"And consider the issue of food for microbes. If you don't use microbe food in the water to make tea, then chances are the microbes won't reproduce much, and you may be breeding the 'bad guys'. Food recipes for composting and/or tea brewing should
select for beneficial microbes."
"There is still a lot of misinformation about using molasses in compost and tea. Molasses is almost pure carbon. Sugar is an energy food, and has very little value in exponential microbial reproduction which requires nitrogen in PROTEIN form." These are from
www.thesoilguy.com who has studied under Dr. Elaine Ingham. So youre definitely right about needing a food source, looks like I have much more research to do

Specifically to figure out the best food sources to put in my tea. Im under the impression that the microbes will form on the compost, feed from the castings and hummus, but need to be shaken so they separate from the tea bag into the water where they can reproduce. Definitely have a lot to learn still lol