme too, but I haven't tried those.
If your ladies are needing some extra food try topdressing and watering with an AACT, they work nicely in conjunction, especially a light topdress of EWC and whatever you want to feed them (vege I like alfalafa, flowering I like rabbit manure)

I have like 10 bags of black gold earthworm castings in my shed, so I could topdress lightly with that on top of all my pots
I try to wait a few weeks to give them AACT after the myco application, just in case... the microbes in the tea will devour the myco super fast, and from my research the myco take two weeks to truly attach to the rhizosphere

Aaahhhh that makes sense. ill do that next time for sure. I give them the great white at the beginning of week 3 flower too so I wonder if they just get devoured before doing anything by all the beneficial microbes in there
I have like 10 bags of black gold earthworm castings in my shed, so I could topdress lightly with that on top of all my pots
yeah, you could, remember all the bugs in the castings will slowly die if they have no food... maybe look into bokashi to wake them up a lil? I have no experience ther, or i'd offer advice, but I know it'll bring the microbe population up, without having to have a wormbin to do it.
one thing to consider is EWC is not super high in NPK, so depending on your plants, you may want to add something else to them, for example, a N def, add nitrogen guano, seabird guano, bloodmeal, or manure, for phosphorus, rock dusts, high phoshurus guano, or rabbit manure.
Personally, I don't use cow products, if it were me, a N def would be a topdress of a speck of alfalfa and EWC (if veging) if flowering i'd prefer a topdress of EWC and rabbit manure.
Transition times I use seabird guano or alpaca manure with ewc.
like I said, recently I've been messing around with fermented plant extracts (FPE) comfrey, stinging nettles, dandelion, etc.
I've only done those a few times though, so I can't say exactly how well they work.
In theory a tea made with comfrey and dandelion would be great for N def too
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yeah, you could, remember all the bugs in the castings will slowly die if they have no food... maybe look into bokashi to wake them up a lil? I have no experience ther, or i'd offer advice, but I know it'll bring the microbe population up, without having to have a wormbin to do it.

word ill read into that. Thanks for all the input man, I gotta run but its been great conversing with you. Appreciated
"And consider the issue of food for microbes. If you don't use microbe food in the water to make tea, then chances are the microbes won't reproduce much, and you may be breeding the 'bad guys'. Food recipes for composting and/or tea brewing should select for beneficial microbes."
"There is still a lot of misinformation about using molasses in compost and tea. Molasses is almost pure carbon. Sugar is an energy food, and has very little value in exponential microbial reproduction which requires nitrogen in PROTEIN form." These are from who has studied under Dr. Elaine Ingham. So youre definitely right about needing a food source, looks like I have much more research to do :) Specifically to figure out the best food sources to put in my tea. Im under the impression that the microbes will form on the compost, feed from the castings and hummus, but need to be shaken so they separate from the tea bag into the water where they can reproduce. Definitely have a lot to learn still lol
Actually, the microbes are on the compost/ewc. The bubbling action extrapolates them into the solution where they feed on the molasses (and thus multiply). You're better off listening to Tim Wilson/Microbeman than Elaine Ingham for this sort of information.

The meter you would need for measuring DO2 is a dissolved oxygen meter. If you say with Tim's recipe, I don't feel the meter is needed.

I'm reading this quick, yell if I missed something!

heres another question ive been wondering about and cant seem to find much more info on than the one place I read, which I don't remember where that was lol. This thing I read stated that microbes cant pass through smaller than 400 micron screen. The paint strainer bags I get from the local store claim to be around 225 or 250 micron. but I can see through the mesh like spaces that have got to be big enough for tiny microscopic microbes to pass through....your thoughts?
I believe it is the funal hyphae that need the 400 micron bag, and that came from MM's site. ;)

Actually, the microbes are on the compost/ewc. The bubbling action extrapolates them into the solution where they feed on the molasses (and thus multiply). You're better off listening to Tim Wilson/Microbeman than Elaine Ingham for this sort of information.

The meter you would need for measuring DO2 is a dissolved oxygen meter. If you say with Tim's recipe, I don't feel the meter is needed.

I'm reading this quick, yell if I missed something!


Just checked out his site, forgot I actually read all that stuff. Sounds like he knows what hes doing, I wonder what the other experts reasons or basis for saying no molasses is.

in this organic section there is some good info on SSTs, the concept behind it is all the growth enzymes and hormones that seeds need in order to germinate, evidently it's super good stuff for plants.
I'm experimenting on using a cannabis-seed, SST to see if the pot-seeds have any added benefit for the plants, seems to me it would considering it's the same plant, but that's all speculation, I have a bunch of seeds so why not?
Is it schwag seeds cause I have a bunch to
i use glucose (dextrose) instead of molassis?.......its cheap as shit and is allready broken down unlike mollasis
yup, well not shwag, but more unpredictable and not good enough to dedicate time for, its goo herb, but not the quality i'm running consistently, maybe If I didn't have a job, and could dedicate time for it
Let me ni how it works I have a decent amount. I had like. Gallon bag full but went long and threw them on side of roads highways etc hoping it would be on news so amd so south caolina has weed growing all the roads etc wat an amazing phenomenon but I literally threw them along road were the state cuts all the time so it didnt work