Donald Trump

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Let's also deport everyone collecting social security benefits. Deport all the cranky old white racists collecting SS and not contributing a thing to our economy.
Those "cranky old white racists" who passed the Bill of Rights, Emancipation, and Women's Suffrage? The SS is their money they paid in. Speaking of racism, how is it only whites are collecting SS?
The ends don't justify the means. Basic freedoms "trump" some split milk. The ability to move freely across borders is one of the core components of Liberty. This basic freedom is worth a few people trying to get food stamps.
The ability to move freely across borders is one of the core components of Warfare
The individual state DMV can handle millions of people getting drivers licenses. USCIS struggles handling hundreds. They're incompetent. An embarrassment and a huge waste of tax payer money. Open borders would eliminate the need for a USCIS.
Open borders would eliminate the need for a nation
Donald Trump is like a bull in a china shop. He's the republican party's worst nightmare. He's so divisive. He's insulted all women, latino voters, the very voters they need to court in order to defeat Hillary. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot..:roll:
Two women, Rosie O'Fatass and Hilary, not all. Illegals supposedly can't vote, so not Latino voters.
Guns are pretty common place and the police in mexico torture and kill people at times so I don't think thats the issue. And also thank the freaking lord nobody else shares your guys gun laws you have to be insane thinking giving everyone a gun makes for a safe environment when thousands of people around the states are dying from guns every year how the hell does that make people safe, especially in that kind of a society if literally everyone had guns that place would be a war zone.
Motor vehicals are pretty common place and the police in mexico torture and kill people at times so I don't think thats the issue. And also thank the freaking lord nobody else shares your guys motor vehicle laws you have to be insane thinking giving everyone a motor vehicle makes for a safe environment when thousands of people around the states are dying from motor vehicle every year how the hell does that make people safe, especially in that kind of a society if literally everyone had motor vehicles that place would be a war zone.
Yeah, people adore their pets.....
it's ok to love your pets, it's NOT ok to loooooooooooove your pets

Question to the Trump and Obama fans. Do you want Trump to have unilateral power to kill a domestic terrorist without due process?
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