does nature have intentionality?

does nature have intentionality?

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What is going on here? If I say you're a snitch, do I get banned? That most certainly is not against the site rules, is it?

I know multiple accounts will do it........but here Buck still is.....what's up with that?

You didn't know that's how it works around here.

I quoted it for everyone to see the lopsided bullshit he gets away with.
You are literally to stupid for words.


Now go ahead and keep repeating the same bullshit after you got owned.

can you please point out where this ownage occurred?

You think posting stupid shit from random people means anything?

do you think posting demonstrably false "findings" from a white supremacy group signifies anything except your own racism and inability to discern good information from bad information?

It doesn't and you obviously forgot what the original post was about.

you have not had a thing to say about the OP.

you came in here spamming anti-semitic cartoons after i made you upset last night, and so i took the liberty of pointing out that i was not surprised by your anti-semitism since you often cite white supremacists and join white supremacy groups.

Black people commit more crime as a whole. Its already been proven.

crime is correlated with poverty and low SES, not skin color.

or do you believe there is some magical property about melanin that makes those with more of it commit crime?

you tell me.

Its quite amusing that you will sit there and call me all sorts of a racist, yet your precious Obama is a racist himself.

what does anything obama thinks have to do with the aura of white supremacy you have shrouded yourself in?
You didn't know that's how it works around here.

I quoted it for everyone to see the lopsided bullshit he gets away with.

what is lopsided?

i have plenty of evidence for calling you a racist. you cite white supremacists. you then defended those white supremacists and said they weren't racists. once i point out that jared taylor calls himself a white separtist, you started saying it was just to bait me.

you also joined a known white supremacy and holocaust denial group.

you jumped into this thread from out of nowhere to post anti-semitic cartoons.

now what evidence do you have for calling me a snitch?
so feel free to call me a snitch, it will only get you banned even quicker than your white supremacy tendencies will.

What is going on here? If I say you're a snitch, do I get banned? That most certainly is not against the site rules, is it?

I know multiple accounts will do it........but here Buck still is.....what's up with that?

How the hell is calling you a snitch going to get someone banned UB, you have something to say, spit it out, boy.
Oh snap now tripe is an insult?
That's so racist.

Buck your racism is coming through more and more....please continue with would you put it?
Literary pigs feet?

That was low man.
I sometimes wonder if Bucky is black like he claimed to be a few months ago.

I'm watching that racist show Cops.
All they do is pick on black guys.
When in custody, they lie and rat on their friends.
I am watching re-runs of the boondocks....which is racist according to buck.

I hated that show at first but as time went by I liked it.
At first glance it was nigga or nigger this or that and I watched something else.
After I gave it a chance I learned some things.

I sure do miss The Maxx.
Where is your avi from Nutes and Nugs?

I miss my damn bubba. Gave it to this kid to keep the strain alive and he got fucking russet mites all in his tent and killed them.
I even gave him some avid to spray while veggin and it all went to shit somehow.

I got some bubba76 beans....did you get a good pheno first try?

I could go for some bubba right now.

Its always nigga dis or dat where I'm from so boondocks just reminds me of home.
Can't wait to get back.
Norcal is the whitest place I have ever seen, no shit.

You know Maxx re-runs are on I like sam keith?
Just out of curiosity do you see the human species as not of nature? Are we not naturally occuring on this planet? Why the seperation, (not just you), that the human species is something separate from the nature in which it's surrounded by?

how so?

you said i was lying about the fact that you posted nonsense from a white supremacy group.

so i literally posted the proof in the form of your citation of "", an offshoot of 'american renaissance', which is a white supremacy group started by jared taylor.

you said that it came from the FBI, but it didn't. you can't cite anything from the FBI that says the same thing that the white supremacists say.

you said wiki says the same thing, but it doesn't. i posted what wiki says, which is that crime is related to poverty and class rather than skin color.

so i ask you again, what am i lying about exactly?

I followed it pretty easily.

Read the quotes he posted, saw where they came from. Checked the wiki page, nothing there. Nothing from the FBI either.... did a two second search on, and their affiliations.

Seems to add up, took about 3 mins to completely fact check.

Not sure how (if you even did) you lied previously, or how this would affect this particular incident. What Greenthumbs is doing is poisoning the well, and a little bit of a false dilemma. (falsum in uno, falsum in omnibus, Wrong in one thing, wrong in everything)

Logical fallacy fail.
I would just like to know why buck can call everyone who disagrees with him a racist, but someone else can get suspended for call him a snitch?
Whats up with that?
You havent even scratched the surface. He says nigger every other post, directly calls anyone he disagrees with a blankety blank "piece of shit", something cannabineer told me directly wasn't allowed.

This one thread I went through and highlighted every name call he did, thread was only 80 posts or so and I had 10 quotes at least.

"bigoted piece of shit" was the soup de jure that day.

Got deleted with the quickness.