Donald Trump

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yes, you are indeed here.
If you recall, you attacked me...seriously you don't like what someone post, and you attack them personally, then you want to accuse them of being some group of people here to go at it with you? I simply posted something you did not like, not about you or your buddies and you personally attack me, then want to dream up in your head, that I am here from your past or something. That is just crazy! Sometimes, people just defend themselves, what a novel concept!
^^^^it's so upset that it keeps quoting the same post twice.

i can only imagine how badly i ripped your asshole up the first time or two you tried shitposting around here.
Your delusional Buck, but I will tell you what, I am going to block seeing post from you, so I don't have to look at that stupid picture of you, I mean Trump, and then you can go on your merry little way, without me bothering you so terribly, because at the end of the day, this is just really getting boring....nite!
Not what the fbi says. They say mexican cartels are a problem.

But what do they know. Must be a vast right wing conspiracy.
That wall isn't going to stop Cartels from shipping drugs into this country. Want to stop the flow of drugs? Legalize them and treat addiction as the medical problem that it is. Portugal has done this. Want to know what happened? Go find out but I will say that you will be surprised..

The problem with right wing thinking is that it is just enforcement oriented. As if the thinking part of their brain has been shut down.
That wall isn't going to stop Cartels from shipping drugs into this country. Want to stop the flow of drugs? Legalize them and treat addiction as the medical problem that it is. Portugal has done this. Want to know what happened? Go find out but I will say that you will be surprised..

The problem with right wing thinking is that it is just enforcement oriented. As if the thinking part of their brain has been shut down.
legalizing drugs would stop the the smuggling and put a huge dent in the drug trade, but at what cost? Would you not then have many many more drug addicts and crime?
Probably my last response to you because you do not read anything within the context it was written. I that I believe illegal immigration should stop! As the border remains unsecured, and illegal immigration continues, I believe it needs to be secured however it can be. That is the beginning and the end. Living conditions in Mexico would improve if the Mexican government chose to improve them which they do not. I totally agree with you that either hillary or trump could work with Mexico and the government and try to improve conditions, but ultimately this is up to the Mexican government. Meanwhile, I do not think this country is responsible to take in every person that crosses the border as there are people all over the world that need or want a new home, but that does not mean it is our job or responsibility to take everyone in. Considering we just gave Iran 150 billion dollars, I do not think 40 billion spent on our own country to secure our southern border is an expense that we can do without. Likewise, living in a border state, I live firsthand with all the dangers and burdens from having an unsecure border and until you live it firsthand you do not really know what that is like.
Please ignore me. I would consider that a victory.

So, the US has been fucking with Mexico since before our Civil War. We've sent troops into that country to ensure it's compliance, not to mention annexed a major part of their territory. We use Mexico as a source of labor, both illegal and legal at the border while polluting that country wherever our factories go. We've messed with that country's politics to the point where corruption and stolen votes are not a surprise to anybody. Our war on drugs has been a disaster for them, not to mention the flow of guns from our country into theirs. And then on spring break, we send the weathy kids of our country to Cabo for annual mating rituals.

What is the purpose of making a profit if the profit isn't put to good use? I'm not saying flooding the country with cash is the answer. That's what right wingers jump to when I say this. However, a dialogue with Mexico and a commitment to work with that country to improve the lives of it's people will go a long way to making a stable and peaceful border. Think long term and what the advantages of having a stable friendly nation to our south would mean to our own nation. I think its totally worth the effort and this country can totally do it without straining itself one bit..

I don't have the answers but I know that wall isn't even close to one..
legalizing drugs would stop the the smuggling and put a huge dent in the drug trade, but at what cost? Would you not then have many many more drug addicts and crime?
The percentage of the population addicted to heroine hasn't gone up at all in Portugal after legalizing it. I'm not saying this is a solution but it is a more humane way to treat addiction. You know this is true anyway. Addicts seek drugs and will get them. This theory of using laws to restrict access only affects price and drives addicts into hiding where they can't access medical help. Legalize all drugs is what I say. That will end the money supply going to Cartels.
you know, legalization is like a 2 sides of a coin issue.
If you happen to hate people, then it might be a good way of getting rid of a lot of dumb motherfuckers who would either overdose or end up killing themselves or someone else over a bad drug deal.
Now if you like people, and you dont want to see them fall by the waistside and have their car broken into or tehm kidnapped or held for ransom, then maybe not legalizing drugs would be the way to go.

So it really decides on what side of the fence your on. If your a family guy, you probably wouldnt want it. But if your not a family guy it would probably be a lot easier for you to have your way with younger women if your a younger guy or visa versa for women too.
Certainly the predication would play a big factor in all this as well. Its a lot easier to hook up with other people when they are fucked up.
Just Like Frank Zappa's song, Dina'moe Hum , which describes this very same scenerio we are talking about.
If you have a young daughter who starts to experiment with drugs because they are now legal in our society, you must realize these potential dangers; overdose, disease, death.
If your OK with that, you would probably want drugs to be legal.
I can tell you, from living in Eugene Oregon, there are soooo many young people strung out on drugs and they are really sad and pathetic to look at. I look at them like they are probably better off dead. It just looks like a slow suicide for them.
I want to feel sorry for them, but i cant, ,..... I watch them slowly rot , every day and week that goes by as I walk by them.
Its a true horror show.
If you dont mind seeing those kinds of things then maybe legalizing drugs is the way to go.
i personally really dont give a shit because I dont have any kids or family to look after , so they can do what ever the fuck they want as long as they dont touch me. Its bad enough they smell and hurt my nose.
you know, legalization is like a 2 sides of a coin issue.
If you happen to hate people, then it might be a good way of getting rid of a lot of dumb motherfuckers who would either overdose or end up killing themselves or someone else over a bad drug deal.
Now if you like people, and you dont want to see them fall by the waistside and have their car broken into or tehm kidnapped or held for ransom, then maybe not legalizing drugs would be the way to go.

So it really decides on what side of the fence your on. If your a family guy, you probably wouldnt want it. But if your not a family guy it would probably be a lot easier for you to have your way with younger women if your a younger guy or visa versa for women too.
Certainly the predication would play a big factor in all this as well. Its a lot easier to hook up with other people when they are fucked up.
Just Like Frank Zappa's song, Dina'moe Hum , which describes this very same scenerio we are talking about.
If you have a young daughter who starts to experiment with drugs because they are now legal in our society, you must realize these potential dangers; overdose, disease, death.
If your OK with that, you would probably want drugs to be legal.
I can tell you, from living in Eugene Oregon, there are soooo many young people strung out on drugs and they are really sad and pathetic to look at. I look at them like they are probably better off dead. It just looks like a slow suicide for them.
I want to feel sorry for them, but i cant, ,..... I watch them slowly rot , every day and week that goes by as I walk by them.
Its a true horror show.
If you dont mind seeing those kinds of things then maybe legalizing drugs is the way to go.
i personally really dont give a shit because I dont have any kids or family to look after , so they can do what ever the fuck they want as long as they dont touch me. Its bad enough they smell and hurt my nose.
Did putting MJ as a schedule 1 drug ever stop you from getting it? The claim that I don't care about scumbags is partly true in that I think it's up to addicts to get clean. So, I'll do what I can but it's up to the addict. Treating drug addiction as a medical problem and funding that treatment is a much more humane way to deal with an addict who wants to get clean.

Read this article and think about what you just said. It's pretty clear that there is another way.
Why hardly anyone dies from a drug overdose in Portugal

Portugal decriminalized the use of all drugs in 2001. Weed, cocaine, heroin, you name it -- Portugal decided to treat possession and use of small quantities of these drugs as a public health issue, not a criminal one. The drugs were still illegal, of course. But now getting caught with them meant a small fine and maybe a referral to a treatment program -- not jail time and a criminal record

Whenever we debate similar measures in the U.S. -- marijuana decriminalization, for instance -- many drug-policy makers predict dire consequences. “If you make any attractive commodity available at lower cost, you will have more users," former Office of National Drug Control Policy deputy director Thomas McLellan once said of Portugal's policies. Joseph Califano, founder of the Center for Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, once warned that decriminalization would "increase illegal drug availability and use among our children."

But in Portugal, the numbers paint a different story. The prevalence of past-year and past-month drug use among young adults has fallen since 2001, according to statistics compiled by the Transform Drug Policy Foundation, which advocates on behalf of ending the war on drugs. Overall adult use is down slightly too. And new HIV cases among drug users are way down.
The percentage of the population addicted to heroine hasn't gone up at all in Portugal after legalizing it. I'm not saying this is a solution but it is a more humane way to treat addiction. You know this is true anyway. Addicts seek drugs and will get them. This theory of using laws to restrict access only affects price and drives addicts into hiding where they can't access medical help. Legalize all drugs is what I say. That will end the money supply going to Cartels.
I agree that if all drugs were legal it would solve the cartel problem. But there would be some more problems because the drugs will still cost money, more demand for the drug. It's a double edged sword.
You're liberals, so lets make this simple. A list, liberals like lists. And let's stay on topic, penis size, mommy issues, and all that other ilk, is just your weak liberal brains attempting to get off the topic. POTUS, who's solid, and who's a bought off whore.

Trump list: hot wife, money in the bank, tv personality, well behaved kids, businesses around the world making money, women employees who talk about how fair a boss he was, and how he put women in very Senior positions in companies he ran, as far back as the 80's. A man ahead of his time. Not one actual racist incident ever, only poorly chosen words. He needs to add " Illegal " when he speaks of immigration, every time he says send them back. People like to harp on him saying send Mexicans back to Mexico, when he's talking about Illegal Immigration. Where else should we send illegal mexican immigrants. ? PC word play, not facts.

Hillary : married to a man whore, failed Secretary of State, ineffective / weak Senator, lies about everything, Wall Street bought off puppet, hasn't actually ever accomplished anything of value. And I challenge you to list any accomplishments she's ever pulled off while serving as SOS, or Senator ?

We'll leave her time as First Lady off, since we all know all she did during that time, was attack all the women Bill sleep with, and let's not forget Travel Gate. I will bring up, she was the only First Lady ever fingerprinted by the FBI for a criminal investigation. ;) She does hold that distinction. LOL ..
You don't come from NYC so how can you say the dumpster never said anything racial, I guess being hauled in front of a judge and fined, both he and his bigoted Father Fred for racial profiling banning minorities from Trump owned property. Fred being a KKK member means he must be the salt of the earth and I don't want to hear that bs that just because his father was racist doesn't mean trump isn't, I can only imagine dinner conversations with that racist bastard at the head of the table.

Trump only cares about himself and is always looking to make money for himself.

Trump supporters are bigots and suckers.


so what do you think of trump, who brags about his "self funding campaign", now begging desperately for money?

he said that the $50 million he loaned to his campaign was "forgiven" and turned into a donation, but there is no record of that at all in his latest FEC filing.

i bet he takes all of the money he is now begging for, pays it back to himself, and drops out of the campaign.

you got cucked by the biggest loser of all time.
so what do you think of trump, who brags about his "self funding campaign", now begging desperately for money?

he said that the $50 million he loaned to his campaign was "forgiven" and turned into a donation, but there is no record of that at all in his latest FEC filing.

i bet he takes all of the money he is now begging for, pays it back to himself, and drops out of the campaign.

you got cucked by the biggest loser of all time.
They file in july.
I agree that if all drugs were legal it would solve the cartel problem. But there would be some more problems because the drugs will still cost money, more demand for the drug. It's a double edged sword.

Read this article and think about what you just said. It's pretty clear that there is another way. Some passages pulled from the article are found in the reply below.
Why hardly anyone dies from a drug overdose in Portugal

Did putting MJ as a schedule 1 drug ever stop you from getting it? The claim that I don't care about scumbags is partly true in that I think it's up to addicts to get clean. So, I'll do what I can but it's up to the addict. Treating drug addiction as a medical problem and funding that treatment is a much more humane way to deal with an addict who wants to get clean.

Read this article and think about what you just said. It's pretty clear that there is another way.
Why hardly anyone dies from a drug overdose in Portugal

Portugal decriminalized the use of all drugs in 2001. Weed, cocaine, heroin, you name it -- Portugal decided to treat possession and use of small quantities of these drugs as a public health issue, not a criminal one. The drugs were still illegal, of course. But now getting caught with them meant a small fine and maybe a referral to a treatment program -- not jail time and a criminal record

Whenever we debate similar measures in the U.S. -- marijuana decriminalization, for instance -- many drug-policy makers predict dire consequences. “If you make any attractive commodity available at lower cost, you will have more users," former Office of National Drug Control Policy deputy director Thomas McLellan once said of Portugal's policies. Joseph Califano, founder of the Center for Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, once warned that decriminalization would "increase illegal drug availability and use among our children."

But in Portugal, the numbers paint a different story. The prevalence of past-year and past-month drug use among young adults has fallen since 2001, according to statistics compiled by the Transform Drug Policy Foundation, which advocates on behalf of ending the war on drugs. Overall adult use is down slightly too. And new HIV cases among drug users are way down.
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The percentage of the population addicted to heroine hasn't gone up at all in Portugal after legalizing it. I'm not saying this is a solution but it is a more humane way to treat addiction. You know this is true anyway. Addicts seek drugs and will get them. This theory of using laws to restrict access only affects price and drives addicts into hiding where they can't access medical help. Legalize all drugs is what I say. That will end the money supply going to Cartels.
They make most of their money through human trafficking, extortion and siphoning oil. Let's legalize extortion and theft. Problem solved.
They make most of their money through human trafficking, extortion and siphoning oil. Let's legalize extortion and theft. Problem solved.
Nope they do not. Made up shit that. The right wing solution is to always bring the hammer. No matter the problem, bring the hammer. Fuck an A. It will be such a good thing to hear you whine about President Hillary Clinton.

And abortions or whatever right wing shit you complain about.
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