Donald Trump

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and 1/2 are democrats. So that only leaves 35%.....not enough to win a national election....good luck with that
The Democrats were the political wing of the KKK, so you're making a distinction that isn't there. The Democrats give an award named after a person whose life's work was to kill as many minority babies as possible.
Dude, our social welfare pays moar than your minimum wage jobs...

Never had the need for welfare, nor held a minimum wage job past the age of 16. Funny how you're proud of being a parasite. I guess that's the top social class in Ireland-welfare scum. Come to think of it "welfare scum" does sound better than "Irish"
So fixing things at home to prosper is out of the question ? Run to the land of plenty till it`s the only Country in the world that has a chance, and let all the others be that evil empire .

Solutions to most problems are at the root cause. People not willing to stand up to the crime and evil will run on you when that time comes here.
I know they`re good people for the most part, and honest living willing too,...

When it happened here in the US, we had a civil war and the good guys won,.. it`s happening in Mexico and they run away and allow it to continue. Anybody see the problem ?
Didn't read entire thread...and I'm sorry but Donald Trump is a misogynistic, racist, narcissist.
If he even wins the rep nomination I would be flabbergasted. If he wins the Nov election...I'm leaving!
Never had the need for welfare, nor held a minimum wage job past the age of 16. Funny how you're proud of being a parasite. I guess that's the top social class in Ireland-welfare scum. Come to think of it "welfare scum" does sound better than "Irish"
I've never claimed welfare, I don't spite people who need it tho.

If some shit heads get a free ride as a result when most of the time aggressively investigating and the related court time to combat fraud costs more than it saves well then it's not worth getting upset over.

Not many kids dying in fires here either.
I've never claimed welfare, I don't spite people who need it tho.

If some shit heads get a free ride as a result when most of the time aggressively investigating and the related court time to combat fraud costs more than it saves well then it's not worth getting upset over.

Not many kids dying in fires here either.
Yes because lack of enforcement always insures compliance. I hear most off them die from Irish men buttfucking them to death.
Red, so you believe that the 70% white people in America will all want to vote for Trump, just because they are white?...your delusional

Ever think that affiliating yourself with a political Party is a bad no-no, Trump signed but also stated he would not support any other if they get the nomination. We know Trump started as himself, everybody else claimed a Party.
The only ones working in construction.

Oh, they work to get paid, you should see the shit I gotta do to get past their work skills.

I also work to get paid but I also have to go back and fix for free if I don`t do it right the first time. Guess who don`t.
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